Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Distinct Horizons Of Transformative Understanding

On February 26, 2014
, in
Leadership Q2-Sensitive by Neculai Fantanaru

Fully assume the role of a mentor in the research project called "Myself", by using the prediction equation for a model of thinking comprised between curiosity and subtlety.

I was living the sensation of a vertical fall, into an extreme of relentless interpretations and deformations of personal reality. Unquestionably, I was put in a tight spot, represented by an unclear and incoherent prediction equation of a model of thinking, comprised between curiosity and subtlety. A sort of intangible invasion of my space of intellectual excellency produced by a novel stratagem, as of yet inexperienced. It was hard to imagine what the resort of resulting viewpoints was, for and against, which were to be undertaken wholly within the research project called "Myself".

Like characters from Hauff’s work, immune to the real, reluctant to show themselves in the view of the entire world and start gaining significance only when they lose control over the management of everything inside and outside their area of origin. I somehow situated myself at the boundary between recognizing the way in which I could "travel" towards what is inside of me and connecting to the components of a reality inseparable from its very purpose.

The model of thinking contained between curiosity and subtlety feeds from the formation of a critical and self-critical spirit about the realities contained in the memories of a life that is repeated in other times and other dimensions.

Fiction is the reality perceived by a comparison with the characters of a world that is constantly changing. That was my great idea: to unify the horizon of a primary understanding, whose aspects emerge as being a trigger of originality for the metaphysical of a fictive character, beyond experience, in the realm of visionary constructions. Beyond the horizon of the rational understanding of my unmistakable, true nature, is projected the spiritual journey into the boundlessness of a story where anything can happen.

Definitely, it was what could be translated as "nothing is lost, everything is transformed" . An excessive stress of assuming an uncertain responsibility, going beyond my power of understanding, as a sea of flames that drowned everything in smoke.

My life resembled Gulliver’s trip to Laputa in certain places, everything was made up of a science detached from reality, far too bold visions, too chimeric plans, but where the light of a new beginning on the road to the phenomenology of thought was seen. Unprecedented. A partial melting of the living core was taking place, the inborn unconscious that had to be joined with consciousness in several elements, then joining them into a superior unity.

Leadership: Do you engage in a purely fictional adventure that breaks down the deep meaning of your being, detached from a story that keeps the vein of excellence as a subject of knowledge independent of any real or possible experience?

The indicator of the degree of understanding and mastering the way in which you perceive yourself is set when a "reading" operation of reality meets the beginning of a new model of thinking.

Leadership does not place you on field, firm and battered by a science that renounces imagination and the audacity to expand your horizons, through an experimental equation of discovering new interpretations of reality, through representations that substitutes the usual ones, and even toppling them. But rather gives you a great feeling of accomplishment and makes you become aware of those patterns of thinking that hold you back, in a stationary position in an unmarked intersection. In which the new elements of exploring a new area of evolution and forming of abilities, with the help of cognitive intelligence and perceptual experience, do not have right of way.

Leadership rests on a "transformation" type operation at a level of self-perception by relating to a model of thinking, comprised between curiosity and subtlety. What you represent in a challenging world is often hidden in the fiction of turning your life into a story, to let certain characters represent you, with the intention of abolishing the rules and conventions of a far too standardized society.

Often individuals who aspire to an extension of their area of intellectual excellence do not meet the "Yield" sign and have right of way over those who meet the "Stop" sign. Especially when trying to double its considerations over the elements of knowledge that complete their personality, image, style of leadership, experience, enhancing the baggage of understanding an assumed reality. And being aware of this in a broader context of perceptions and representations of objective nature.

Leadership is the image of a reality that can be made possible on the background of a fiction meant to represent the future, taking as a landmark a character that is built throughout the narrative as a metaphor of the change that is needed in life.

The writer with the broadest vision over the tendencies of man to relate to the constant elements of a future reality, forerunner of science fiction literature, Jules Verne, confessed: "If you have water and fire and your disposal you can prepare something other than what you’d usually eat."

Regarded as a metaphor, this statement reflects the willingness to link needs and consequences, producing a new composition, a reference point on the map of perceptions about yourself in relation to reality.

The harmony of certain elements of interpreting reality can have a strong effect of stimulating the production of landmarks and points of view that could contribute to changing the perception of leadership. The depth of a mind that thinks freely, sometimes in abstract schemes, which won through experience, through the process of the attempt of assimilating certain information and knowledge, can be accomplished when man tries to untangle the hidden background of his being.

Only by resorting to a purely explanatory science, which can define your guidelines, using the prediction equation of a model of thinking, comprised between curiosity and subtlety, only then will you be able to take on the role of a mentor in the research project called "Myself".

The knowledge that gives you the freedom to customize your vision is based on the comparison of the fiction of an inalienable identity to the perception of a reality that stubbornly stifles you, or on the contrary, that continues to bore you.

This knowledge lies on several levels: a metaphor that can be transformed into a face of truth, a meditation on the birth process of a literary work, and the intrigue of an outspoken existential experience.

The Distinct Horizons Of Transformational Understanding constitute the dividing line between the visible part of the sphere of thinking completely attached to life experience passed through a well-calculated narrative construction, and the invisible part of the sphere of thinking encapsulated in rules and rigorous norms, which always impose congruence of compatibility with objective reality.

As a leader, you must make use of that ability that allows you to adapt to the constantly changing reality. Which implies existence and the development of a flexible and malleable personality, anchored in a fiction that can control the future.

Myself is the character of a life story that impressed you and you want to share it through a unique experience of experiencing reality through a surrealness.

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