Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

A Spirit That Shines

On March 09, 2009
, in
Skills and Abilities by Neculai Fantanaru

Guide people towards a common vision by making appeal for their most profound values.

"Starting today we must raise and to clean the dust on us. We must reaffirm our countrie's greatness." This is the declaration of the American President Barack Obama after his nomination.

Through this advice, Obama wanted to win the trust of the people and their support people need tenacity, a strong and unique purpose and a compatible spirit of cooperation. This is what he tried to emphasize through his speech and he managed to make himself listen. All the American citizens understood the solidarity and the spirit of this advice and they had the certainty that things will straighten and all will be normal again.

The only way to move not a single person, but an entire nation is to appeal at national values - heroism, victory, devotion, and for this you need a huge force of convincing. You have to show everybody that you have a lot of trust in you and in the solutions you propose, that you are not afraid of changing and you will get involved with seriousness and professionalism in solving all the problems. And above all, you have to be capable to avert the people's negative thoughts and to make them optimistic.

Have you identified the basic moral values of people before sharing to them your vision? What side of your personality you must grow in order to succeed influencing the things in your advantage?

Does your leadership checks its value by developing admissible or inadmissible motivations?

Another aspect of the general thinking seeking to assign a meaning to any action, thought or feeling inspired by the leader tries a definition using the term "concrete", introduced more as a court meant to rule on the merits of the appeal urging to attitude, commitment and struggle. Clearly, we can formulate numerous criticisms of this concept, but it seems to apply very well in those periods of stagnation or involution, crossed by people during the process of change or adaptation to new.

Leadership involves in its essence a dichotomy between how the leader outlines the future and how people perceive his message. In turbulent and uncertain periods, the lack of solidarity is felt in people’s hearts more than ever, every individual living for the "collective self".

That’s why it is urgent for the leader to establish a "game" plan, as well as its expression in practice, to be easily understood, then accepted and supported by launching a specific call for solidarity to integrate his vision in a generally valid system of thought, with little resistance, to ensure and expedite measures of recovery.

Your leadership checks its value by developing admissible motivations, when you manage to convince people of something and get them to be steadfast in this belief, or by developing some inadmissible motivations, which do not support a cause people believe in, or that do not conform to a pattern of thinking that updates the need for unity among people.

Leadership: What are the clues to maximizing your skills for the art of understanding the authenticity of the experience and the psychological discovery that are the subject of a well-founded belief?

At what pace does your leadership evolve? As the power of a conviction, considered relevant to changing the intentions to start certain actions or decisions, is it converted into a permanent agreement to what you say?

A leader has a huge responsibility: he is responsible in front of the people for the way he chooses to solve the problems and for the manner he guides them. A leader under no circumstances can hide in the back of his team in case of a failure. In other words, he is on his own in front of the risk and the final responsibility is only his.

The psychological discovery that may contradict you at any time depends on how you express your beliefs where they do not exist or are not known. Leadership psychology distinguishes between the form of expressing yourself through different forms of communication and the form of promoting yourself through the opportunities to effectively involve yourself in what you think.

Defining the leader’s psychology is to characterize it, to decipher the meaning of thought when the statements it often uses to repeat itself is related not to the authority it represents but to the understanding of the other people’s expectations for it.

The hints of maximizing your ability for the art of understanding the authenticity of experiencing something and psychological discovery that are the subject of a well-founded belief are processed through the junction between the authority that gives you a certain quality or situation and your responsibility for failure.

Just as the dance steps are made in certain directions, pursuing certain rhythms and being heavily influenced by the mood of the dancers, so your way to excellence is made with every step you do together with other people, in the sense that you induce to them, a sense that involves feelings, or at least potentiate them. In other words, people must perceive your inner consistency, values and beliefs to which you guide yourself in life, so that they could attach to you. The beliefs that you have, and that you transmit to others through speeches will pave your way or will set up barriers to you.

Leadership: Can you draw a sense of your own importance by rotating or overturning an image that produces a hypnotic effect?

A simple way to make yourself loved and admired by all the people is to assume your responsibility and to respect the given word. It is not enough to encourage people to rise and to step forward with the head high in crisis situations. You have to get involved personally in solving the problems and to become a worthy model to follow. People will follow you only when they will see concrete and real results, as a consequence of your solutions which you proposed and put in practice. So, give people serious reasons to follow you.

The truly motto of the competent people is: "Today, not tomorrow." You will not be able to attract the sympathy and the respect of the people if you are not ready to take the initiative and to put in practice your ideas immediately. You have to act fast and efficient so that your results never delay to appear and to be as good as possible. You might not obtain spectacular results in a record time, but if people will not see that their situation is better, if they will not see a real progress, then you risk losing your credibility.

You want to be a respected, loved and admired leader? If yes, then give people solutions that can materialize, not only words of sweetness.

The hypnotic effect takes place when your beliefs force you into the goals that other people do not have to miss.

A spirit that shines is the man who guides people to a common vision, calling upon their most profound values. It thus manages to overcome the noble beliefs with personal image in favor of results that are in line with the momentary or perspective aspirations of society.


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