Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Vice Of Petty Souls

On March 06, 2014
, in
Leadership GT-Accent by Neculai Fantanaru

Probe your identity boundaries, making the change from the superficial structure of your own being to its profound structure.

There are some secrets that a man is unwilling to share with anyone. Not that I had too many, but I didn’t like to think about them. In fact, I didn’t like to think about the first one of them. A silly thing. Childish. Nothing important. I had a desire to own a wrist watch that a boy – a classmate – had received from a godfather of his. I longed for something like that. It cost a lot of money. Yes, I wanted that watch and I didn’t know if I’d ever have the luck of owning something similar. And one day we went skating together.

The ice wasn’t thick enough to hold us. And we hadn’t taken that into account. The ice cracked. I skated towards him. He was holding on by the edges. I leaned over to pull him out, of course, but in that moment the glow of the watch caught my eye. And I said to myself: "Suppose he goes under and drowns. How easy it would’ve been to…" *

Leadership: What is the total sum of "Read-Only" transactions that you generate as an affiliate to the material reality?

No man can become a leader if he is dissatisfied with his own limits, imposed by material failures, who finds himself forced, by his duplicitous personality, to preserve that appearance of reality that becomes certainty by reference to facts. The desire to have a clock in hand may be the occasion of committing a less honorable deed, the occasion of a treacherous outrage, but it may also be the occasion of a constantly renewed encounter with oneself, because what gives birth to monsters is even the disturbance of the soul that does not bear a limitation of personal power, so a limitation of the appreciation you receive from the people around you.

When man is attached to a material reality, rhythmically creating an attitude of rejecting everything that can nurture him spiritually, under the influence of a shaky conscience that does not try to stop him from making vile decisions, he loses contact with others, being pulled down towards the shadowy place of self-alteration, of rejecting all moral principles.

The effects of leadership, generated by the construction and deconstruction of reality on which the individual leaves their ethical mark, under the influence of experiences, behaviors and perceptive faculties undistorted by their own being, as potentialities of which he feels directly responsible, may extend massively on long term. And prove themselves difficult to calculate because of the impossibility of determining "the matter" from which man is made, existing in neutral condition until it is personalized with negative or positive accents and meanings.

A “Read-Only” transaction that you generate as an affiliate of material reality refers to the mutual influence between consciousness and the desire to have more, so that you are the only one responsible for what you are prepared to keep a secret for years to come.

As a leader, as a man that seeks usefulness in self-knowledge to broaden their spectrum of reference – carrying a set of guidelines that essentially strengthen current practices, you get points of integrity and credibility only when you consider the total value of "Read-Only" transactions.

These are nothing more than some personality maintenance procedures, amid fruitful thinking peculiarities, ensuring the happening of certain actions that do not cross moral norms unanimously accepted by society, or the terms and conditions of use of reality enriched with desires and aspirations anchored at a spiritual level.

The sign of a slip on the slope of the vice is the result of an Ego who demands everything from others, but is not able to overcome his fear of not having risen to their expectations.

The Vice Of Petty Souls highlights the possibility of slipping into an amoral area for those with a superficial structure of their own ego. The leader is his own creation. And what he is and what defines him was built over time, based on benchmarks established through education and self-education, rigorously followed throughout their life.

* Note: Agatha Christie - Endless Night

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