Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Self Searching

On February 11, 2017
, in
Leadership eX-Elite by Neculai Fantanaru

Understand your position towards what amounts to be considered "normal" in everything that is not a triumph of human value.

I do not believe that the dread for that island will ever completely leave me, most often it lies somewhere in the bottom of my heart, a simple distant cloud, a memory and vague suspicion. But there are moments when the tiny cloud spreads until it darkens the whole sky. Then, I look around at my smaller fellows. And I am terrified. I see harsh and animated faces, others dark or threatening, others changing, spurious. None to have the calm authority of a rational being. I feel as if the animal within them will have to emerge. That the degradation of all on the island will occur again, but on a larger scale.

I know that this is just a figment of my imagination, that these appearances of men and women around me are truly men and women, forever, perfectly rational creatures, full of humanly desires and tender worries, freed from instincts, not being the slaves of any fantastical law – beings completely different from Animal-People. And yet, I run away from them, from their curious gazes, from their questions and support, and I wish to be far away from them. Alone. Only with God. *

Leadership: Do you try to prove to yourself that you are sincere in what you believe or do not believe, to prevent mental conflicts that fuel your alienation from everything and everyone?

Everything you imagine as a means of controlling the power to prevent the degradation of your own social condition, is processed at the height of the experience of being put in relationship with a reality that hurts and displeases you. A reality expressed through the fear of being equal to a value of man, exceeded by the requirements of a society in a continuous process of adjustment towards an unknown absolute, which doesn’t highlight the purpose of your own creation and existentiality.

The great reward of virtue, the impulse to resist those transformations you do not wish for in your life, which contribute to gaining the authority of a rational-superior being, is the testing of the strength to accept the disappointment caused by attachment to what represents "the ideal man" in the sphere of the natural and normality.

The evolution of the one who experiences "disappointment" by isolating himself from others, abandoning himself repeatedly to divine will, has two forces as the basic resources. The depth of peace of mind and the depth of consciousness in which all things meet in that same unique reality that stimulates the momentum on the endless road of personal training.

Evolution in forming an autonomous personality means to recognize what is manifested within you by escaping from the reality which, by understanding it in its essence, you cannot accept.

Beyond the correctness of assessments made between the causes and effects of changes that contribute to the flow of life, is distinguished that permanent need of man to assume his own story in the context of the courage to follow his own path through the simple test of self searching.

Self Searching can be focused in the following message: understand your position to what amounts to be considered "normal" in everything that is not a triumph of human value. It is an isolated process, in no way a reason for pride, but yet, the only advantage for the absolutely necessary detachment of man from a world that eliminates humanity from man.

This is the essence of the novel "The Island of Dr. Moreau", written by H. G. Wells.


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