Where Do You See, Look?
Each act of artistic creation represents a new life lived in the spiritual plane of the world, provided it transcends the limits of the ego and reaches the universal.
read more despre Where Do You See, Look?Each act of artistic creation represents a new life lived in the spiritual plane of the world, provided it transcends the limits of the ego and reaches the universal.
read more despre Where Do You See, Look?Try to understand the psychological side of these manifestations that oppose the reality in which your thoughts push you, without having to divulge your beliefs and feelings.
read more despre Whoever Reads Beyond Words Discovers Experiences From His Own ExistenceThe essence of a figurative composition valid and lasting in all the days of your life, is the return to the deepening of true art.
read more despre Ioana Sarah (V)Only an artist well acquainted with himself has the power to borrow from nature the gentle charm of a language that transforms the visual into feeling.
read more despre The Eyes Paint More Than A Thousand WordsTake a look at what led you to who you are today, paying significant attention to the whole story that belongs to you.
read more despre A Never-Ending FriendshipDo not try to be different than you are, because anything different does not bear the fruit of one who remains the same.
read more despre The Book of SandI don't need inspiration from other books. I am my total inspiration.
read more despre The Book Of BooksThe mode of manifestation of a sociable man depends on his way of expressing himself as if it were the sublime manifestation of the choice to experience life as in a two-sided mirror.
read more despre Ioana Sarah (IV)Be more receptive and attentive to everything that happens to you, so that your ego does not get stuck in a reality that exceeds your ability to assess its potential to capture attention.
read more despre Ioana Sarah (III)Try to make room for your inspiration to manifest itself freely at the urging of motivation to understand the meaning of life suspended between the soul’s need for an inexhaustible intellectual appetite and the experiences of a reality that transcends what is transient.
read more despre Ioana Sarah (II)Learn to observe your own mind in ordinary life situations, and then in situations in which the self receives and structures the informational contents about itself and the world.
read more despre Ioana Sarah (VI)My friend Ioana Sarah’s comments on my FACEBOOK page. Our conversations. These are interesting things to know, because what you learn from others takes the form of questions that require key decisions at the turning points of life.
read more despre Ioana Sarah (I)Learn to manage your feelings by proving that you can follow your intuition in terms of their expression, with that sense of measure that underlies your realistic adaptation to a world where fragility meets fear.
read more despre Sincerity Confesses All Its ThoughtsBe who you are, without trusting too much in what you don’t know about yourself.
read more despre How Do You Name What You’re Feeling Right Now?What you are at a given time consists of the sum of all the various changing conditions to which it refers to the event called “a lifelong trial”.
read more despre What Am I In This Hopeless World?Try to determine the measure of your character, without making it the main reason for the occurrence of uninsured events of adequate moral coverage.
read more despre The Honey Drop FableLearn to turn your evolution into a work of the divine, which is intended to be a faculty of the soul that knows things before they take any form.
read more despre Initiates Have A Better KnowledgeRise to the level of superiority required by the complete leadership model, without descending to the level of inferiority required by the subtlety of a choice that transcends you as a possibility of achievement.
read more despre The Only Indicator For The Value Of A LeaderLearn to give meaning to your deeds and life through the experiences of materializing thoughts that respect the enlightenment and guidance of the divine force of the Logos.
read more despre Words Are Also Explained In WordsFocus on what you can control so that you can regain a sense of control over what is happening to you.
read more despre One Cannot Reach Knowledge Without EducationWhat you think and believe about yourself is what separates knowledge from information.
read more despre The Core Of LeadershipLive the role you take on, without detaching yourself from your own Self.
read more despre The Content Of LeadershipThe way you relate to the hypostases in which you experience the “Road to Virtue” mirrors the way you achieve the connection between what you undertake as a duty and what you undertake in a situation of ignorance.
read more despre How Leadership Is ManifestedSeek to control the functional state of fulfillment at the level of knowledge, through inner experience, in order to define a vision that firmly masters the whole.
read more despre Leadership’s Maturity Stage“Movement first attracts attention, and only afterwards do you think about what is moving.”
read more despre The Science Place Within LeadershipYou have to feed on the essence of an artistic affirmation perspective in order to understand the value of the creation that best represents you in terms of a clean-artistic vision.
read more despre The Feeling Of Being Reduced To EssencesEvaluate your leadership potential in such a way that the product of the creation you experience through the process of sharing resources (vision, approach and concept) is oriented towards numerous possibilities to expand its content.
read more despre The Special Part Of LeadershipTry to make sense of a creative experience full of external “views” before you push your limits.
read more despre His Majesty Eisenstein Retains His GloryFocus your sphere of self-building action on what underlies your existence, so that your image reflected in a mirror passes through the focus of a correspondence with spirituality.
read more despre In Front Of The Mirror We See Naught But OurselvesThe final effect of Creation is the secret fund of an artist’s soul in a continuous evolution.
read more despre The Dynamism Of Becoming, In Opposition With The StaticSet up your own creative space that meets concrete existential requirements by distinguishing between “interior” and “exterior”.
read more despre Preservation Of CultureTry to evaluate the weight of your creation meant to function as a form of practical verification of a visual image, taking into account the fact that the objective world has an empirical aspect specific to spiritual development.
read more despre Life, Death, ImmortalityFor two reasons, I love art so much: changing perspective and broadening my vision.
read more despre The Perfect Coincidence Between Image And SoundThe vision you form about science is the progress you make by joining your own potential, next to the intention of amplifying the image that meets you coming “from the front”.
read more despre A Black Square Within The Dazzling WhiteOnly inner mastery can turn you into a trailblazer for others, showing them the value of self-knowledge.
read more despre Magical Power Cannot Be Acquired By A Mortal