Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Forgive Me And Take Me By Your Side !

On February 02, 2017
, in
Leadership eX-Elite by Neculai Fantanaru

Assert your individuality following the indicator of motivation that makes you see yourself with other eyes in the equation of others’ existence.

- Who are you? I find that I’ve seen you before, that I’ve met you, a long time ago… said Caderousse with his eyes almost closed, in the heavy moment of suffering of death.

Monte-Cristo had not ceased following the course of Caderousse’s agony. He realized that this was his last breath. He approached the dying man’s ear and, wrapping him with a quiet and clear gaze, said to him:

- I… I am…

And his lips, barely parted, let slip a name, uttered so slowly that Monte Cristo seemed himself afraid to hear it.

Caderrouse, who had risen to his knees, stretched out his arms, made an effort to pull himself back, and then, joining his hands together and raising them as in a search for sincerity, spoke softly:

- God ! Lord ! Forgive me that I have denied You. You exist. You are truly the father of all men in the heavens and the judge of all men on earth. Lord, for long I have denied you ! Forgive me ! Forgive me and take me by your side !

And Caderousse, closing his eyes, fell on his back, with a last cry and a final gasp. His blood stopped suddenly on the gaping edges of his wounds. He was dead. *

Leadership: Do you focus all of your forces of reason to conduct a reassessment of the course of your existence that will induce a single viable perspective with immediate effects in changing those around?

To be able to create an orientation of the human spirit towards the essential substrate of a new way of thinking, depending on the image you’ve created for yourself – that of a revealer of absolute truths, first make sure that the point of view you expose and sustain is not in opposition with the fundamental forces of action of life.

Two such forces are: man’s will to reconcile with himself, with his past, with the mistakes that are being paid for and his will to orient himself in a new direction, in search for a fuller fidelity regarding the order and plans of a higher power. These are some of the riches of the spiritual man, along with the endless attributes of the relationship with the eternal values of a determinism based on free will.

The change of those around you is achieved through the way of thinking you promote in a situation where you are perceived as a “revealed enigma”, and that your point of view on how you are connected to the reality around you presents you in the light of a new and mature conscience. That is, you must be both a magician and a savior of the world, to turn reality into the place of an atmosphere of genuine trust, faith, understanding, and appreciation, even if you are not understood at the level of your true power.

The man representativeness, in regards to what we call the quality of life, concerns his will to shape himself in the name of a morality that includes spiritual commitment.

Consciousness show life’s retrospective in key moments. It can contribute to the enhancement of a journey undertaken through numerous stages corresponding to certain forms of thinking, of feeling, and of manifestation that are subject to an intervention attributed to a boundless power.

But only if the outcome of an important phase in man’s life is a consequence of the mistakes dotted along the way. In this case, human representativeness, towards becoming active in the given of a situation of identity, requires the perception of a certain image by a subject that can be defined at the limit between life and death.

This subject, which you approach and treat as a meaning for what symbolizes your individuality, is the indicator of motivation that makes you see the equation of existence of others with different eyes.

For example, a good subject is the serving of a moral guilt, or the sacrifice made willingly to protect certain values by participating in some mission. Another subject can be the reconciliation with yourself, or the reconciliation with God. Or committing something beyond the limits of endurance. Or an altruistic choice. Or the clues of a particular inclination for the mysterious substrate of things.

The key moment of self-revelation, when the affirmation of the truth about yourself highlights all the subtle perceptions of a world dominated by extraordinary passions, privileges and backstage games, cannot be understood as the greatest achievement to the depths of life consciousness. However, the process of self-revelation can take place during situations in which you become the object of the intervention of a Divine-type Higher Entity in the world created by a patient character, who tries to go unnoticed in the crowd. Can you be a magician able to complete a role full of nuances, impressively assumed?

He who wants to acquire his representativeness in the validity terms of a reasoning aimed at the renewal state of man, must deepen the knowledge of the context of a subject of great significance, with the potential to change the attitude of man towards what he is yet not ready to face.

Forgive Me And Take Me By Your Side prioritizes man’s repentance through the acceptance he gives to the faith he hasn’t fully supported. It highlights that tendency of the man’s power to accept what he would like to not know, the tendency unconsciously blocked by the inevitable implications of the weakness of his nature, but which is activated strongly by accepting a truth coming from outside of it.

* Note: Alexandre Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo , Publishing Youth, 1957.

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