Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Reflections On Leadership

On March 23, 2008
, in
Leadership Quantum-XX by Neculai Fantanaru

Accept reality before you focus on the things you think you know.

Forget my opinion. Leadership excellence is only achieved if you accept change, freely and without coercion. It is like an urgent need of the present and the future. The world, the requirements, are constantly changing and so you need to be able to keep up with them. I mean, we have to be always willing to take the plunge toward self-motivation, towards the ideal, and originality, to change our mindset, and to keep pace with the world and the times.

It is useless to understand leadership if you do not know how to use its essence wisely. The essence of leadership is manifested by the decisions you make whenever you interact with other people, but also whenever you educate your own self, storing and analyzing the latest features of human nature. It is not for nothing that I have said many times in my seminars that the leader, before leading people and guiding them in a direction beneficial to both, must discover his own values, his own self, try to constantly fight his imperfections until he reaches the level where its results and performance improve.

Beyond self-knowledge, another characteristic of leaders is that they are constantly open to the new, obey the rules, and take only calculated risks. Be careful, it’s about the “inside” rules, the circuit that these risks follow so that the leader’s perfection is complete.

Let me add that the best leaders have a high degree of self-confidence, a confidence that is shaped by the cleansing and uniformity of their aspirations (giving voice to their feelings) – which often makes them more pleasant and more easily accepting of a failure or a contradictory opinion. Various studies have shown something important – an increased interest in their emotional and moral status, in the way they are seen, in the way they perceive themselves. An excellent leader, for example, will not want to have the most expensive car and the biggest house, but as many people as possible to follow him.

Leadership: Can the values your personality is proud of influence the decisions you need to make in order to make adjustments that can lead to incredible upheavals?

Values ​​are important to the leaders of all companies in the world, from the smallest to the largest, being especially edifying. For example, as someone rightly points out, women managers tend to be altruistic, more conservative, and not infrequently base their business decisions on intuition. Men, on the other hand, are much more pragmatic, the immediate results concern them the most, they only talk about money, and they almost always put business before personal life – “this will make shareholders love leaders, but they have to be careful so that employees do not end up hating their leaders.”

Your personal and professional value springs from the depths of your own being. By this I mean the extent of your confidence in what defines you, in our faith and will when you exercise your skills and test your skills. You can prevent the erosion of your potential by creating a positive impact on your actions.

To achieve excellence in leadership, to become a performer, seek to discover what works best for people, use your influence to inspire value in your organization. Your involvement in getting to know people is a positive thing. And I find that it is very good when you highlight, on any occasion, the values ​​that are the object of your leadership, when you expose your concern for what defines you, for what you think, for what hurts or makes you happy.

The incredible ascension of a leader can mean the transition of man from imperfection to perfection, or the transition from an insignificant role to a very important one.

But at the same time, you need to focus on those errors of conscience, on those purely personal, irrational, emotional elements that have left their mark on the reality of your life (such as pain, sadness, hatred, fear, etc.) and remove feelings that can lead to emotional “paralysis”. Once they flood your life, you can hardly change. Leadership is like an apple that needs to be beautiful on the outside, ripe and healthy on the inside – but an apple that does not dry out with the changing seasons and climate, and continues to bear fruit. This is possible only if the people around him take care of him and provide him with all the optimal fruiting conditions.

The question once asked by the great leadership expert, John Maxwell, is this: “Are you compatible with the way you think about your organization and the way you lead?” If the answer is no, don’t even think about mentoring. For you to be excellent in leadership, you must be compatible with other people.

No training in this world will make you the kind of leader that people want and really need. Your endowment with those qualities accepted and desired by people requires employment. It takes time and effort on your part. The longer and harder your path to endowment, the longer it will bear fruit.

The role of a leader is to guide those who have chosen him. Based on a deep knowledge of human nature and especially of those he represents, he must know how to guide them on the best path to achieve the common goal, by unanimously accepted method (and in accordance with the requirements and standards imposed today).

A leader who wants to achieve excellence guides people on the same path to achieving performance and excellence, and definitely cannot be a… dissenter… but also not a commoner… (a man who today destroys what he made yesterday, and who repairs today what he will ruin tomorrow). Remember: It is useless to understand leadership if you do not know how to use its essence wisely.

Leadership aims to achieve a great goal, fulfilling the role of authority in situations where events are identified that prove the existence of incidents at the level of emergency management.

Reflections On Leadership can be extracted from any random event, from any situation that makes you think about how to intelligently manage the evolution of uncertain phenomena that can lead to an excessive loss of support from people.

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