Do You Really See This Thing?
The gaze that interrogates the silence, often finds answers in the echo of the passing moment.
read more despre Do You Really See This Thing?The gaze that interrogates the silence, often finds answers in the echo of the passing moment.
read more despre Do You Really See This Thing?The path your present follows depends on how you measure the burden of your soul.
read more despre The Eye Sees Only What The Soul Wants To SeeWhat you see with the gift of vision is an indication of how you feel when you experience the pleasure of taste.
read more despre The Aesthetics Of A Vision Springing From The Perception Of TasteThe narrative that guides your vision can take shape when the logic of the dream stemming from the painting meets the logic of the dream stemming from the word.
read more despre The Dream, Producer Of A Narrative Feature FilmArt is the creator’s means of constituting himself in a vision which the eye calls “comparison”.
read more despre The Rustle Of An Artist's Mind Embodied In A Beautiful Body Of NatureThe story behind the epic of life is the picture of a guessed, interpreted, but little-known world, to which you must always add something.
read more despre Come VorreiTry to introduce a new measure of reality without departing from the role you play in supporting the emancipation of an alternative sphere of influence.
read more despre The Great Challenge Of LeadershipTry to understand who you are when you lose yourself in someone else.
read more despre It's Probably MeEnrich yourself with an advanced knowledge, heading towards the ensemble of the world with your whole personality and spirit.
read more despre Those Children Of Time’s WhisperSign up as a new consciousness in a series of processes of personal transformation, setting boundaries regarding the experiencing of a variant of a reality that has never before been selected and disclosed.
read more despre The Work Of An Immigrant In The Space Of AlterityAchieve an expansion of the meaning of reality to something broader, by braiding information that you can only be aware of by reconciling the contradictions of your own thinking and identity.
read more despre The Truth Beyond Magic (III)Ensure an environment of change that welcomes exceptionality, turning yourself into a programmer of new self-content.
read more despre The Truth Beyond Magic (II)Try to base your own scientific theories that can give credibility to a new line of thinking, interacting with those "unknowns" created around personalized experiences.
read more despre The Truth Beyond Magic (I)Establish some growth and evolutionary rigor over time, capitalizing on that transformation whose representation is the assumed experience.
read more despre Where Do You Come From, Blind Man?Turn your leadership into a reality check tool, without trying to reveal people’s true value depending on your expectations.
read more despre You Lost Sight Of It, Didn’t You?Strengthen the bridge between self-knowledge and your potential, in order to perfect your identity.
read more despre The Light From The Mysterious Depths Of DarknessPerfect your evolution, by placing your existence under the sign of Ego that defines and leads you to an ascending path.
read more despre The First And The Last Wanderer From The Desert Of ShadowsProve critical firmness in appreciating the forms and direction of self-development, without circumventing the authority called "the force of interpreting creation".
read more despre The Evening Star Of A Creator Shackled In The Chains Of Reality (II)Polish the diamond inside of you, so that you can give to your leadership a form as perfect as possible.
read more despre The Evening Star Of A Creator Shackled In The Chains Of Reality (I)Find the way towards the true essence of human being in order to enhance the depth and quality of your ego.
read more despre The Fuel Of A Creator Who Restrains The ChaosShow the superiority of your conscience, by removing the destructive influences of your own feelings’ oscillations.
read more despre The Tribute Paid To Life From The Heights Of The EternalRespect your commitments towards your potential of accomplishing what can be truly virtuous, reassessing the way in which you perceive your own being.
read more despre A Small Coin For A Lost CityOpen your horizons all by yourself, showing your full commitment to your aspirations.
read more despre The Seeds Of The Dead SeaIf you are dissatisfied with reality, shape a different one. If you can't do that, shape yourself.
read more despre The Principle Of ChangeImprove your professional performance, by outlining in a very convincing way the style of interpreting your role.
read more despre Test Your SkillsEnhance your performance level, by enabling that useful option from your operating mode that allows you to get results with great effect.
read more despre Be The First To Make The MoveFind the element that highlights your operating frequency in order to reap the benefits of a superior performance.
read more despre A Method That Yields ResultsCreate an overall picture over your own values, so you can accede more easily to a higher level of perfection.
read more despre Godly PerfectionHighlight your abilities of a researcher before managing to bring out vivid gold from the resources of knowledge and intellectual strengths that you have.
read more despre Invest In ExcellenceBe yourself a pioneer, without falling into the curse of straightening to the unmeasured.
read more despre The Curse That Threatens YouPrevent the erosion process of your potential, by creating a positive impact on your actions.
read more despre The Last Hundred MetersAmplify your potential for change, by generating that supreme state of mind that would allow your access towards excellence.
read more despre With Too Little They Got FarThe editing process and reflection on the "intellectual film" can redefine the traditional boundaries of cinema, providing a platform for deep philosophical ideas.
read more despre The Idea Of The Intellectual Film