Neculai Fântânaru

Everything Depends on Who Leads


On March 04, 2012
, in
Personal Development by Neculai Fantanaru

abonament membership

Why membership?

Imagine that you come into possession of an ancient manuscript, very valuable, from a royal library which houses the writings by which centuries have passed their wisdom. The manuscript reveals some of the most precious secrets of leadership. Only a cluster of people, know them, understand them and respect them because they are opening the way for true performance, paving the road towards achieving the objectives.

The manuscript reveals you a variety of lessons and practices essential to your development, that if you keep them in mind and put them into practice, always focusing your attention on the role you have to accomplish, you will succeed in strengthening your image, career and relationships, and to gain ascendancy on others.

Do you want to connect to a higher level of knowledge and understanding of leadership?

Membership is like a precious manuscript which I make it available for you. It contains a set of well-regulated recipes, including the steps that pave your way to a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of your own leadership potential. It is a personal privilege, by which you reveal to yourself what you will never find on the Internet or in other specialized books.

Do you want something extra?

Leadership starts from an existent basis, but the principles, strategies and remedies are changing just as fast as the weather. Do you want to keep up with the latest concepts and leadership principles?

I've offered you for free over 800 articles. Were you satisfied? Do you want something more?

Just as a book, to make contact with its readers, must be more than a book - should possess a part of its author, just so do you, in order to add value to your leadership, you must be more than what you are, and for that you have to come into possession of that knowledge that you are missing, and that helps you develop your skills and to progress.

Sign up now !

Alatura-te Comunitatii Neculai Fantanaru
The 63 Greatest Qualities of a Leader
Cele 63 de calităţi ale liderului

Why read this book? Because it is critical to optimizing your performance. Because it reveals the main coordinates after that are build the character and skills of the leaders, highlighting what it is important for them to increase their influence.

Leadership - Magic of Mastery
Atingerea maestrului

The essential characteristic of this book in comparison with others on the market in the same domain is that it describes through examples the ideal competences of a leader. I never claimed that it's easy to become a good leader, but if people will...

The Master Touch
Leadership - Magia măiestriei

For some leaders, "leading" resembles more to a chess game, a game of cleverness and perspicacity; for others it means a game of chance, a game they think they can win every time risking and betting everything on a single card.

Leadership Puzzle
Leadership Puzzle

I wrote this book that conjoins in a simple way personal development with leadership, just like a puzzle, where you have to match all the given pieces in order to recompose the general image.

Performance in Leading
Leadership - Pe înţelesul tuturor

The aim of this book is to offer you information through concrete examples and to show you how to obtain the capacity to make others see things from the same angle as you.

Leadership for Dummies
Leadership - Pe înţelesul tuturor

Without considering it a concord, the book is representing the try of an ordinary man - the author - who through simple words, facts and usual examples instills to the ordinary man courage and optimism in his own quest to be his own master and who knows... maybe even a leader.