Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Artistic Side Of My Being

On October 29, 2018
, in
Leadership Pro by Neculai Fantanaru

Optimize your creative energies through a permanent renewal of the image of the man next to you.

I wanted to paint in the same way she looked at me, as a bearer of deep images related to the widest life, in order to recognize my purpose in the mystery of a centuries old tale. She seemed to envy me. She understood everything at a glance of the artistic spirit, as if feeling like a contestant at another moment of life considered to replace the former, like a stranger in a confused world, trying to penetrate the deep mystery of a work of art fed by the overflow of an uncontrolled imagination.

To feel fulfilled you must capture the immediacy of the moment translated to the imaginary of perspective, from hypothetically to possible, taking care of the soul’s passion arranged in the symbolic plan of points, lines, shapes and colors.

She was the miraculous presence that announced the outer appearance of things, their contour, their shape or their material density. It was the hidden nature of an impossible reality to be subjected by spirit and will. I seemed to be the vital breath that animated her whole imagination, the surrounding fabric, the world she had created herself. For, after all, what did our love novels teach us, other than the fact that it is good to believe in the poetics of a propensity for imagination and reverie?

In a sense, the creative experience also gave its word before talent, that in certain circumstances, when one looks at your answer to all the questions, when it seems to you that you are part of a whole movement that occurs only in terms of colors, nuances, and imaginary projections, you only recognize that what you really lack is the ability to make someone memorize you in a faraway space.

The meaning of an ambitious young woman, bringing a palpable result into the field of a flawless art, is in line with the desire to make a comparison between what you are you are told you are and what you can offer in terms of beauty.

Leadership: Can you place art in the forefront of the viewer as a creative space of a story you cannot separate yourself from, displaying interpretations of parts of a reality that transmit emotions full of metaphysical mysteries?

Forgive me the boldness, beautiful lady, you are probably looking for the fire that feeds on the sincere existence of my feelings, the story behind my paintings, the crumbs of worries and hope that escape the definitive grasp of art, adding to this that intense livelihood which can be offered to you by the aesthetic participation in the frame of a new world.

I promise not to disappoint your expectations, in Expressionist terms, because I will not cause the exaggeration of formal elements such as color, surface and patina to express emotional narratives in the images of a nature that awaits the sign of the separation of reality from the unreal. My art is a lump of imagination and hidden desires that I prefer not to reproduce in a fairy-tale painting, although it tempts me.

The whole view of a feminine youth is closely linked to the meaning of life that works with the strengthening powers of the artist wishing to extend his understanding of art by placing exaggerated conditions on the creation of a distinctive visual identity, evoking only feelings of admiration for the purity of beauty. Her sensitivity seems to belong to a world imagined by an artistic preoccupation, a world that tries to convince you that there is no death, but only a continuation of dreams.

In other words, this being inspired by love and admiration is more than an early modeling of the peculiarity of the high-intensity experience in which man imagines himself when he acquires something beyond expectations. Predominantly, it invites you to a teenage vision of living in a star-sign that abstracts time and takes you into the worlds of the absolute, betraying in this way a striking outward intention of consciously controlled spiritual states. More and more, it betrays that emotional power of line poetry or chromatic sensuality, which an artist must know how to use for the purpose of capturing a glimmer of expression in a unique portrait.

Leadership: Are you struggling to reinvent yourself in a new aesthetic dimension to decipher through intuition a hidden reading on the backdrop of an intelligence that encountered at the right time the school of thought – destined to visual expression?

A talented artist always vibrates with the gravity of the image that troubles him, without allowing any other inspiration from outside his muse. From this point of view, I think I am very much alike to Mr. Cunningham talking to Miss Westcott, from a novel by writer Mary Balogh.

"Allow me to somewhat explain to you the process of creation. I only speak with the person I want to paint, I observe and listen to it. I get to know her as well as possible. I sketch while we talk and then choose my themes by appealing to a half-symbolic reality to cultivate the mystery that she will pursue with bathed breath. Finally, when I feel ready, I make a final sketch and paint the portrait after her. It is a slow process that takes a long time. It cannot be rushed. Or varied. It is a bit chaotic, maybe, but that is how I work.

Indeed, there is nothing orderly in the creative process. You can give it time, effort and discipline, but beyond that, you have little control over the art that comes from the soul. I’m not sure this is the right word, but I have never been able to think of another more correct one, because my art does not seem to come from a conscious part of the mind."

Leadership: After all you have experienced in a moment of inspiration, do you continue to question the reality you perceive by amplifying the existential mystery and imaginary’s role in shaping it?

She seems overwhelmed by a certain degree of blurring in the correct appreciation of the overall picture, in an a priori of making a sense of thought on something that many are afraid to admit. Undoubtedly, her mere presence is a sign of reverence and unforgettability for the artist who seems to act in the sense of an illusionist thought, not allowing her the luxury of presenting an impeccable final work without taking into account what someone less experienced wants to see regarding the expressionist phenomenon.

The chromatic dialogue between the pale red of your lips and the transparent look of the gaze lost a little in dreaming reveals the sensibility of a love of the beauty of a poem emanating from eternity. Admirable, you are like the one who first imagines a happening, until he accepts it as a reality, then puts it in a dream state. I flee from reality, run away, but I always return to it and put it on paper in a drawing that seems to be the answer to all the enigmas of the world.

That is why I would not dare convince you of the plasticity and the eidetic mood of the one who comforted the words with the charm of a perfect artist, with that hue full of the meaning of an endless story. But I would do it so that everything seems to come from you, with all your heart’s desire to free yourself as soon as possible from the anxiety instinct installed in front of the unknown horizon to be revealed through creation.

I have not yet decided how I should understand you without ignoring the willful confusion that is part of the surrealist collage of a dreamlike life imagined as an extension of the desire to explore the potential of a sincere look that curiously raises to the height of another world. The one you, in a certain way, abandoned.

Not for nothing, my conception of art is akin to the curiosity of the new entrant in a faraway world, as an early modeling of the peculiarity of experiencing the cosmogony of a suspended friendship in the alternation of tones of twilight-red and tan-yellowish.

Leadership can represent the charm you find in a creation whose power of persuasion depends exclusively on the effective use of the perspective (of communicative essence) between what you can do with the "Forever" mark and what is hidden beyond a supposed appearance called "the dose of fiction".

The Artistic Side Of My Being can only be understood by the young and beautiful young lady who has gathered so much about me, both in my favor and in favor of art, plunging into my thoughts with the impetus of a dream that becomes reality. She knew how to apply with the brush of sincerity the color of her lyrical vibrations upon the canvas of a painting that is still hanging on my wall.

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