Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Turn Your Sight To The Triumph Of The Eyes

On April 06, 2023
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

What you see is the form that things take when they are integrated into an idealized self-image, which you recognize as “a mirror of authentic experiences”.

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The Eyes Express Their Admiration For The Seen And Unseen

On October 28, 2022
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

You will not be able to discover the greatness of an ideal horizon, without perceiving the “shaking” of an image projected in the memory of a cyclical time.

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Look At This Image And Include Yourself In It

On September 15, 2021
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

A sensitive experience aims to imprint an unforgettable memory that you will always want to refresh.

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The Forgotten Holiness Of Small Things

On March 18, 2021
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Great works impress not only by their unity, but by the banality with which they manage to open themselves to the sharpest eyes.

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Before The Eye Could Finish Its Gaze

On January 28, 2020
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

On the foreground of art there must be the rendering of the feeling of belonging to another universe.

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Eternal Flame

On June 10, 2019
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Inscribe your creation in a new model of approaching the notion of image, accepting your existence from the point of view of the appreciation that a rational being nurtures for all that surrounds it.

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The Road To Hell (II)

On December 11, 2018
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Learn to appreciate the art of an unparalleled existential image that you become what I suggested you experience through my emotions.

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The Road To Hell (I)

On November 29, 2018
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

The way you treat what happens in your life has as a consequence your condition from the moment immediately following the occurrence of a change of reality that no one recognizes.

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The Aesthetics Of Duplication

On February 23, 2018
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Try to set new reference criteria to the dimension of the creation you experience, capturing a different way of being of the same nature that defines you.

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The Genius Of His Own Mind

On May 25, 2016
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Conserve your strengths as a knower to the reference temperature of your index of "awareness", initializing a unique reconciliation of all contrasts that are reabsorbed into a single unit.

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A Far Away That Can Become Closer

On April 18, 2016
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Learn to distinguish between what you are given to take part in and what you receive, in order to obtain a different perspective on your journey and evolution.

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Man Between Two Acceptances

On February 17, 2016
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Discover the essence that will represent you in each chapter of existence, without falling into an extreme that determines you to evolve towards a passion pushed to ever new limits.

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Who Wants To Live Forever (II)

On October 27, 2015
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Develop your ability to understand something superior to existence itself, falling within the plan of experiences related to a limitless space.

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Who Wants To Live Forever (I)

On October 25, 2015
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Experience yourself as a sum of the possibilities of grasping the infinite, defining yourself as a being that knows everything.

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Radio Ga Ga

On July 30, 2015
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Learn to move with the speed of the navigator in other production zones of science, finding the strength to integrate yourself in the acceptance without dust of "The Man of Time and Space."

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The Confession

On March 05, 2015
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Look towards the past and towards the logic of the happened, so that you can be successful in your jump over the gulf that separates the world of appearances of loyalty from the world of the role assumed with lucidity.

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The Consistent Foam Of The Colored Sea

On September 29, 2014
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Learn to "see" and "feel" what you think about, expressing in the elements of creation all that these forces include throughout the process of individualization.

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Eisenstein’s Availability Example

On July 18, 2014
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Prove your worth in favor of creating a new direction of transforming the professional role, imposing upon yourself a differentiated identity that can offer others realistic premises of valuing evolutionary trends.

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The Creation Of Man In His Complexity

On May 14, 2014
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Direct your thinking towards superior development goals, departing yourself from that uniformity in thought that limits your visionary status.

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How Happy This Doll Must Be

On March 27, 2014
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Take a peek into the depths of your being, ensuring the recognition of your own individuality.

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The Inspiring Effluvia Of A Free Mind

On March 12, 2014
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Prove to yourself that you are a valuable person by focusing on the way others appreciate you.

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The Wonder-Piece Of Intellectual Renaissance

On December 20, 2013
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Give your model of leadership an unprecedented transformation, concentrating all your excellence forces in a system of thinking that ensures new approaches.

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The Echo Of The Voice That Cries Mercy

On December 09, 2013
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Find a ratio between authority and vulnerability, in order to determine easier the character constant of someone.

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The Delicate Shadow Behind Leadership

On August 29, 2013
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Use your understanding of human nature by taking as reference, with wisdom and moderation, the axis of your influence.

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The Relationship Between Myself And The Parallel Universe

On June 16, 2013
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Give shape and substance to your current reality without reaching an change in limits that can affect your functional structure.

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My Predominant Intermediary With God

On May 23, 2013
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Define and develop the unity of your being, assuming responsibility in front of the guilty in yourself.

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The Warm Rays Of Sunset (II)

On March 14, 2013
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Break loose of the things that affect negatively the clarity of your orientation, focusing more on gaining your acceptance as an autonomous individual.

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The Warm Rays Of Sunset (I)

On March 14, 2013
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Try to discover the real cause of everything that happens to you, without falling prey to the drive of self-depreciation.

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A Just Punishment For Carson Wells

On January 19, 2013
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Exercise your power to be the master of your own life, without getting anchored to a reality that does not correspond to the balanced vision over what you are.

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The First Part Of Leadership

On January 18, 2013
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Exercise your power to be the master of events that move you from the comfort zone, without anchoring yourself to a compromise of character that does not correspond to the balanced vision of a path forward.

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The Valences Of A Masterpiece Called Leadership

On January 17, 2013
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Identify yourself with the image of a distance that no one will ever go to, without getting lost in a euphoria of total success.

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Only Death Finally Unravels The Mystery Of A Man’s Life

On January 17, 2013
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Exercise your power to be the master of events that move you from the comfort zone, without anchoring yourself to a compromise of character that does not correspond to the balanced vision of a path forward.

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Alatura-te Comunitatii Neculai Fantanaru
The 63 Greatest Qualities of a Leader
Cele 63 de calităţi ale liderului

Why read this book? Because it is critical to optimizing your performance. Because it reveals the main coordinates after that are build the character and skills of the leaders, highlighting what it is important for them to increase their influence.

Leadership - Magic of Mastery
Atingerea maestrului

The essential characteristic of this book in comparison with others on the market in the same domain is that it describes through examples the ideal competences of a leader. I never claimed that it's easy to become a good leader, but if people will...

The Master Touch
Leadership - Magia măiestriei

For some leaders, "leading" resembles more to a chess game, a game of cleverness and perspicacity; for others it means a game of chance, a game they think they can win every time risking and betting everything on a single card.

Leadership Puzzle
Leadership Puzzle

I wrote this book that conjoins in a simple way personal development with leadership, just like a puzzle, where you have to match all the given pieces in order to recompose the general image.

Performance in Leading
Leadership - Pe înţelesul tuturor

The aim of this book is to offer you information through concrete examples and to show you how to obtain the capacity to make others see things from the same angle as you.

Leadership for Dummies
Leadership - Pe înţelesul tuturor

Without considering it a concord, the book is representing the try of an ordinary man - the author - who through simple words, facts and usual examples instills to the ordinary man courage and optimism in his own quest to be his own master and who knows... maybe even a leader.