Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The External Manifestation Of An Awakening To Life (II)

On October 19, 2013
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Leadership Know How by Neculai Fantanaru

Learn to take into account what benefits you towards a rapid ascension, freeing yourself of what brings you down and move on to that fulfillment that tells you that what you do is good.

After completing the mission God had entrusted to him, after the revenge – this little divine lever had allowed him to overcome all the obstacles, the count began to doubt himself for the first time. Had he the right to make so much justice, more unexpected than befitting of a well-thought-out judgment? Had he the right to wear the mask of a higher being and see beyond it?

Returning home, Monte Cristo met Maximilien walking through the Champs-Elysees dwelling, silent as a shadow waiting for the moment fixed by God to re-enter the grave.

- Get ready, Maximilien – he said with a smile. Tomorrow we leave Paris.

- You have nothing else to do here? Morrel asked.

- No, replied Monte Cristo. And God willing, let what I have done not be too much.

Leadership: Do you diligently adhere to what adds value to your steps without assuming the wisdom of distinguishing the highest power of God from that vibrant whisper of consciousness that will continue to vibrate for a long time in your soul?

If fate diverges from the initially set plan, generating unsuspected detours, then man can gradually regain his defining elements only if he's touched by the grace that gives a soul to truth, only by emblazoning character, in hopes of extending his inner strength over him and the others.

In this case, leadership can be compared to an eagle flying high, to a rediscovery of the winner within man himself, who had the magical power to make a journey full of lessons and attempts into the unknown world. This world can be extrapolated only by the spiritually strong ones, willing to take the chances of searching themselves.

Leadership has as its main pillar an inner world an inner world governed by the heights of science and wisdom, built on pillars whose structure tests the limits of being, thought, patience and imagination. Power and authority. They mustn't become some instruments in the hands of a performer, or a play around the central axis fixed at both ends: to be equal to God or to be only His tool.

Leadership: Can you consolidate your knowledge without pain and remorse, so that the destiny God has prepared for you will resonate with the ability of consciousness to discover the essence of a world that experiences a single event simultaneously?

You can't reach the peak if you lack inner vitality. Destroying the resistance wall on two parallel directions: the moral compass and spiritual map, floating in that sphere of pain he didn't understand, but that seemingly was part of a divine play, determined Edmond Dantes, alias the Count of Monte Cristo, to strictly redirect his long-term strength and strategy to other, higher targets.

Sincerely living the conflict between two identities, two different personalities, between two ways of looking at the world and life situations, he places leadership under an only guiding star: depth and sincerity. They form the characteristic of a mature mentality, directed towards involvement, responsibility and openness.

If you want to understand leadership, you have to first go through the unexpected twists of fate. And to find, on your own, the path of "awakening" to life. You can't climb to the top if you lack inner vitality, if the interaction between positive and negative elements doesn't act on a fixed point: change. Rebirth. The final break between successive accumulation of pain, exhaustion, compromise, sacrifice and hardship.

Turn yourself into a strong model of faith, by readjusting your life around the wounds which you must accept as existential realities contained in an unseen plan, even if they are hard to understand and often difficult to accept. Relate to a moment of "being" based on the reconstruction of the inner relation of values and feelings that have in their center the reflection of a deep and profound knowledge.

Through the essence of a world that simultaneously experiences a single event is understood the moral under whose empire the human nature seeks to preserve the vitality of consciousness, without this being changed by the remembrance of certain episodes from past experiences.

The whole sphere of consciousness hangs on trying to spot a precise moment in your evolution that can be fatal if it does not become a premise of forgiveness.

The External Manifestation Of An Awakening To Life is the chance you get to start over again, even if you have to bear remorse and pain, being hopeful that everything that happened to you was part of the divine plan you did not foresee and from which you could not deviate.

* Note: Alexandre Dumas - Count of Monte Cristo , Publisher Tineretului, 1957.

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