Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Only A Saint Can Borrow The Image Of A Mortal

On August 16, 2020
, in
Skills and Abilities by Neculai Fantanaru

It is enough to go through a story with life, about life, to find infinite pleasure in the act of living another life.

I am in the vicinity of the rose, as long as there is mutual admiration, going deeper and deeper into the story of a painting described by an anonymous painter with a lively, dreamy brush in which the color of the blood dominates. In episodes delimited by “to be continued”, I believe that the true existence of my rose is part of the first design of the approach to the analysis of the work of art and the finalization of the idea of space of an almost ideal beauty.

So sincere, beautifully written, the story of my life is inscribed with much soul, delicately, in the perspective of an unceasing resemblance to Him, a rose with blood-colored petals that is structured in the perspective of an artistic theme of great interest: Anacredarekr , meaning the stability of the feeling of belonging to the essence of nature imposed by the duration of a state of mind with rich meanings from many points of view.

Me and my rose. Only the two of us are the protagonists of a show of colors, the expression of an act of aesthetic valorization in noticing and tasting a work of art explained by an approach to the grace of God transposed in a space of Creation. We unite heavenly and natural through a prayer that contains the word “distance”, as if drawn from the memory of a time suspended in a desert region:

Behold, I speak by the mouth of Allah from 1001 nights. May Allah bless his blessings upon me ! What is an island that has not known the consequences of its generosity? As for me, ya sidi, then if I had a hundred mouths on my face, and a hundred tongues in each mouth, and a treasure trove of tongues on each tongue, I still couldn’t I tell you properly the wonderful generosity of his reign Abulcassem !

Leadership: Is your artistic vision the ambitious promise you make to the world about what you will reveal about yourself in a language specific to the universe and nature to which nothing in real life corresponds?

Calm, patient, emotional, I keep my eyes on the form of symbolism called “comparison”. I continue to look at myself with love of art, sometimes realistic, sometimes dreamy, through the visual landmark of an eye that observes the spectacular path of an expressionist artistic vision previously prepared by the idea of a free nature that is universally imposed on man, which the spirit must poetically imitate by playing with the artist in the middle of a wonderful and restful Orient.

Will my gaze be able to guarantee the total transparency of the watercolor in another Alpha and Omega version of nature?

So sensitive, the artist’s eyes can be attributed, as a starting point for identifying a captivating vision, worthy of painting, the power of transfiguration of reality and the ability to assimilate light in each of the receptive souls who experience “the story of a lost and found world”. The thread of my story is heard in the language of Allah, and the desert paradise, stretched out under a scorching sun, announces the common ground of the discovery of a niche art, so beautifully called: Sympathia.

The rose reads my thoughts, gathers them through a mystical enlightenment in a prayer that contains the word “Fantastic”, making them the culminating jolt of the primary condition of my being undisturbed by a consciousness of aesthetic vulnerability. Like a rose petal taken by the wind that knows no violence, only the pale light of dusk, I feel transposed into a new dimension, into a language that acquires even more incomprehensible meanings as it moves in the opposite direction to reality in which I relate to empirically and rationally, so that everything becomes fascinating !

Leadership: Does your self respond to the urge to fervently experience the high feeling of manifestation of divine grace available as a reference model for understanding the symbolism of art?

This is what delights my mind and soul: with the inscription of the existence of a rose in the dreamy and artistic world of my world, in the purely mystical sense of the word Eryosthevia , meaning the opening of man to the work of divine grace. The artistic, worthy of the beauty of the rose, is found in the power of this word that seems to urge to dream, beautifying man with the grace of the Holy Spirit, in a personal and unique way. And if I am a rose, more sublime than any proof by which God could be known, it is because I live within a space of enlightenment, between the pure creations of nature and the imaginary creations of man.

With such naturalness and love, the rose spoke to me with the conviction that I am part of another world, more distant: “Try to fall asleep with your eyes open so that you can dream me more real. Let me be the reality of your dream.”

And I replied like an ancient teacher who had moved to another world: “I will try to focus my gaze on the dream from which I can hardly return, only to be able to embrace the reality of a brush that expresses its desire to color with empathy an image in a state of contour.”

True. I am a saint, because the spirit of my word (full of mystery) crosses the space that stretches from the earth to the sky, and returns in the form of an image full of emotion in the field of an art of sensitivity, Aterspesys , at a time when the world marvels at how far she has come. For only a saint can borrow the image of an ordinary mortal to stand out in the world of men, and this world does not differ much from the wonderful and immortal world of the spirits of nature.

Through the symbolism of art you will receive in your mastery the spirit of a Saint with the help of which you will be able to communicate with all the spirits of nature. This denotes the inclination and ease of experiencing a different plane of existence than that of the earthly world.

Only A Saint Can Borrow The Image Of A Mortal as long as this saint is an artist who approaches with his soul the area of watercolor and painting, authenticating himself not only as a landmark of universality, but as a wonder of nature, finding himself in a work of art as a unifying element between heaven and earth, between dream and reality, between culture and aesthetics.

Before I could shape the reality I wanted to bring to life in the pages of my books, through the language of a spiritual essentiality, the rose transferred the following words to my soul and mind:

Try to see a star in the sky, touch it with the brush, in expressive formulas,
Understand it as a gift, always painted with rediscovery.
And when you will be like a dream, without separation,
In a constellation of the Sacred, beyond vision,
Reflect me with brilliance, with art, with purpose,
By reference to a symbolic life, full of enigmas,
As in a painting painted with vivid shades of immortality.


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