Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Mysterious Doctor

On June 24, 2011
, in
Leadership Magic by Neculai Fantanaru

Improve your connections with other people, by entering in their spiritual space and orienting their emotions in a favorable direction.

Only one doctor could do something for the poor child, but a skilled doctor and fond of science that only cure for the sake of curing. Jacques Mérey because it was his name, looked with sadness that human being completely devoid of intelligence and qualities, curled up in her, coiled on the perished mattress. His heart trembled. A deep sense of compassion and mercy crossed his body, as he never faced such a case. The little girl just turned seven years, but she was worthless because she suffered from mental retardation (her mental capacities were very low).

But the discerning eye of Jacques and his formidable intuition combined with his long experience, immediately realized a crucial detail: the girl's hand, careless and soft that you had thought it is without joints, nursed the dog of the family that adopted her. It seemed that these two inferior beings understand each other, it seemed that among them there is a mysterious force that attracts them. Starting from this gesture of sympathy which she showed to pet, Jacques prepared immediately a treatment plan.

Leadership: Your appreciation for someone is manifested through the nobleness of character modeled by an avid curiosity over what is gained by highlighting the relationship between "Totality" and "Void"?

Bound to triumph. Receiving her adoptive parents' consent, Jacques took the little girl, and the dog, too - that was the only living connection with her, at his home. He hoped that his performance in science will help Eve to regain his senses and intelligence. Basically, he had to penetrate deep in that inferno named imbecility, to seek a hidden intelligence and to bring against her apparent destiny, in daylight.

The poor girl was doomed to a life of struggle and a dramatic end. Even so, remember that someone had dared to confront and change the so-called fate. If you read "Le docteur mystérieux" by Alexandre Dumas, then you probably know that Jacques's confidence in science has made a miracle.

More than four years, he struggles with this deep darkness that it was in little Eva. A continuous treatment, a supervision of each moment, a firm will. Using his science and all "opportunities" of nature, he finally succeeds to heal her completely.

The void is a challenge whose answer probably does not exist, but the same as that "impossible to define" is represented by the difficult to understand aspects of the life we associate it with. And totality includes what we discover at every corner of life, the way we sketch a dream into memory and how we struggle to touch it in a reality which we cannot ignore forever.

Facilitating the relationship between "Totality" and "Void" implies interposing yourself between discovery and its application, depending on the situation created by how you interpret a reality that you do not agree with, but also, one that cannot be denied.

Leadership: Can you estimate the awareness of the reality of other people, by comparison with yourself?

Leadership is individualized through the size and sensitivity of dependence on essential details. A doctor knows this best. His ability to be a catalyst for change, which he developed, based on facts represented by discovering connections between what the nature imperfectly created and what we can do to right the effects of her wrongs, is the result of the enthusiasm and availability to reach deep into the "inferno" and destroy everything that could be more horrible.

The entire force of Leadership is synthesized in the advice: "Look for a hidden intelligence and try to bring it, against its apparent destiny to the light of day."

Something great can be achieved by associating these two elements: interest and determination, in view of bringing efficiency to the communicability of emotions and moods that people need in order to set themselves free from the status of being weak and helpless. And these two elements are produced by a decisive impulse of thought that materializes a thought through inspiration, observation, expression with no reservation and the reversion of roles which favors the process of functionality and learning.

And the procedure used by great leaders through an entire series of pragmatic and conceptual correspondences, is illustrative for adjusting the "intervention" that can answer in a satisfying manner to the real needs of development and training.

Leadership: Do you assure a trusty position from the kind of approach you define as a "controlling authority" to what makes a person somewhat superior to itself?

The power to heal fears, the dedication, the closeness, the attention, the commitment, the calls that come from the conscience, from self-values and conscious living, they all intervene, especially in the difficult situations of relating with others, when you can’t wholly put yourself in the shoes of the person who asks for your support, rallying to his troubles, to his spiritual matrix.

Still, indirectly, they find themselves reflected in the manner with which you conduct your own life, when you manage to defeat yourself, to discover yourself, when you manage to accept and be a friend of yourself, when you manage to be compassionate with yourself.

Only by comparison with yourself, you can take on the responsibility of making life better for others, by launching in the real world - through the "art" of constantly recreating and redefining – a new commitment: every person that you meet is a reflection of yourself. And you have the mission to polish yourself permanently and to bring to light more and more pieces of what you can be.

Leadership: Do you connect to people’s emotions and help them overcome their limits by a magic leap over their thought processes that make it difficult to accomplish a miracle?

Understanding at the individual's emotional level is essential in leadership. The ability of the leader to recognize people's emotions and to make them increasingly more active is the most important tool for success in his kit of qualities. A good leader does often that doctors do when they find themselves facing an illness they have not met and which they cannot explain to themselves: trying to get into the minds and hearts of the people.

What was that essential detail that Dr. Jacques Mérey has noticed, and which made it possible to find a recovery path for the girl? Undoubtedly, that living connection between her and the dog. And dog's stubbornness to stay beside her it was a positive sign because it was clear that they attached to each other. And this could only mean that Eve still had a dose of "living" in her, so that she was not completely devoid of senses. And for her recovery, Jacques had just to develop her subtle senses and make them increasingly more active.

How deeply can you penetrate the depths of the human being? To influence people you should perceive very well their emotions and feelings and then to accommodate with them. You have to untangle their feelings and help them overcome the barriers imposed by their own limits.

The leader’s task, like that of a doctor is to tangle the completion of an important mission with the realization of a revolution in the consciousness of people that changes the course of a battle that seems lost.

Just as X-ray gives doctors the power to see through the skin internal bone structures of the body - just the same, you have to penetrate deeper into the human soul, from where it starts all his happiness or unhappiness, being able to comprehend his emotional structure and to find the most effective combination of changing perceptions and to improve his existence.

If you fail to enter the area of human soul, if you do not reach to be in perfect balance with what they feel, if you do not discover the full range of their feelings, from tenderness to indifference, from sympathy to antipathy, from joy to sadness, then you will not be able to guide their emotions in a positive direction for them. Moreover, you could not improve your relationship with them.

Conclusion: If you want to have a great influence on people around you then you must learn to penetrate deeper into their soul, to understand their feelings, their source of happiness or unhappiness, and especially to guide their actions in a positive way. But, for this it is necessary to improve your relationship with them and, not infrequently, like a mysterious doctor, to apply a targeted "therapy", individual or in group.

* Note: Alexandre Dumas - The mysterious doctor , Cartea Romaneasca Publishing, 1973.

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