Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Please Represent Me In A Way That Is Easy For The Eye To Understand

On April 29, 2023
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

A seemingly simple act of observation can become, through intensity and dedication, a true work of living art, capable of influencing the perception and emotions of those around.

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The Image With Which The Eye Widens Its Horizon

On August 11, 2023
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

The ability to look at an image in an artistic or profound way cannot be developed in any other way than by observing and analyzing the images in which you find yourself reflected by the "other you".

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The Continuity Of The Work Of Art

On October 09, 2021
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

The message that an artist emphasizes in his personal work is the ideal hypostasis of a vast expanse that includes the space between himself and the components of the surrounding world.

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A Beginning Of Endless Times

On January 27, 2021
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Try to ensure a tenacious and visionary freedom, a freedom that adapts to the times, without losing any of the vitality of the moments of reflection on the inner life.

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A Different Form Of Leadership

On February 20, 2020
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Immerse yourself in the experience of evaluating yourself in accordance with the fulfillment of the Creator condition, so as to express the empirical accuracy of a hyperbola: “I am more vast than the universe”.

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You Can Be My Lucky Star Tonight

On Iunie 28, 2018
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Learn to boldly believe in the depths from which an unpredictable greatness can spring.

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Your Mirror

On September 05, 2017
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

The true source of creation is the life from which you have to draw a correct conclusion with the same attitude of assuming the reality with which you try to accept your reflection in the mirror.

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The Absurd Silence Of A Mute World

On April 13, 2016
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Cultivate your will to carry further your aspirations of what you know about yourself, projecting that "hidden" which becomes active and plays a central role in your consciousness.

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A Triple Change Of The Light

On September 26, 2014
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Concern yourself about the direct perceiving of the essence of art, developing the experiences of those conceptions elaborated in detail which may further lead to maximizing your reason of creation.

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The Brain In Which Flickers An Idea

On September 25, 2014
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Take advantage of the opportunity that is given to you for coming back to creativity, inspiring the others respect towards your defining authority.

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Disciple And Master

On September 23, 2014
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Enhance your capacities of impact upon the formation of a new mentality without losing your statute of 'outstanding partner'.

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11 Square Meters

On September 22, 2014
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Complete your personality, by investing more time in the work of creating your own reality.

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The Creator Possessed By The Idea Of His Masterpiece

On September 20, 2014
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Conceive a creation that would draw sap from the primary flow of the basic ideas that guide you, so as to take hold of what defines you.

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A Beautiful Stone Is Just A Beautiful Stone

On September 03, 2014
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Place your achievements in a framework that highlights value, strengthening the foundation where the construction of their meaning is based.

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The Pain That Looks Towards The Stars

On March 03, 2014
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Come closer to what makes a man "tick", keeping into account those convictions regarding his capacity to ignore or accept negative realities.

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The Only One In Fault In His Fatal Incident

On October 30, 2012
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Plead for your moral value before the "Honorable Court" of the Leadership without making yourself a partaker in the lawsuit sued against the man and life.

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A Risky Journey To The Mysterious Realm Of The Assassin

On October 27, 2012
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Find the link between cause and effect: that constant of "to be" based on a discernment that sifts the true values of the false ones.

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There Where The Ancestors Are Resting

On October 23, 2012
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Seek to discover and understand the "whole" of the man, without minimizing the science of fully dedicating yourself to his emptiness.

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A Grain Of Sand In The Endless Desert Of The Worlds

On October 19, 2012
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Intervene in the evolution of other people without distorting your perspectives of qualification in the grand final of the transformation process.

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The Difficult Target From The Box Of The Accused

On October 12, 2012
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

The way you face the reality that others intend to impose on you, is the result of the transformation process that brings you face to face with yourself.

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The Star Of A Wanderer Who Carries His Cross

On October 08, 2012
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Face the reality by going forward, without getting lost in the chain of events, in which you yourself are the protagonist.

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The Borders Of The Estranged From The Sunset's Mysteries

On October 04, 2012
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Impose yourself in front of others without getting away from the concrete reality that you share with them.

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The Life Of An Old Man Put In The Service Of Emptiness

On September 30, 2012
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

The way you approach the reality of other people, can raise or demolish your inner world.

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The Dreams Of An Old Man Trapped In The Fight With The Destiny

On September 24, 2012
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Ensure constancy to the health of your leadership in cold seasons, so that to maintain intact your status as a man of great character.

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The Limits Of A Wanderer In The Sphere Of Darkness

On September 21, 2012
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Perfect your personality through a closer approximation to those elements of a benefic reality that confer depth and growth to your leadership.

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The Victorious Trajectory Of The Human Being

On September 11, 2012
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Stimulate the deeper connections within your being, so that the manner in which you advance in leadership to not jeopardize your identity.

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The Black Curtain Of A Hidden Weakness

On July 20, 2012
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Carefully polish your own aspirations, as to better position in relation to yourself.

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A New Consciousness For The Truths Remained Silent (II)

On July 16, 2012
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Approach the style best suited to your personality by analyzing the concept of "life" as a constituent essence of art.

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A New Consciousness For The Truths Remained Silent (I)

On July 16, 2012
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Manifest a continuous tendency toward self-knowledge, by making from it a pillar of support for your leadership.

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Character Favors Success

On July 07, 2009
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Constantly maintain your noble character by appealing to those ideals, values, and beliefs that give you stability in your relationships with other people.

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Is Your Leadership Model Worth Taking As An Example?

On June 06, 2009
, in
Basic Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

One of the burdens you will face as a leader is not just the direction you’re taking and whichever path others take, but rather the way you position yourself toward change and progress.

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Alatura-te Comunitatii Neculai Fantanaru
The 63 Greatest Qualities of a Leader
Cele 63 de calităţi ale liderului

Why read this book? Because it is critical to optimizing your performance. Because it reveals the main coordinates after that are build the character and skills of the leaders, highlighting what it is important for them to increase their influence.

Leadership - Magic of Mastery
Atingerea maestrului

The essential characteristic of this book in comparison with others on the market in the same domain is that it describes through examples the ideal competences of a leader. I never claimed that it's easy to become a good leader, but if people will...

The Master Touch
Leadership - Magia măiestriei

For some leaders, "leading" resembles more to a chess game, a game of cleverness and perspicacity; for others it means a game of chance, a game they think they can win every time risking and betting everything on a single card.

Leadership Puzzle
Leadership Puzzle

I wrote this book that conjoins in a simple way personal development with leadership, just like a puzzle, where you have to match all the given pieces in order to recompose the general image.

Performance in Leading
Leadership - Pe înţelesul tuturor

The aim of this book is to offer you information through concrete examples and to show you how to obtain the capacity to make others see things from the same angle as you.

Leadership for Dummies
Leadership - Pe înţelesul tuturor

Without considering it a concord, the book is representing the try of an ordinary man - the author - who through simple words, facts and usual examples instills to the ordinary man courage and optimism in his own quest to be his own master and who knows... maybe even a leader.