Neculai Fântânaru

Everything Depends on Who Leads

The Aesthetics Of A Vision Springing From The Perception Of Taste

On April 05, 2022
, in
Personal Development by Neculai Fantanaru
The Aesthetics Of A Vision Springing From The Perception Of Taste

What you see with the gift of vision is an indication of how you feel when you experience the pleasure of taste.

The first thing to note when chewing Orbit gum, in order to keep the sweet and aromatic taste as much as possible, is whether this phenomenon is occasional or regular. In what other moments of life, unique and unforgettable, can you enjoy something delicious, refreshing, without working on its preparation and, at the same time, to satisfy that pleasure of feeling good about yourself?

Those who claim to believe only in what their senses perceive are contradicted by the material reality they are currently experiencing, identifying with it. Because they believe what is happening to them, but they are not sure what they are feeling, because on the one hand chewing gum causes the production of an excessive amount of saliva, but also causes stress to the jaw, causes increased acidity, and causes gastritis. On the other hand, chewing gum, which delights with the richness of aromas and the complexity of taste, makes you take care of yourself more often, to care how you look, regardless of the day, to smell good and shine.

However, chewing gum blindly does not help you to be more discreet in the landscape these days, but it is proof of having a sharp aesthetic sense, which can be cultivated with the help of a guide of the art world, expressed by “Askuriathiss”, this symbol of the sense of taste, style and sexuality of men, replacing almost any unnatural care of life.

And how ! You become more active and feel much better where you are. And if you focus on the deep interconnection between mind and body, which can be experienced directly through a direct attention to physical sensations, you will notice a pleasant visual phenomenon: everything seems to be more open around you, more friendly and participatory.

Leadership: Does your ability to visually transpose a perception resulting from the action of a taste stimulus materialize by superimposing the created image as an alternative form of self-expression?

At the same time, chewing Orbit gum, we are closer to noticing a sensory phenomenon in the decision made by a consumer, proving a rational behavior, subordinated to the principle of taste: this taste must be balanced, have an impact on the mental level and be a symbol of a carefree life. To get here, let’s not forget that taste is a subtle attempt to bring botany into the kitchen, with an emphasis on consumer preferences for fruits or plants of a certain type, and of a certain color.

But what information does the taste of Orbit gum give us, as a symbol of a particular state of mind embodied in a vision that will later acquire the concrete form of an artistic idea? I say this considering that the taste must be a perfect combination of aroma and sweetness of peach, referring to the preferences of consumers for a certain food group (minerals and vitamins) that the body needs, being particularly important in terms of nutritious.

And not only that. Chewing Orbit gum, I realized I was someone else. Not only am I able to appreciate my aesthetic sense in the pursuit of the art of taste, but in this way, I can also propose an art of surrealism: “Dream plus reality.” Because I could always create a painting with a high symbolic weight that would visually transposes my interest in rendering a human face invested with an almost divine aesthetic.

Leadership: Can you identify as the possessor of a particular mood, embodied in a vision that will later acquire the concrete form of an artistic idea?

Taste brings an emphasis on aesthetics, doesn’t it? And in the case of consumers, they can opt for a certain color palette of the connection between the food consumed and the appearance of a harmonious dentition. In other words, we are dealing with the happy encounter between a unique composition of refinement that delights the senses and a pattern of distribution of “natural” sensations.

And if we could imagine the color of the taste of Orbit gum, if the taste should be immortalized on a silk cloth by the transforming power of metaphor and the re-signification of lived experience, then I would translate it visually into a real and abstract plane at the same time, as is “Tutti Frutti”, the famous work of art by artist Helen Frankenthaler. Do you know any other excellent taste transposed visually?

To put it another way. An experience visually transposed into a real plane and into an abstract plane, forms a broad image that sensitizes and provokes the viewer to connections with the self, easily found in different images. Of course. In order to be able to make the choice for superior quality and elegant taste, you must be able to appreciate the experience of a positive reaction to a certain product, so to go through the experience of a unique state of good will that favors an excellent state of health.

Leadership is a phenomenon related to aesthetics: what you admire in you is related to the unforgettable experience of taste that attracts you at first sight. Does the taste you love convey an overflowing attitude?

The Aesthetics Of A Vision Springing From The Perception Of Taste can be captured in the experience of creating a meaningful image whose possession is called memory. It is similar to the image of a face “contaminated” by the meanders of taste and sensitivity…

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