Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Beautiful Unknown Woman Hides Her Secrets Under Seven Waves

On June 06, 2014
, in
Leadership Impact by Neculai Fantanaru

Involve yourself directly in releasing any pattern of science perception, gathering together all those unalterable virtues you need to remove the defects harming your value.

Eisenstein begins to "blunt" the art methods. He had a study consistency. But now, he feels that the study of mathematics and Japanese hieroglyphs was useless. A little while later, he would understand its advantages. But he does no realize that his current method of study is the result of years of scientific education. He diligently studies the art theory. He begins work systematically, like an engineer, but he soon remains baffled. With every approach of the art essence, he sees that "the beautiful unknown woman hides her secrets under seven waives. An ocean of muslin."

The frontal attack fails. "It is common knowledge that a sword cannot cut a feather pillow… It can only be cut with the edge of a bent blade, from an oriental scimitar… The scimitar’s curve symbolizes the long detour route that you need to follow in order to dissect the secrets hidden under the muslin ocean… There is no problem ! We are young. We have time, the future is ours ! First, it follows the path of study through creation. He notes amused that, in this case, the ‘grinding’ period may be immediately useful." *

Leadership: How reduced or how enhanced your personality would be if you were the equal of a superior science?

Being the equal to a superior science, when we claim that it helps us define the significant spatial cutout to symbolically represent a definite image, concept or product, is to choose from the multitude of patterns, styles, trends, that which you real need in order to obtain the essence of a dynamic of the living, the essence of an artistic chemistry that manages to transcend time and other worldly obstacles.

An art critic could show the injustice committed and how much reduced the personality of an artist would be, who wants to be the equal of a superior science, though not giving full importance to that important chapter of his research and intellectual development activity.

But for a good practitioner of leadership science, directly involved in the release of any innovation and inspiration patterns made over time, overruling, out of a principled despise, this major production of arrangements out of which immeasurable benefits can be drawn, is equivalent to a fall in an inferior state of mind.

Leadership, in its possible ascent in relation to art and scientific research, gathers together all hidden secrets, all exploitation forms of creative resources in perfect harmony with those unalterable virtues that man needs to eliminate defects harming his value. Of course, without besoiling or destroying the truss frame of the entire compound from the study of production and representation processes of new forms of "swords".

Art is a way of recognizing yourself and especially of assuming yourself as a particular creator who, by using a material called "symbol" and integrating a multiplicity of interpretations, manages to actually introduce a new qualitative goal.

In leadership, the sword is the powerful tool to determine the character of what is conventional and also appropriate to ensure coherence between "general" and "particular", between "systematic" and "unsystematic", splitting in two the "all-inclusive". And here, it is worth mentioning a quote belonging to Victor Hugo: "A gun is nothing in itself, it exists only through the hand that wields it."

Unlike the scimitar’s curve, which symbolizes in art the long workaround that one must follow to dissect the hidden secrets under the "muslin ocean", the sword symbolizes in leadership, at the same time, the way out of the social convention patterns that connects you with others aspiring to a higher professional status, but who do not have the same inclinations, the same desire for affirmation, the same tendency towards deepening knowledge and promoting it into society.

And having little price of the desire for affirmation means overlooking one of the ways through which your genius is revealed, in his immense complexity, but especially in his immense capacity to customize the background of science.

The essence of art is to build an idea starting from what is behind the attempt to give it a new interpretation in concordance with the truth.

The beautiful unknown woman hides her secrets under seven waves designates that science acquired only through experience coupled with sound knowledge and practices continuously used, but especially with the desire to surpass and affirm oneself and to get out of anonymity.

* Note: Ion Barna - Eisenstein , Youth Publishing House, 1966.

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