Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Affective Values Of Artists

On July 27, 2023
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

The way the painter expresses himself in the use of the brush technique serves as an argument to give his features a certain depth and subtlety in a theme that includes the most meaningful human emotions and experiences.

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The Qualities Of The Painter In Leadership

On September 21, 2022
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Learn to immortalize the reality observed by the careful eye of the artist, bringing to light the truly comprehensive elements of the “Differentiating Whole” from which the thinking behind the creation of the Work of Art is formed.

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Inner Integrity

On June 09, 2011
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Acknowledge and protect your most inspiring virtues, in order to ensure the full and outright evolution of your positive ego.

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Spiritual Sensitivity

On April 09, 2011
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Look at the people with the eyes of your soul for your influence to be positive.

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Insight Power

On April 07, 2011
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Seek to penetrate into the thoughts of others in order to decipher their character.

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Power Of Persuasion

On April 06, 2011
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Communicate to people your point of view in such an effective manner so that they will be convinced of its justness.

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The Ego's Penetration Force

On April 04, 2011
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

The more you know about people, the better you will be prepared to understand them.

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Lucidity And The Depth Of Reasoning

On March 04, 2011
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Direct your leadership to virtue by showing you more concerned about the unseen side of human personality.

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Spiritual Greatness

On December 23, 2010
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Learn to observe and intelligently modify people's perceptions so that they can overcome more easily the difficult times of their lives.

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On November 21, 2010
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Skill of a leader becomes a mirror reflecting his relations with other people.

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Greatness Of Soul

On October 17, 2010
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

In order to enjoy people's prestige and gratitude, it isn't enough to be good, you must be great.

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Absolute Devotion

On August 19, 2010
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Focus your soul antennas to others, so that they attach more to you.

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Emotional Force

On July 21, 2010
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Activate those inner forces through which to find the right path to the people's hearts.

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Intuition And Sharp Vision

On February 24, 2010
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Control your thoughts, will and actions, placing them in an order which takes into account the impact it can have on you.

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On May 19, 2010
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Increase your capacity for decision and action, for your leadership to gain more ground.

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On January 08, 2009
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Be open to a new way of thinking and basically to a new way of seeing things, to assure the optimum development of your leadership.

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On June 25, 2010
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Open the channels of communication with others, providing evidence that your values and belief system is working properly.

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On December 17, 2008
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Permanently assess your potential depending on the nature of duties you have and by the consequences that you must assume.

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On April 27, 2009
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

People will admire and follow you if you fit their ideal.

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On December 27, 2009
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Overcome your limitations if you want to take the leap to the next level.

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Desire For Self-Improvement

On January 07, 2010
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

You cannot mobilize the energies of other people and to arouse an intense passion for their work, if you yourself are not driven by the desire to achieve increasingly better results.

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On December 21, 2008
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Show people you are on their side and they will give you their trust.

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On December 22, 2008
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Continue to stay true to your beliefs and ideas to penetrate beyond the limits that others impose on you.

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The Unyielding Will To Overpower

On January 14, 2010
, in
Qualities of A Leader by Neculai Fantanaru

Whenever you lower your standards, you will become vulnerable, and whenever you will find another better than you, with a stronger will, you will lose.

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Alatura-te Comunitatii Neculai Fantanaru
The 63 Greatest Qualities of a Leader
Cele 63 de calităţi ale liderului

Why read this book? Because it is critical to optimizing your performance. Because it reveals the main coordinates after that are build the character and skills of the leaders, highlighting what it is important for them to increase their influence.

Leadership - Magic of Mastery
Atingerea maestrului

The essential characteristic of this book in comparison with others on the market in the same domain is that it describes through examples the ideal competences of a leader. I never claimed that it's easy to become a good leader, but if people will...

The Master Touch
Leadership - Magia măiestriei

For some leaders, "leading" resembles more to a chess game, a game of cleverness and perspicacity; for others it means a game of chance, a game they think they can win every time risking and betting everything on a single card.

Leadership Puzzle
Leadership Puzzle

I wrote this book that conjoins in a simple way personal development with leadership, just like a puzzle, where you have to match all the given pieces in order to recompose the general image.

Performance in Leading
Leadership - Pe înţelesul tuturor

The aim of this book is to offer you information through concrete examples and to show you how to obtain the capacity to make others see things from the same angle as you.

Leadership for Dummies
Leadership - Pe înţelesul tuturor

Without considering it a concord, the book is representing the try of an ordinary man - the author - who through simple words, facts and usual examples instills to the ordinary man courage and optimism in his own quest to be his own master and who knows... maybe even a leader.