It will be many days before I become something like the person I was once. The intensity of the existential field produced between the turning point that led to the present situation and the point of exit from the world full of appearances on which the thread needed for the stitching of a stiff turn of destiny was twined, producing itself at a lively, tense rhythm, became a sensation of strength, a strong push. Something that cannot be described in words. But which developed dependence on the feeling of belonging to something bigger, stronger.
With me, the portrait of Nicolas Flamel, on whose expressive visage could be read the energy of fire condensed into a connecting factor to an esoteric law: "Do not believe anything ! Seek the truth yourself", transmits to me a strange state of exaltation, mixed with regret. Sometimes I am sad because of the secret of the power by which the intellect sees itself, acquired by taking into account the indirect value of a universal law: "That which is Above is as Below, and what is Below is as it is Above."
Intensely, I feel embedded in a set of neutrino fluxes, quantum numbers and gamma photon waves expelled into the surrounding space, in the light of a strange invisible intelligence, as if between me and the great alchemist an indisputable proof had been fixed for eternity of the materialization of spirits.
Without being a scientist, I feel caught up in some seemingly heterogeneous manifestations, with the blessing of certain highly evolved spirits, more like in a poltergeist phenomenon, completing my thoughts only with the idea of the intervention of a special intelligence in a game of energies to which no one has more access than me. The proof of their eternity is the very nature of my reality, governed by the fatal law: everything transforms, everything flows, nothing is frozen, static.
This bizarre phenomenon of perceiving the spectrum of a discrete signal, of a positive enlightenment with the avowed desire of totality, focused on acquiring advanced knowledge and understanding of virtual reality, is passed within the framework of immediacy through the edge of Nietzsche’s sword: "When you look into the Abyss, and the Abyss looks into you."
Rasputin, the Russian mystic, was using his sight abundantly, which impressed his interlocutors until he paralyzed them. It was the Hypnotize effect through the interpretation of an enigma. The same is the figure in my painting, it takes away any chance, any power to really see the cosmic light of "Chi sono veramente?" only through the effect of a gravity that exceeds the electrostatic forces of a reaction field: "The great secrets do not belong to our world ! "
Without wanting to be a force between other forces, so that from the outside one cannot perceive the existence of any supernatural occurrence, any cause of inadmissibility, amid the feverish search of the signs of an afterlife, which is only the privilege of a medium, I feel stuck in a gravitational field that becomes strong enough to alter the intrinsic nature of my present function: that of a messenger of a past world.
To experience my existence at the level of a pure transcendental consciousness, in the sphere of pure and strong thoughts, means to revive my adventurous spirit in a single historical manifestation of body and soul, capable of knowledge, of that freedom of which today’s people can only to dream.
Victor Hugo had peer-to-peer talks with prophets like Moses, Muhammad, or Jesus. It seemed very natural for him to be chosen by the most prominent dead people of mankind to carry with them noble talks so as to reveal works of rare universal inspiration. Just like Victor Hugo, I have learned that interacting with the spirits of the forerunners of science and culture, thus gaining a penchant for mysticism, like any action that leaves a mark on time, actually means laying the foundations of a philosophy of transcendence which would be at the same time a poetic of existence and pure knowledge, a poetic of the imaginary which should know no other way of expression than symbolic language.
The essence of a development based on the resources of a revealing reality is obtained by interpreting an enigma like finding the difference between two almost identical images: the image of the world from the perspective of a man that exists only by comparison with something "unknown". And the image of the world from the perspective of a content of communication with something very deep, vast, outside of you, but which is connected with an earlier existence.
Before you create your original concept of art, learn to perceive yourself as a force between other forces, as an evolution between two such images. Art is the ability of the scientist to see himself above sight, the degree of reality and its value depending on the reflective reflection of his soul in someone else.
What is the privilege of the most enlightened minds? They concentrate the whole essence of intellectual capital in the same message, coming from the intersection of the meditations that allows the superimposition of the two images, which determines the particular phenomenon: "The great secrets do not belong to our world ! "
A work of art exists only in the sense that it impregnates the painter of his image by referring to a whole constituted by the summation of traits detached from the analysis of an experience corresponding to belonging to a subtler intelligence and with a more generous conception of the world and human nature.
Such an artist is orienting himself in shaping his work by a factor of perception and superior knowledge, representing the subjective disposition that accepts the meaning of a vision beyond the real.
He discovers the actual idea, the general significance of an image in the particular phenomenon of a match between an earlier existence and the consequence of a mature existence by developing features of a certain specificity: "Do not believe anything ! Seek the truth yourself ! "
It is Not Allowed to Touch the Spirits, but you can always carry with them noble discussions if you have the power to consider the particular phenomenon of a presence felt at the level of emotion which you can use as material of rare inspiration in order to achieve a work of art.