You Cannot See With Ignorant Eyes
True artists follow their own visions without the constraint of limiting external evaluations.
read more despre You Cannot See With Ignorant EyesTrue artists follow their own visions without the constraint of limiting external evaluations.
read more despre You Cannot See With Ignorant EyesWhat you perceive through the lens of art is the mirror of inner consciousness that challenges you to navigate a certain direction through the human-technological duality.
read more despre The Eyes Reflect The Gaze That Explores The Search For IdentityIt is extremely difficult to penetrate with the artist’s soul into the deep source, mysterious even to him, from which springs the creative instinct.
read more despre Observe Me With A Behind-The-Canvas SightBe able to understand your mind and feelings through the eyes of an artist who feeds on the sap of creation.
read more despre The Reconstruction Of A Personality Reflected In Its DoubleFind the half-spirit that complements you in the turbulent landscape of events, through the experience of “there is nothing and yet there is” that educates you and makes you human.
read more despre The Moral Dimension Of LeadershipLearn to look from the perspective of a creation that does not cease to amaze, considering the composition of an image that represents you by its nature.
read more despre The Price Of An Immortal RoseTake time to discern reality and your own thoughts to increase your level of self-acceptance and motivation.
read more despre The Foundation Of LeadershipRestrain your feeling of deep sorrow that you feel before consciousness, do not allow yourself to be led by it !
read more despre The Human Side Of LeadershipLearn to spend most of your time in your own universe derived from that flux of thoughts that helps you discover the mysteries of the infinite possibilities of creation.
read more despre In 2 EternityAffirm your fidelity to the demands of an autonomous thinking, remaining devout to the values of communicating with yourself at a higher level.
read more despre Don’t Try To Run Away From YourselfTurn leadership into a masterpiece, integrating yourself in the configuration of facts and events constituting the action of a novel.
read more despre Only The Ego RemainsFind new means of artistic expression, thinking up the work within the material you have.
read more despre Science Builds ArtTraverse the path of affirmation of a new personality, through the true reproduction of the intense experiences experienced in the artistic plan of the events that marked you and on which you still cling to.
read more despre What’s Going On Here?Strive to accumulate knowledge, realizing the fusion between the infinite and the primordial that pushes you to overcome your limits.
read more despre Burning In The Skies (II)Monitor your progress at the turning point between the dream and the palpable, poignantly manifesting your quality of introducing yourself in the existence of a world perceived through the senses of advanced knowledge.
read more despre Burning In The Skies (I)Relate to what changes you, subordinating yourself to the model of an authority found under the dome of a miraculous becoming.
read more despre The MiracleAchieve the total transformation of the conception of who you are, relating to a deeper experience.
read more despre Seeing Those Things Hidden Within The DeepEstablish the type of knowledge that guides your motivation in scientific practice, constantly reviewing relations with the art you create.
read more despre The Absolute Owner Of Art Without BordersDirect your thinking towards the development of an original creation that is fully in line with the provisions of the science delegated to clarify the elements of manifestation of future concepts.
read more despre The Trajectory Of A Celestial BodyLet yourself driven by all that you can be, regardless the current context where change happens, following your strongest emotions.
read more despre Continuation Of The Last DollExtend your knowledge territory, without getting too attacked to the properties of the reality you identify with.
read more despre The Flame Of A Candle Held By An Invisible HandDirect your evolution towards a high development stage, so that the premises of obtaining some ambitious results be ensured.
read more despre The Moving Depths Of The Immense Ocean Of MatterBuild a vision about the Man you portray which would depend on the result of reason and on the full awareness of the consequences of negative character manifestations that you can not combat.
read more despre The Black CobraShort-circuit the entity that defines man, in order to bring to light its hidden tendencies.
read more despre A Bird Whose Powder Down Is Lost At A DistanceEnhance the value of your existence, by fighting against the factor that pins you down in submediocrity.
read more despre The Soul Of A Lost TreasurePut yourself in front of a new situation of "being", without provoking a great conflict with yourself.
read more despre Lost Outside TimeGive a certain note to your personality without abandoning that analytical thoroughness of the "Man" within you.
read more despre A Breach In The Impenetrable Wall Of ManTransform your identity into a form of self-revelation, ensuring a perfect integration of your ideals into the reality that characterizes you.
read more despre The Realm In Which We Never Get On Time (II)Give yourself the possibility of a rigorous and fair self-assessment, by making the retrospective analysis of your own limitations, constraints, searches and expectations.
read more despre The Realm In Which We Never Get On Time (I)Try to capture the deeper essence of what you represent in a particular character structure so that you can reveal the pieces that make up the puzzle of your exceptionality.
read more despre The Life Cycle Of LeadershipLearn to appreciate yourself according to the way you think, from the perspective of the freedom to feel good about yourself and the outside environment.
read more despre Dream And WatchBe able to perceive change before it occurs so that your vision becomes a “historic monument”.
read more despre The Vision Raises Your ExpectationsThe idea is this: to distinguish yourself from others through a kind of magic, through a kind of code of hidden knowledge.
read more despre The Dream Of Nicolas Flamel And The Prophetic Message Of The AngelAn exceptional artist sifts through the fragmented sensations to create a connection between what is factual and what becomes symbolic.
read more despre The Elements Merge Into A Coherent Image