Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Look At Me Without Obeying My Sight

On November 09, 2021
, in
Leadership V8 by Neculai Fantanaru

Focus on what is meaningful to the image that resonates with the world, without increasing your tendency to control the process of image formation itself.

Many people are present at today’s competition in Cluj-Napoca. The marathon is very competitive. There are a lot of competitors, but also a lot of supporters. Everyone is watching something, otherwise they wouldn’t have been there since this morning. It is enough to look at how those who run are viewed, compared to the supporters on the sidelines, everything being chained naturally, distinctly, freely, in an unexpected montage of more and more involved attitudes. And you immediately realize that the supporters’ gaze is firmly fixed on the running track, so not on you, even if you are one of the supporters.

Besides, if I can prove, as I think will happen, that no look can be blamed on the voice of a responsible conscience, confessing its need to please everyone without being overly influenced by various mechanisms of comparison, then all supporters will be above the runners in terms of the vision of belonging to a great goal. One must admire the attitude that turns a supporter into an unwilling participant in the happy event.

It could be said that any look that seeks another look is not a self-satisfied look, but a vulnerable one that can change at any moment, instead of waiting for everything. And a sight that sees is not necessarily a look with great echo in the depths of being.

I emphasize this. If every look were to follow the one next to it, it would probably lose its dignity, because no look focused on an important goal can steep so low to the point of noticing something insignificant, right? Therefore, you cannot reserve the exclusive right to condemn a view that does not concern you. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.

Leadership: Do you control the emotion that comes from directing your attention to the source of a visual stimulus capable of producing a “full circle” sensation when you express your concern for what is around you?

During the first race I witnessed, my gaze had only one conviction, based on a single suspicion, namely that it has no time limit to suit the preferences of others. And if any accusation against me was brought to my notice, and I should answer it as I see fit, so as not to be asked for more detailed explanations, I would only say this:

A look should not be easily persuaded by the promise of an announced event, promising to deliver exciting sensations, just like an advertisement that makes you buy anything. Rather, it would be better to firmly continue to be invisible, in order to prevent any “fall” in case of too much arrogance.

To put it another way. A visual stimulus capable of producing the sensation of a “complete circle” appears as a result of a succession of sensational events that initiate a response to the action of large-scale events by which you become a factor of change. Consequently, the atmosphere that catches your eye at a particular event, the overall look of an image that you look at as a whole, can trigger a biased attitude toward one or the other.

Controlling the emotion that tempts you at a certain event means strengthening your belief that what you are experiencing intensely has an important meaning and does not go unnoticed, and that what matters to you also matters to others.

At the same time, this emotion can spring from the belief that what you experience intensely in a certain moment of maximum sportsmanship can produce a significant impact in the process of forming a new self-image. At least in the case of the supporters, don’t forget that the winner is in you too, even if the participants in the race try to delight your eyes with unique rhythm breaks.

Every human being is subject to the gaze that seeks him, not necessarily to the gaze that he desires or that he deserves. And this only if it establishes from the very beginning the definite reason for finding a background in someone’s foreground. What is meant by this? That man can be looked at only because he wants to be looked at, or in a rare case, his gaze can inadvertently attract other looks seeking something sensational? Does this look have a completely arbitrary character? Does having a look in the foreground mean sharing its beliefs?

Leadership is the attitude of the man who knows how to keep a flame burning in the midst of the crowd, but who focuses only on the image of the flame that has imprinted itself in his mind.

Look At Me Without Obeying My Sight is the motto of a man who has understood that by just being alone in the midst of men, he will never be able to draw full attention to himself. And that’s because people who are experiencing a lively, unpredictable episode are paying more attention to the end result than to a small “announcement”.

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