Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Intuition And Sharp Vision

On February 24, 2010
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Control your thoughts, will and actions, placing them in an order which takes into account the impact it can have on your destiny.

Two exceptional leaders, cunning and capable, considered followers of progress were James Cook and Fernando Magellan. Travellers by destiny, by instinct, they both quarried, they both wandered, searched the world in a time when it had not yet been totally discovered. They both stood out hard, but forever, on the world stage. They both have shown, each in his own way that an idea, to have value and survive, must necessarily turn into action. But, at the same time, they both made the same fatal mistake, which decided their destiny, although they surely would have deserved a better fate, a longer life.

They both put their necks under the knife, in the true sense of the word. Confident in their capacity to succeed in everything they had planned, having made a multitude of successful expeditions, they went forward with enthusiasm to unknown islands, but without taking into consideration the threats coming from the natives. They were both killed savagely, one on the Sandwich Island and the other on the Mactan Island, each of them in lamentable fights with the natives, useless and disastrous fights they could have easily avoided.

Leadership: Are you the leader up to the end of the experience of living in a real-life environment augmented by the pressure of your own limits?

Their deaths, unforeseen and useless, clearly happened because of their lack of vision. Each of them neglected completely the most important characteristics of a leader: prudence and perspective vision. Magellan thought of the threat just as little as Cook did, and they both lost their lives in just as insignificant events. Both were killed by isolated indigenous peoples protesting against the inhuman acts to which their tribes had been subjected.

They had won over the elements of nature, they had gone through storms and they knew how to dominate people, but in the end, they were knocked down by a ridiculous "human bug" just when they least expected, immediately after they had fulfilled their objectives. Even though they were warned countless times not take on actions which, by their nature, would not be of major importance, the two leaders fell knowingly, like some suicides, into the face of death.

For those who do not possesses the will and whose pride always pushes him forward, without having any sharp vision on the various upcoming events, is not meant to reach the end of the race and enjoy everything the accomplished in his journey. Vision is crucial, and not just for setting objectives. It puts you on guard, prepares you for what lies ahead, identifying the mistakes which can prove to be fatal and keeping you away from them.

Being a true leader means seeing what is possible to happen within a limit of quantification of debt to the rationale of one’s own deeds of power, representing the equivalent of the obligation to pay moral damages.

A true leader detects the problems before they occur. By adjusting, correcting and preventing the worsening of things, doing everything head on, he ensures that everything will stand out well. And people will follow and support him for the healthy reason contained by his ideas. Let's remember that the leader works as an example for those he leads. What he does, the people around him also try to do. His aims become their aims. His vision becomes their vision, as well. Wherever he goes, and they are moving, in the direction of the best or the wrong, to success or failure. Vision is an image or a concept of the future, which, surely lies at the basis of the leader's plans and actions and which inspires and motivates its followers.

Both Magellan and Cook, unfortunately, hadn't been prepared for what it laid ahead. They were more prepared for the action itself, but not for its consequences. Acting under the urge of the moment, trying to impose their own will, focusing all their powers only for reaching their personal aims, they had failed. They lacked intuition and vision, which should have warned them about consequences. If they had been open-minded, more calculated, if they had been able to clearly see the situation in which there were, their lives would have had a different outcome.

Leadership: Do you effectively manage the impetus to evolve in accepting a high-performance and high-profile commitment, taking into account the process of delimiting the effects of moral damage?

Intuition and sharp vision are the system which guides you in life, not letting you astray from the right path. At the same time, they are the key elements of leadership. Without them, you cannot lead. Without them you cannot achieve your goals. Without them, you cannot reach the end of your journey. Almost certainly, intuition and sharp vision are the only ones which can help you see what might happen in the near and distant future, ensuring a greater consistency in thinking and giving you more possessed your own decisions.

If you don't focus on the future, you won't be able to correct or to prevent the worsening of things and you will probably wander like a sleepwalker. And, as a leader, you cannot afford to "see with your feet" as walking in darkness or not knowing when to stop.

The impulse of taking action and to evolve in order to achieve specific objectives, will take you on a long road, which you won't go until the end if you lack the ability to see "the trees before the forest". You need a sharp vision in order to fulfill your goals.

Leadership is the impetus of magnification that you must restrict from pleasures or whims, ultimately small, which lead you to the extreme and to pain.

If you are put on great deeds, you must be ready to control your impulses too, to abstain yourself from acting eagerly and do something reckless, which could knock over your plans. Direct your attention to the future, identify all obstacles before they appear, overcome them with great care and finish the projects you devoted yourself to heart and soul.

Control your thoughts, will and actions, placing them in an order which takes into account the impact it can have on you. Be confident in your ability to succeed in everything you set out to do, without forcing the limits that you yourself have set.

As a preventative means against the leap towards the immeasurable, it is advisable to consume only dreams and visions that do not exceed the well-guarded perimeter of your maneuvering possibilities in the most unexpected circumstances.

Leadership means recognizing your limits when circumstances require you to be more than you are capable of being.

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