Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Truly Creative Works Remain Exclusively In The Care Of The Creative Man

On March 29, 2022
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Only the sum of all the obstacles overcome by a man gives the true and just measure of a deed, as well as to the one who accomplished it.

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Gaze Upon Me Without Straining Your Eyes

On November 17, 2021
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

The perspective from which you look at an image without a defined human outline, forms your perception of what it means to be in fact an artistic person.

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The Confession Of A Feeling That Leaves You Speechless

On January 03, 2021
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Develop your soul’s ability to perceive immaterial things, so as to broaden the horizons of a creation that impresses through the reality of an existence beyond being.

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The Mystery Of Gazing Into Red

On July 22, 2020
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Paint your life in the colors of the soul, as a way of expressing your own feelings in the set of teachings that transcend time and responsibly manage your destiny.

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An Expressive Rejoining Between Two Existences

On February 03, 2020
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Try to highlight the reflected part of your soul so that what you express through creation has the property of a Creator with no equal.

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The Memories Of A Life That Repeats Itself

On July 23, 2019
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Leadership is the distinction you make between a reality that struggles in the middle of a “I’m repeating myself again” and a reality that is “already happening”.

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I Only Count The Sunny Hours

On March 01, 2019
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

The way in which science takes on the world and its things imposes new landmarks, a new language and other representations.

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Diary Of An Astral Journey

On April 16, 2018
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Turn your reality into a form of art, being the sole reference of a supposed visual unit about how to think of a life that has defeated time.

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The Elite Of Evolved Minds

On June 01, 2016
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Learn to give your thinking the depth of the experience of centuries, borrowing the essence of your chosen traits to those that are deprived of them.

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The Quest

On May 06, 2016
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Raise the stakes of modelling mentality that helps you fulfill a vision, by assuming the attitude of intervention in the course of things that follow a unique trajectory.

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The Phenomenology Of Authentic Knowledge

On February 04, 2016
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Be your own model of inspiration, escaping from the habit of accepting narrow horizons of perception of reality.

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The Actors Are Too Artificial

On December 27, 2015
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Ensure your ascension towards the highest peaks of the pride of being superior, gaining autonomy over your own "show."

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Renunciation Beyond Creation

On November 08, 2015
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Manifest your authority in the fight with yourself, focusing on the opposition between the apparent simplicity of producing a distinct creation and its ulterior complexity.

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The King And His Creation

On July 16, 2015
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Turn leadership into the most valuable creation, letting yourself led by the alternating moods through which you can showcase the hidden parts of your understanding of life.

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An Enigma That Only Gets Solved In Mystery

On May 21, 2015
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Put an end to old traditionalism, calling for expression through improvisation, interpretation and composition.

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Science And The Intangible

On January 11, 2015
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Achieve an expansion of scientific knowledge, ensuring the continuous regeneration of the specific mentality of superiority.

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The Umbrella Is No Longer An Umbrella

On December 17, 2014
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Increase your ability of assessing the fair value of an asset, focusing primarily on its share of use.

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The Major Result Of Eisenstein’s Creation

On August 24, 2014
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Use your creative experience in as objective a way as possible, so you can solve the compositional problems of leadership.

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Fortuitous Moments In A Leader Lengthy Evolution

On June 26, 2014
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Carry out constant operation of intercepting and monitoring "random" phenomena to find the sources of additional "revenue" in the sphere of science and innovation.

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The Spacious Lounge Of Privileged Encounters

On April 14, 2014
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Support the construction of a space for personal expression and affirmation of knowledge, to increase your authority as a maker of creation perfectly assumed and understood.

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The Untapped Potential Of The Dying

On March 26, 2014
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Take control of a scenario that uses values related to the people's past, present and future, so as to complete the win-win scenario that gives the correct measure of leadership.

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The Imperceptible Cry Of A Heart Possessed By The Spirits Of A Desolate World (II)

On January 10, 2014
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Focus on what makes you special, pleading for the assumption of what happens to you in a reality that escapes the full understanding of the moment.

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The Imperceptible Cry Of A Heart Possessed By The Spirits Of A Desolate World (I)

On January 10, 2014
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Carefully explore the unknown within man, in order to find that inner world within him that can give free rein to his individuality’s reunification.

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The Intense Echo Beyond Death

On October 27, 2013
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Turn On the engine equipped with an autonomous filter of intuition, in order to achieve that powerful thinking that goes beyond reason.

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The Great Secret (II)

On June 30, 2013
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Expand your searches to discover the key elements that determine your knowledge, without straying from your own real identity.

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The Great Secret (I)

On June 28, 2013
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Prove your capacity to fully control the "superior", so that the authenticity of your science is validated and wholesomely accepted.

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The Intervenient's Handcraft Mark

On May 01, 2013
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Try to anticipate the reactions that depend on people’s sensitivity, so that you can intervene in the expansion of their evolution.

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Prometheus Bound

On March 07, 2013
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Learn to make the leap towards excellence, without submitting yourself to a much too strong tension of revelation.

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Where No Stream Passed, A River Flows Now

On February 17, 2013
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Exploit your leadership potential by developing and transforming your knowledge into a pulsating direct current that cross an entire lifetime of man.

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The Echo Of A Virtue Lost In A Metaphor Of Human Destiny

On February 16, 2013
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Every great deed has the taste of a distance you would like to reach. And not just to get to a place unseen by anyone, but to make it worthy of being perceived as an act of great faith.

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For The First Generations Of The Renaissance, Perspective Had A Special Meaning

On February 14, 2013
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Learn to capture an image equal to the dimensions of a distance you want to reach, without being affected by the reception of a reality with obvious characteristics of “broadening the horizon”.

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Analysis Of The Concept Of Beauty

On February 13, 2013
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Develop your sensitivity to what the orientation of your visual direction shows, reacting more intensely to the stimuli of “raising to another level” the representation of an entity of mutual admiration.

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The Experience Of The Divine Mystery

On February 19, 2012
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

The fight with the inner adversary that shackles you all your life becomes the goal of the creation that keeps the imprint of its owner over time and periods.

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Alatura-te Comunitatii Neculai Fantanaru
The 63 Greatest Qualities of a Leader
Cele 63 de calităţi ale liderului

Why read this book? Because it is critical to optimizing your performance. Because it reveals the main coordinates after that are build the character and skills of the leaders, highlighting what it is important for them to increase their influence.

Leadership - Magic of Mastery
Atingerea maestrului

The essential characteristic of this book in comparison with others on the market in the same domain is that it describes through examples the ideal competences of a leader. I never claimed that it's easy to become a good leader, but if people will...

The Master Touch
Leadership - Magia măiestriei

For some leaders, "leading" resembles more to a chess game, a game of cleverness and perspicacity; for others it means a game of chance, a game they think they can win every time risking and betting everything on a single card.

Leadership Puzzle
Leadership Puzzle

I wrote this book that conjoins in a simple way personal development with leadership, just like a puzzle, where you have to match all the given pieces in order to recompose the general image.

Performance in Leading
Leadership - Pe înţelesul tuturor

The aim of this book is to offer you information through concrete examples and to show you how to obtain the capacity to make others see things from the same angle as you.

Leadership for Dummies
Leadership - Pe înţelesul tuturor

Without considering it a concord, the book is representing the try of an ordinary man - the author - who through simple words, facts and usual examples instills to the ordinary man courage and optimism in his own quest to be his own master and who knows... maybe even a leader.