Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Equation Of Superiority

On August 26, 2013
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Leadership Know How by Neculai Fantanaru

Learn to control the main elements of the leadership’s construction, so that your complex science doesn’t trigger fissures in the man’s functional structure.

Unfortunately, it’s impenetrable, too sophisticated to react to standardized tests. It gives the impression of a rigid thought structure of great dimensions, immobilized in the forked chains of a massive conglomeration of strange elements that discontinuously travel in the abstract reality surrounding them. We would take this man as a dark and mysterious mixture of qualities, but the composition is a cold one made of the material of a merciless judgment, but to which any logic from the field of psychology would give credence.

Dr. Hannibal Lecter reaches high enough levels of human understanding. The highly concentrated and well-oriented energy he absorbs from those around him, from the information he skillfully extracts from their life, is big enough to trigger a Big Bang. Similar to an electric shock, it interrupts their normal performance and evolution rhythm, influencing them and bowing their will on a closed axis that only he can connect and reconnect to.

The chained reactions of this active process of settling chaos in people’s minds, through a dissociation of each one’s personality dimension, by performing a 180 degrees turn of their capacity to perceive complexity – they present certain particularities based on the structure, model and material each one of them is made from.

Leadership: Is the maximum measure of your competencies based on the experiences of participating in a new stage of enhancing the relevance of the "impenetrable" concept in a context of the complexity of personal identity?

In this entire equation of superiority, the first place is granted to doctor Hannibal Lecter. He controls all the possibilities to calculate and change moves in an order that creates discontinuity between thought and feeling, in the hierarchy of physical and emotional closeness to the human being and their rupture from themselves.

A locomotive mechanic must signal with the locomotive’s whistle any time he starts moving the wagons. But Hannibal doesn’t give any warning. He manipulates the locomotive of persuasion without telling his companions where he’s heading, and he intentionally causes derailments.

Two concurrent forces unite through a delicate connection, then repel by different intentions. On one hand, the man that seems to possess the highest science, who seems to have reached the peak of human knowledge. On the other hand, there’s his opposite, the man that possesses the necessary qualities to endow that complex knowledge and reaching the peak. In both cases there are more or less hidden thoughts, motivations and purposes.

The strong contrast between the two concurrent forces shows that it’s never too late to see life differently and rediscover yourself. You never find out more about yourself, than when someone gives your life another meaning by means of a set of triggering factors.

Leadership: Can you counteract the negative effects of superiority in the coordinates of a philosophy that strives to advance up to the limits of human reason?

In order to have a more conclusive picture regarding the leadership’s expansion possibilities in the future, which means it should be selectable and easily maneuverable as form of adaptation and development, starting from the new leader’s realities, with his horizon created by accumulating silence, it is necessary to proceed to a retrial of the relationship between Ego and the limits of human reason. These limits are attained when you no longer distinguish between good and evil, believing that both contribute to the continuing transformations of science, life, and society.

Such a leader, able to possess the highest science, able to exert his control, fueled by the temptation to be unique and to reach the peak of human knowledge, will confront, first of all, himself. Any element used in building and expanding the control territory will be deemed disappointing, similar to a black ball, if he’s not perfectly opposable and if he doesn’t occasion an ample incursion in the human universe. This incursion can limit the supporters’ options and block them in a state of inertia, which makes up the ideal stand for supporting the leader’s superiority.

It’s hard to say how and by what means the negative effects of "superiority" will be counteracted in the future, or those of the complex science of persuasion related with leadership through objectives, tactics and methods of action. It’s certain that no measures, no relation between the two parts: leader-supporters , sometimes criticized by various specialists, won’t contribute to diminishing the leader’s desire to truly prove his potential and to thank his strong and active Ego.

That is why accomplishing a profile, a psychological portrait that would allow an in depth analysis of the leader’s personality becomes useless in these conditions. Because his ego and the relation to "superiority" practically cross paths and combine until they reach an exceptional fusion. A whole, which comprises the absolute value of leadership, adding up, by favorable simplifications, any type of gain. But especially, proportional accomplishment.

Does the strength of your leadership depend on the position of the supporting force of your limits, while you continue to move the shadow of life forwards and backwards?

The shadow of life, encompassing the consequences of your hidden thoughts, can be customized by the talent you manage, unnoticed, to provoke a contradiction between your own perceptions and the signals you receive from others.

Your ego, becoming safer and more thirsty for power and laurels, succumbs to the development of your personality? The leader takes control over all the possibilities to calculate and change the intimidation moves, in an order that creates a discontinuity between thought and feeling, which could have as result a division of the values and ideals of the human being, which could be hard to mend.

We could recognize in the leader, in a friendly, just and realistic attitude, aside the direct echoes of the reality of his limitations and approaches, values and orientations, some indirect echoes. These remind us of the gain funds and opportunities that he could accomplish if he manages to take advantage, in a constructive way, of the involvement of people in common actions, setting your superiority by adopting a set of well defined factors that don’t stand in the way of your development and evolution.

If you want to qualify in the final stage of excellence, learn to control the main elements of the leadership’s construction so that your complex science doesn’t trigger fissures in the man’s functional structure.

The position of the supportive force of your limits is given by what you are able to face in terms of consciousness when putting science into the benefit of psychoanalysis and theologies very sensitive to the existentialist dimension.

The Equation of Superiority includes the two types of leaders. A positive one who uses his science, knowledge and actions to bring benefits to everyone, his thoughts being in agreement with his actions. And the other one, who uses his knowledge and methods in order to disorient and create a true chaos in people’s minds. If the latter is attentively scrutinized, his hidden thoughts, which serve his Ego and intentions, are discovered.

* Note: The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

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