Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Crystalline Edifice Of Alchemy

On August 18, 2013
, in
Leadership Pro by Neculai Fantanaru

Handle well the strings supporting science, so as to reach without repercussions the maximum point of your transformative power.

To evolve towards the inaccessible purity, to the crystalline edifice of alchemy, the so fascinating microcosm where the philosopher’s stone was found, I had to put into practice the motto by which functionality and motricity constantly self-sustain to the maximum, reaching that unique tension generating and modifying matter, and creating a clear reality.

It was just a blossom of thought rapidly spreading information from entrance to exit, at the present time, and an exploitation of the access link of the future. So neither the information from the coordinates of the future was impossible to extract. That information was, indeed, the first element from the basis of my knowledge, which, if well-structured and placed on a rotationis-retexamus type network, could have provided new elements about certain processes and phenomena underlying alchemy.

Unlike other alchemists, who had to implement the motto "obscurum per obscurius, ignotum per ignotis" in order to evolve towards the inaccessible purity, I had already reached the maximum point of matter’s transformative power. I had managed to eliminate the excess of energy allowing matter to behave and act in a certain way, keeping constant the percentage of stable substances assumption. In the state of composition, the matter tended to participate in rapid reactions, releasing heat, which took place in the solid phase of coordination compounds.

The mysterious ways of alchemy disagreed, often losing the primary revelation that led to developing an accurate map, hiding the entrance to the secret place where the philosopher’s stone was. I had imagined the map by the same extraction patterns of uranium from quarries and from underground.

Leadership: Does your perception of the science you represent dependent upon the "beauty and usefulness" of your own universe of thinking that knows how to be special through a spectacular salvation from the embarrassing circumstances of the whole of knowledge?

I left the inaccessible after believing that I mastered this art. But I could not limit my newly acquired teaching only at alchemical practice. Many times I would have had to pass under the overstrained strings of secrets from one bank of science to the other, risking to hang my flagpoles and not recognize the unique characteristics of truth stripped of all illusion, and to reach the maximum point of disgust towards myself.

If the fire of knowledge got out of control, he could consume much of everything that I had understood. As a result, the photolysis of live water, chemically transformed into palpable powder, under the effect of a natural pulverization, should have been fast enough to reduce to level 3, on a scale of 1 to 5, in order to prevent the spread of fire.

Even alchemists are small, vulnerable and seem to have no significance to the Great Work. The amazing potential of their power of extraction of the essence from the philosopher’s stone, unrefined in open fire, can be lost if the strings on which the alchemy’s crystalline edifice is raised are overstrained.

Leadership: How much can you expand your selection and balance of creative resources without triggering a delusion in the forefront of a consciousness that wants to be free and evolved?

Can you train your mind by exploiting the access link to the future? Can science supply you with new elements about specific processes or phenomena underlying your evolution? When exactly do you think that you will perfectly master the art of leadership?

Given the lack of access to valuable information sources, useful for outlining a comprehensive science, beyond any beliefs and limitations, you can appeal to superior values of creation to which you obey. The selection and balancing operations of your available creative resources, analyzing the "up and down" effects that may reduce the value of leadership, indicate situations when you are faced with choices than cannot be quickly converted into results.

But as long as there is the "inaccessible", the awareness of the incomplete character of your science, there cannot exist anything harmful. On the contrary, it can result into a simulation of the creative consumption by crediting new and more selective information, not only referring to leadership development in relation to what is new and what is produced in the material plane, but especially to its highly complex structural composition, so to the number of rigorously delimited steps, traversed in order to reach the construction of another content, namely to facilitate decisions that lead to its achievement.

Leadership: Can your science be subjected to transformation through a set of relationships and conditions that turn its feelings and experiences into a strange mixture of logic and creativity in the symbolic construction of reality?

A usable measure of leadership content, by modifying or adding new settings related to the creative mechanism, is the rapid spread of information forward, from entrance to exit. At this stage, "the blossom of thinking" occurs, with the ability to distinguish each direction to follow, to concentrate all available resources and exploit new opportunities. So the information is, indeed, the first element of knowledge that, if it is well-structured and placed on a certain level of development, can create the adequate conditions for creation.

Your science may be subject to transformation by a set of relations and conditions, resulting in the implementation or in the failure to implement leadership only if it turns into a "threat", aiming to intimidate or endanger what you have created. A successful art work, as leadership should be, having certain effects of expansion or contraction, with the ability to cancel each other, must fall into certain patterns of thinking, shared as outcome, and encourage the spread of certain ideas.

In order to acquire mastery in the art of leadership, limit your newly acquired teaching only to a deep practice, validated by science and adopted by all types of individuals. If you try to pass under the overstrained strings of secrets from one bank of science to the other, you risk hanging your flagpoles and not recognizing the unique characteristics of truth stripped of all illusion. And if the fire of knowledge gets out of control, it could consume much of everything that you have created. Do you want to reach the maximum point of disgust towards yourself?

Leadership is the whole of knowledge that builds your desired reality through the effects of coincidence and overlapping of some theories or atrophying your subjectivity if someone does not let you take a little of each and do those steps YOURSELF to transfigure reality.

The Crystalline Edifice Of Alchemy, so fragile and illusory, defines that small area where the leader takes refuge, alone with his science and philosophy, to discover "the philosopher’s stone", with which, like a magician, will be able to give answers and act appropriately in al problem-situations.

The tendency to persist or to choose the path to such an area, which is inaccessible to the majority, can be dangerous for leaders who fail to master "The Great Work". This foray into the heart of science can destroy like a sand castle all that they have created.

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