Neculai Fântânaru

Everything Depends on Who Leads

Observe Yourself In Thoughts, Without Being Overshadowed By Them

On October 25, 2021
, in
Leadership 360˚ by Neculai Fantanaru
Observe Yourself In Thoughts, Without Being Overshadowed By Them

Stay consistent with what is essential to you: to belong to you, to overcome your need to identify with something different from yourself.

I hear the echo of my mind on the mist of the summer wind. And, most importantly, when you listen to something soothing, it is because your soul is there, in the sun, by the sea, by the sand, barely looking for that special something that will not consume you, a sparkle, a beautiful word, a contoured idea of a thought that crosses your mind and that you can only share with yourself. It all starts with a thought that appears in the field of your consciousness.

Yes. I like peace, just as I like the feeling of space of a galaxy, which is in turn part of the universe, being an important moment for the whole creation that thinking achieves in the wake of an uplifting, brave, stimulating dream, in an attempt to demonstrate their suitability for a clean and quiet environment. And if anything in me is a universe, then silence is just a part of an endless galaxy, with the metaphor of the consciousness of a symbol of the peaceful mind, of the regressive spirit, of the inability to understand the signs of the times.

And when you are seconded by the consciousness of a new universe, self-discovery related to the discovery of a universe that has truly become the universe, you become more adept at understanding the brightness of the sea that reflects the endless colors of sunsets, the image of a new encounter with yourself, the image of a new world, found far from the one for which you were prepared.

Leadership: Is the theme of your creation to find a rhythm of communication through yourself, a kind of accompaniment against the background of which certain sequences from an endless imaginary dialogue with the Other are highlighted?

It turns out that I am a fine observer of my thoughts, illuminated by a ray of sunshine in the endless stream of thoughts about myself, sorted and channeled in a single point, Tedudhenthelis , a perfect and omnipresent Here and Now. Just as someone is walking on the waterfront looking at you, so am I sitting on a deck chair watching my thoughts and feelings without judging them. It is a kind of distance that seeks closeness and communicates only through a kind of transcendent, curious, spontaneous empathy. The road to the Other passes through yourself…

But, especially, the picture I fall into, with the silence on the seashore, is all the more interesting as my thoughts are stopped in front of a book by the writer Simona Popescu, in which the following words are written:

“I am now far away, in the future. I speak from the heart of old age. I have memories of what hasn’t happened yet. I reversed. It’s an old, very old game. It could be called ‘the old man rejuvenates’. In fact, it is not the past, the lost time you’re looking for – because nothing is passed, nothing is lost – but a meaning in this tangle from which you feed and untangles you, the forgetfulness of a being, old and new, a kind of coral human bud, growing younger and older.”

The sea looks at me too, with its thoughts. So are the shells, the sand, the sun, whose thoughts are carried to me by an experiencing of a feeling beyond words, a feeling of life experience that, no matter how long, takes place beyond age. And suddenly, in a flash of thought, I see in my memory the words that really haunt me: “What is important is the work you do with this confessional material that contains a transformation of old age into youth.”

Leadership: What trait defines you, depending on what you see in this image in which you yourself create the possibility of being one with the person looking at you from its immanent dimension to the authenticity of a transcendental becoming?

It’s pretty clear. I have discovered that I can meditate, have an inner state of peace, even if I think a thousand thoughts about the sea, the sand, the seashells and the sun. And I can become my own observer of my thoughts, identifying with the environment, but not like a chemist lighting a furnace, blowing from the belly, heating the crucible, analyzing and destroying the matter on which the spirit projects its forces and energies. But like a fragment of a kind of soul exchange that I witness from a distance. For my soul lives in the depths of the soul of the sea, of the sand, of the shells.

The symbol of undisturbed innocence, the perfect way to reflect my own emotions, the most complete peace, puts me in control of my thoughts, carries me from one context to another, opening another world connected to infinity.

The sand is unchanged, as are last year’s shells. They remained in the same place, without remorse. The beaches have grown, but the sand is the same, the shells the same, only in a larger amount, I would say. And they all tread on the same sand, on the same shells, on the same beach, because time does not change much from one year to another in the work of nature. And in the place where I am lying on the deck chair, I feel the same peace as last year, the same fresh, playful, charming mist.

And if I wanted to be sand for a moment, at least as much as I would try to be a shell, as only alchemists manage to turn lead into gold by activating the strong currents of the spirit, then I would first ask the permission of the sea, because the beach belongs to her. But the old woman is much wiser than I am. Before I found in it the witness of my transformation into a time of shells that had become sand, the sea spoke to me simply as it spoke to the alchemists for hundreds of years:

- Shells and sand have always belonged to me. But man has never managed to learn how to remain consistent with what is essential to him: to belong to himself, to overcome his ego’s need to identify with something different from himself.

The authenticity of a transcendental becoming refers to that invisible mirror of your ego that subtly affects you, that widening or extension of the ego, the illusion of ascending above all that is real, that what makes you feel as being someone else is exactly what inspires you (but also hurts you).

Observe Yourself In Thoughts, Without Being Overshadowed By Them if you want to live in the dimension of art. This is what I did when, along with my thoughts, felt so comfortable in the sea breeze and became like the sand or shells that surround me, synonymous with the ageless time that managed to reveal to me another side of my artistic activity.

In this sense, one trait defines me entirely: focused mental attention.

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