Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Blackbird's Song

On September 17, 2012
, in
Leadership and Attitude by Neculai Fantanaru

Personalize your road towards yourself, until you manage to unravel the darkest mysteries of the real part that characterizes you.

Like a man overwhelmed by a mysterious feeling, tempted by an unknown phenomenon of which I cannot disembarrass, I felt myself lost in a world torn by contradictions, un monde de nulle part , that I did not know and which I could not master. I pleaded in favor of a deep consciousness existence, mystical, as if coming from another realm, from a different dimension, from an immeasurably space, from an Avalon.

Probably I was going through a trance of routine. Something was repeating like a pattern, like an obsessive refrain, ironically, with all sorts of connotations, generating a great mix of exaggerations and falsehoods laced with erroneous conclusions, which conveyed a special emotional charge. Like a phenomenon of ectoplasm: something seemed to dwell in me, emanating a certain vibration. A kind of force, an intense feeling, a so rare self-awareness, a crucial virtue that could raise me or it could rather make me knock out at any time. I did not believe in the wisdom of the "Man" from me. I looked tired, with discharged batteries.

What it was happening, was more than the appearance of new states of consciousness, was a decisive and triggering factor, the deep burden of sweeping and unhindered emotion, which died, taking the place of a lesson of life. The evolution put face to face with the revolution of individual responsibility. The overwhelming anguish of an entire world, of a continuously changing whole, of a life lived mostly through the eyes of a passerby who notices the other side of the world, marked by a steadiness that for some people is hard to imagine.

Leadership: Do you lose yourself in a world torn by contradictions that you cannot master, in an attempt to shape another perspective on your life in the form of a state of mind that is "the beginning of the release of all contradictions" ?

Once with each entry in "trance" with every great breakdown of a deep knowledge form, were taking shape other unanswered questions. The reason was letting itself be touched, almost defeated by the void passion of my own spontaneous dilemmas and contradictions. The essence of my own existence being conditioned by another way of interpreting the reality. Only one contradiction put my thought and feelings to the test: that I could observe the unseen part of a world, without knowing it so well.

And only the reality that triggering "song" of positive changes, for wider visions, whose composition was more or less like anyone else, and whose strong message woke me of trance, made me feel good with myself, and to give new meanings to life. More real, more comprehensive, less private. The song, reflecting my mood, was the conclusion of a whole life from another point of view.

It was something in my transformation, similar to the anguish of a bird locked in a cage, and that bumps stubbornly on the bars until managing to regain the sky. A blackbird can regain her freedom only through her song.

Leadership: Do you follow a certain path to reach your nature, turning yourself into a passerby who notices the other side of his world?

Steve Farber, a former vice-president of the company Tom Peters affirmed that the true leadership consists in returning to some simple principles that have been overlooked in the context of the existence of something different from ourselves and beyond us.

Furthermore, I would add with all confidence that the lessons of life you receive in confrontation with yourself represent the first step towards achieving a sustainable construction of a world that you do not know, but you feel and hope for it.

A leader is like a passerby, who observes the other side of his world, comparing it with the world around him. The leadership bends down, therefore, with equal interest to people, as an indivisible amount of features and values that he can learn by himself, through self-observation, by practicing a self-control of his manifestations.

In leadership, the evolutionary unit is the "Man" which in his turn represents the concentrated force of a deep knowledge, perfect, causative, existentially assumed, appropriate for his progress.

We may know what it means happiness or sadness, we tasted the laughter and the cry, but we still do not know too much about the primary resorts, the most subtle ones of our own being. We are what we are at the end of a series of events. And, leadership is rather the last point of our own ascension. But also the biggest obstacle.

Leadership: Do you endure the consequence of key questions that cause impactful answers and generate change, thus contributing to your transformation from a man confused by numerous contradictions into a representative example of the convergences between parts of the whole?

After more than three centuries, Francis Bacon highlighted that the truth arises more easily from errors than from confusion. I agree with this. For an error of your own perspective, discovered in time, can be remedied by resetting your own way of being. While a confusion can result in a continuous state of tension, of total perplexity, like in a hypnotic trance, in which the conscious control of your actions is considerably diminished.

All progresses are opened to people, except one, which, like constantly disadvantage or aggravate them: the transition from simple to complex. The truth about who you are, and who you can become, arises when you connect to your own nature, when you free yourself from the cage of uncertainties that surround your prospects. And, above all, if you do not get lost in a world torn by contradictions. Here, I refer to an evolution that faces the revolution of individual responsibility.

The whole to which are subordinated all impactful actions over your search results, troubles and dreams, has as a reference value the subjective appreciation of the circumstances that form the content of your life.

Leadership: What is the “chorus” that you feel constantly in your life, on the road to excellence, so that you can prove your belonging to the existence of a multiple self, both episodically and narratively, these two hypostases of the self not in any way being a report of opposition, but of complementarity?

We are increasingly interested in trends and developments in technology, in the factors influencing our business of tomorrow than in ourselves. We should come back, is not it, to a series of simple principles that have been disregarded in the context of a fierce competition in the business world. For example, the principle of the multiple self, which says: “To live as if you were someone else is the same as when you build a new world that serves only you.”

Do you let yourself tempted by an "unknown" of whom you cannot get rid? Do you feel like getting lost in a world torn by contradictions that you cannot master? How do you interpret your own reality? In what way your reality conditions the essence of your own personality? Do you continue mobilizing that real part of you, or you continue to feed your desires or needs to a "false ego" of a "truncated ego"?

What "song" characterizes you? How can you adjust the song in order to get the refrain? What is the "refrain" that you constantly feel in your life, on your road towards excellence? Do you unconsciously obey yourself to some rules that transform your freedom of "being" in a closed area? What effect exercises your own way of being over the leadership that you practice?

A self that looks at the world around it as a look at a unique way of expressing itself, through which it transmits emotion to the surrounding world and at the same time calms its soul, is a self released from the overwhelming burden of doubt about its own worth.

The Blackbird’s Song is a revealing metaphor signifying the idea of liberation from the cage of appearances and uncertainties concerning the nature of your personality. The freedom to escape is rare, sometimes impossible. However, the refusal to recognize the key, and to open the door to a different kind of "being" will lead you to a perpetual ruin, and can always make knock-out of your evolution as a "man" not only as "leader".

Personalize your road towards yourself, until you manage to unravel the darkest mysteries of the real part that characterizes you.

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