Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

A Far Away That Can Become Closer

On April 18, 2016
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Learn to distinguish between what you are given to take part in and what you receive, in order to obtain a different perspective on your journey and evolution.

I would toy with the idea of slipping into an unexpected part of my superior dimension, to permanently find myself in the healthy dynamism of a journey whose object was my very passion for leadership. It was as if I had to meet some lost parts of myself, shapes taken up by the truths of dangerous ideas, in the heart of a reality that surpasses any expectation through the force that orders the infinite movement of the world.

It was only a faith that surpassed inner experience, not daring to challenge it in any way, accompanying the anticipation of a "far away" that looked quite convincing, from the part of a proof that I existed through the integrating presence of a troubled consciousness in constant search for answers which are now being confessed. Eternity suddenly became but a moment, and I had changed into a meaning of it, remained the same until the establishment of the hazard.

But before developing the symptoms associated with a new beginning of the world, I had to carry with me, inexorably, the inferno of a dead end, glimpsed through the clarifying lens of a knowing intellect, different from any other production of perceptions of reality in constant change. Which I considered needful following life experiences, in which the good quantitively surpassed the evil.

Leadership: Do you contribute to the evaluation of your own functionality from the point of view of thinking that actually gets involved in the event of revealing a new sense of existentiality, of discovering the world of a protagonist facing the consequences of a rapprochement of the marks of an unchangeable identity?

Leadership was like a desert with very few oases, but endlessly long, in which it had lost the hope of finding a point in the high plane of a reason that was believed to be almighty. At all times I was surrounded by a mysterious process called a tangle, a picture of a path that progressively expanded towards the course of a spin around the concept of "literary work".

Minutus Lausus Manilianus, member of the Senate of Rome, encouraged Flavius Vespasian, after he was crowned emperor in a period of political instability (civil war) and economic crisis:

- You were chosen by the gods, Flavius, and without a doubt, you will be a good emperor. Remember that father who wished for his son to learn to play the flute and sent him to the less talented teacher. When everyone was surprised by his choice, he said: "This way, he will learn how not to play". You have acted the same, you have followed from a distance so many emperors deprived of endowments, that you now know surely what you must not do.

When the literary work completely absorbs the expression of thought that strives to reveal everything a priori, maintaining its symbolic transparency, openness to otherness, then we are talking about the authentic competence to project yourself on the plane of a metaphysical reality. A new sense of existentialism becomes the reason to value yourself and the opportunity to reconcile yourself with the protagonist’s position to face the consequences of a near-accentuated rapprochement of an inalienable identity.

Leadership: Do you accompany the convincing anticipation of a "far away", from the part of a proof that you exist through the integrating presence of a consciousness in constant search for answers?

In order for the resulting force of your becoming to not be null, you must become a designer of events in whose center are the details of a previous experience. To distinguish between what you have experienced and what you are experiencing in the present, finding satisfaction in determining what you must know, what skills you must learn in order to make clear your purpose in the world, is a process of qualitative development, of adding new knowledge to old.

For your becoming to correspond to the image of leadership, depending on the anticipation represented by any projection of yourself into the future, being someone other than you were initially, you must discover yourself from a different perspective of dealing with self-experience, in a broader context. It must be controlled akin to a dangerous idea that must not circulate in the world, but one that must still be shown in order to prove its disarming in the face of fatality.

Imagine a city that has suffered great loses, such as Rome, burned to the ground by Nero, people starved by fighting for every house, for every piece of bread, and the fire and terror continues to spread.

This experience, mixing in a general brawl of denials and dreams, battles and helplessness, from the part of a world hurt by so many attempts and disappointments, can provide you with a variety of context of the teachings from what you do not like, from what does not help you and has no place in your story.

Leadership: What is the detail that defines the uniqueness of your relationship between what you feel you couldn’t control and what is happening to you at this very moment?

Learn to distinguish between what is given for you to take part in and what you receive, in order to obtain a different perspective of your own reality, of your own journey and development. The previous experience can facilitate your placing in a sort of mirror of reality that surpasses any expectations through the force that orders the infinite movement of the world. To receive means to take over only the teachings of those chapters covered in the story of the world, necessary for your development.

It’s not just about not remaining the slave of a solitary interiority, unable to strengthen your beliefs, or put them into practice. But rather the refusal of seeing yourself as a mere accident of a Carpe Diem that has no sort of availability over the intention of improving the "whole" of a great destiny.

Only the superficial man wants to reach a form of absolute that will give a deeper meaning to life, without entrusting the aspirations of that version of the self that shows itself quite interested to understand, to use the world and live in it, through that maneuver of highlighting that detail that colors the course of his development.

What is the detail that defines the uniqueness of your relationship between what you feel you couldn’t control and what is happening to you at this very moment?

In the case of emperor Flavius Vespasian, that detail was the way in which he related to events, even when they were ambiguous, being accompanied by the convincing anticipation of a "far away" that became closer, beneficial to the revelation of a new facet of reality in which he was about to occupy the central place.

Leadership, as an expression of literary creation, is the central place you occupy within a reality different from anything you know about yourself, which becomes unpredictable as you become the protagonist of a true story started long ago by someone else.

A Far Away That Can Become Closer is what you expect to happen to you, decided by the Ego that overloads your mind with a myriad of questions whose answer, for many of them, is revealed only by maturity and life experience.

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