Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

How Does One Become Eisenstein?

On February 07, 2014
, in
Leadership IQ-Light by Neculai Fantanaru

Transform your leadership into a "Private Open Space" by forming a vision that will facilitate discoveries of great value.

The first vision of the film "The Strike" has created the conditions for artistic discoveries of decisive historical importance, which made Sergei Eisenstein’s name echo into eternity. Designing this first vision – that others watched with an indulgently amused smile – meant an essential element of the phenomenon included in the question: how does one become Eisenstein?

Within the mechanism of the phenomenon coexist both an explosive talent, which breaks existing laws, creating its own, and an intense, lucid thinking of rare acuity. The defining characteristic of this great director is the ardor wisdom shapes. He is the man that builds the bigger picture, so that only afterwards can he move on to finding the various situations in which this picture manifests. *

Leadership: What meaning can you give to a creation which is itself the result of a coordinated understanding of complex factors with differing influences of intensity?

You can only obtain a significant victory in the battle with creation, relating yourself to the whole surrounding reality that often becomes a hindrance in the way of ideals, through an expansion of self-consciousness, followed by a fundamental change in the way of approaching the vision and its contents. The latter come to light, according to a certain order of creative forms of expression, only when, having something to say and transmit, you engage in a process of permanent self-improvement.

The significance of a creation is given by the influence it has on the evolution of a field of activity, so that it is considered a true roadmap, but also by the personal signature you attach to it so that it is considered a spirit-filled art, full of complexity and diversity.

It is unclear what brings us close to the secret of creation: the great accordance to the norms of efficiency or the slight deviation from them. But exceeding your own limits, transitioning towards a new phase of work experience, through which alternative practices and knowledge is accumulated, brings new optimizing variables into the great equation of leadership, sustaining the intellectual maturity that allows creation to better integrate itself into the field of personal progress, delimited by various "sufficient" or "insufficient" landmarks.

Leadership: Can you build an overall image, so that you can then go on to find the various situations in which that image is manifested?

Vision is a part of the act of creation, because it makes available to that which we call "the world of the future", new resources of accessing "the original", founding a knowledge independent of any other authority. Activated in the context of a rationality that has the tendency to oppose rules and break them, vision creates the conditions for artistic discoveries of decisive value that can make the name and actions of the artist-leader echo into eternity.

Leadership is not a neutral space for interacting with the process of creation, but rather a "Very Large Open Space" in which you have the opportunity to expose your own convictions, breaking existing rules and laws, relating to the whole reality of labor resources (which often becomes a hindrance in the way of improvement).

The creation to which "leadership" relates to is itself the result of coordinated understanding of a complexity of factors with differing intensity influences, such as discoveries and their consequences. If the findings do not provide the guarantee of a personal and professional image, solid and authentic, in the context of a new set of sustainable development goals, then leadership will be classified as a weak "counter-trend" and won’t have a first class meaning in the process of change.

Leadership is the image of a creation that springs from the significance you give to thinking that turns creation into a reflection of your competencies at the highest level.

How Does One Become Eisenstein? refers to the work of creation that the leader puts in, with the fervor that wisdom shapes, towards gaining a rich experience in the field and a good performance under high performance conditions. The leader that constructs a vision for himself, so that only then can move on to finding the various situations in which this vision manifests, is promptly led by the feeling of searching for the launching point of his own scientific thinking.

* Note: Ion Barna - Eisenstein , Youth Publishing House, 1966.

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