Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The First Part Of Leadership

On January 18, 2013
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Exercise your power to be the master of events that move you from the comfort zone, without anchoring yourself to a compromise of character that does not correspond to the balanced vision of a path forward.

During high school I read the novel “Hannibal Ante Portas” written by Slavomir Nastasijevic, being a necessary creation in the library of a leader, around the need to learn with the chosen teaching of the great fighters. In fact, one would say that the greatest fear of a warrior is the power to relate to a creation that brings inspiration and wisdom full of chosen teachings.

And the Roman armed units were described. Fat men, stuffed, equipped with heavy and sophisticated equipment, who barely had the power to ride horses. A man who struggles with his own physical weight can hardly justify his position in the field of experience of fighting against others, no matter how sophisticated his weapons may be.

On the other hand, Hannibal’s units, weak, uneducated, equipped with small arms, without much military training, but very good athletes. A change of vision does not require heavy weapons to materialize in a spectacular move.

And when a fight was fought between life and death, although the Romans had the advantage of 3 against 1, almost all were massacred in a short time. They had no strength, no agility, in fact, they did not even have the strength to get off the horse to help the wounded.

And look, this is because those who have a lot are so easily defeated by those who have almost nothing, precisely because they have everything… except the power to fight.

Leadership: Is it possible that during your next stages of education, consistent and decisive, you can take a step forward towards building an image of yourself that will produce significant changes to that image?

If you want to be a winner, be wary of being among those who have everything, among those equipped with sophisticated tools, because the strongest character is won only through combat, and the fight has only one reproach: he lacks the best weapons. For a weapon to take the form of a vision and to materialize in a spectacular move (from a change of situation), like a trophy obtained through great efforts, its use must be complemented by a serious practice, by manifesting an emotional reaction in behavior, in various aspects and specific situations.

The best weapon of a leader is the quality of the character of being mature, resilient and wise, determining an attitude more attuned to the achievement of certain goals, taking the place to the right of the image of a swordsman who, with a single sword, must overcome opponents without removing their sword from the sheath. Therefore, character is a weapon that should not only be used physically, but especially spiritually, that is, by creating a very powerful self-image that is projected externally as a true tsunami.

When we think of a feared weapon, we think of an image of the fighter who often conditions his disposition due to its stable or unstable structure. The image can capture a totality of the psychic and moral traits of the individual endowed with wisdom, manifested in his behavior and actions, in his attitudes and position towards others, only if it depicts an unusual event, but which has no serious consequences.

Character is the image that depicts you as a fighter by spirit and attitude, not necessarily as a fighter holding a sharp sword in your hand.

Leadership: Is the image with which you enrich your personality a product of many controllable variables, related to your orientation towards transforming your vision into a reality that does not require sacrifice?

Let us take another example.

Who moves their arms and legs more and with more determination: the one who is about to drown or the one who is fishing calmly in a boat?

The same is true of the latter who have nothing, but who come to rule the whole world: they move their arms and legs more than all others who have everything.

Blessed are the latter or those who have nothing, for they will be the first and the ones who rule the earth.

I’m able to draw a conclusion. The less you have, the more you want. The more you want, the more you do. Little by little is achieved.

Therefore, the first controllable variant of your personalities, the seed that underlies the great achievements, is the very spiritual state you feel when you crave or aspire to something. The second variant, as a natural consequence of evolving trends, a feature clearly positive that you have to use in your favor is that force of resistance you must show in those unfortunate moments of life.

By constantly calling on the attitude that screams “I can become much more than I am”, as a continuous evaluation of your achievements that resist the tendencies of anxiety or uncertainty, you will be able to cross the roads of life without feeling hurt or exploited by the circumstances and vicissitudes of life.

The motto of the leaders is this: “I will survive with the need to control my world, without fear of experiencing major changes, to materialize the vision of an escape from the movies, to attribute to me how to be a reality that always escapes others.”

The First Part Of Leadership captures the connection between character and attitude, expressed through the three identifiers: vision, desire and ability to make sacrifices. The winning character bears the imprint of an attitude full of dignity, self-control, understanding, being invested as if by nature with the capacity to increase the desire to fulfill a vision that gives coherence and meaning to sacrifices, faith and bold facts.

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