Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Modern Alchemist

On August 17, 2014
, in
Leadership Deluxe by Neculai Fantanaru

Borrow a little something from your own experiences and views to determine that form of personal experience of being in control over what you are.

You are often akin to a modern alchemist, who with scientific accuracy, rigorously dosing the materials from tubes and stills, measuring and weighing, tries to discover the philosopher’s stone of art. It is born, however, in a burst of stills and tubes and outside the scholarly , rigorous calculations of the former engineer. The film "The Strike", same as Serghei Eisenstein’s entire body of work, is a spontaneous artistic creation, independent from the pedantic calculations done by its creator.

The contradiction is only apparent. An older example of a certain Leonardo da Vinci proves it. The scientific, analytical spirit of Eisenstein merely captures with lucidity the ideas in their total nudity. In its purest form, apparently "in vitro", to discover the genesis of these ideas, their intimate mechanism. It would probably be hazardous, the assertion that the whole alchemy practiced by Eisenstein was nothing but a form of coquetry of an artist of creative temperament, volcanic, who couldn’t be dosed in the labeled bottles of a laboratory. But is, for now, the only possible explanation, completed by that of a being, practically very timid, maybe inhibited, which masks its incandescence by asserting the low temperature of lucidity. *

Leadership: Does the form of scientific knowledge you develop incorporate an abstract obligation to yourself and to those to which you impose yourself as a model?

Leadership is for the creative agents a change in itself, guaranteeing success in terms of impact on professional performance, but at the same time, also a creation conditioned by the contradiction between the tendency of certitude over scientific discoveries and the tendency of sharing them with others. The true art that moves you towards scientific discoveries results from bringing to light those details that could be effective in the sphere of professional activity.

Always, creation, in an effort to adapt discoveries to professional activity, will be subject to the norms based on reason, and the value of these norms will be conditioned by the principles of confidentiality and the variability of communication and content preferences.

Didn’t philosopher Giovanni Papini say that mastering something implies the possibility of shaping it, transforming it? This transformation, beneficial to evolution, emphasizing the personal reflections related to the strength of creation, unchallenged by susceptibility, may constitute a form of coquetry with oscillation between the temporary and permanent value of leadership.

It is here that "alchemy" intervenes, in the sense of developing a form of scientific knowledge through creation, which incorporates an abstract obligation, autonomous and unconditional in relation to yourself and to those you impose yourself as a model for. Such an obligation highlights a practical requirement but also a real aesthetic necessity that you impose upon yourself as a creative process that combines technology with art to convey certain ideas and experiences immortalized in a visual form of great effect.

What part of leadership is designed to ensure a high yield for your performance through acceptable investment costs?

The power to understand things that are above the limits of others’ understanding and to constantly renew them by unleashing ideas, sometimes through a tacit expression, is a part of leadership meant to ensure high performance through acceptable costs of investment. The costs are represented by the time consumed through the act of creation, full of rationality, which borrows a little something from its own experiences, ideals and views, establishing that form of personal experience of being in control of what you are, what you think, what you transmit and what you leave behind in your wake.

If you don’t trust your potential of understanding the mechanisms of creation, or if you don’t bring modifications to the perception of the continuous intensity of creation, seeking in self-perfection the art of crafting a science of the future, you will probably not even try to discover the genesis of ideas of redefining your own identity.

These ideas, subordinate to knowledge and its unlimited effects of transforming thinking and what is inaccessible to the experience of using creation, determines the consistency of leadership.

To capture ideas with complete lucidity in their total nudity, in pure form, "in vitro", to discover the genesis of these ideas, their intimate mechanism, is the first step towards establishing and strengthening the scientific spirit, as is required to perform and obtain high yields from processing the area of influence you have.

Artistic alchemy encompasses all the creative processes crystallized in a profound and persevering practice, accepted as a kind of unconventional modeling, ready to be transposed into definitive material, which can illustrate both the elegance of simplicity and the luxury of an unusual product.

The Modern Alchemist is the leader that constantly borrows something from his own experiences and views, in order to establish that form of personal experience of being in control of himself, of what he knows, what he thinks and what he transmits. And alchemy practiced by such a leader is merely a form of coquetry with the power of creation that flows from himself, which guarantees success in terms of the effects of change on performance.

* Note: Ion Barna - Eisenstein , Youth Publishing House, 1966.

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