Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Imperceptible Cry Of A Heart Possessed By The Spirits Of A Desolate World (II)

On January 10, 2014
, in
Leadership T7-Hybrid by Neculai Fantanaru

Focus on what makes you special, pleading for the assumption of what happens to you in a reality that escapes the full understanding of the moment.

Instead of bursting into an uncontrolled reaction of anger, Marie increases her powers of understanding Jason, fighting fiercely to defeat his phobias and to convince him of the veracity of her feelings – she never casts him away from her. Moreover, she goes against the apparent dangerous elements of his nature, getting to know him based on two essential aspects of his – patience and strength of character, which are predicted at a deep level.

Jason refuses to remember the past, but predicts a good chunk of what had happened to him before the tragic accident.

The chemistry catches you and won’t let go. Marie puts all her emotions into play. The convergence radius of the series of untouched inner powers moves towards the pillar of Bourne’s identity, reaching that fragile element constituted by low self-confidence. Her influence tends not only towards creating a mixture of moods and feelings around which he can gravitate, but to obtain a solid inner stability through intensity. And this intensity needs to be fueled by the most subtle of vibrations that can instantaneously trigger a reaction of solidarity, that chemistry that catches you and won’t let go.

"I’m fighting for my life ! For our lives ! You can think and feel, Jason ! Come on, think ! Feel ! Feel now ! Look at me and tell me you looked within yourself and you know without a doubt that you are an assassin. If you can’t, then stay with me and let me help you. And love me ! For God’s sake, love me, Jason ! "

The heart of the woman immediately sounds the alarm when the flames of despair taken all the way to paroxysm rise above the weaknesses of the man next to her. Only now the intermediary dimension of her nature – the will of acumen – can be taken into consideration, measuring new values.

Your reaction to events you cannot control depends on how you relate to the suffering that others feel in your presence.

The version of what makes a man special is a continuation of the reaction he has in the face of a reality that escapes the full understanding of the moment. To realize this moment means letting yourself get carried away through a whole experience of the senses, emotions, thoughts, which seem to be more vivid in the equation of the reaction of decomposing a reality of factors of rejection or attraction.

Who wants to know the true measure of his abilities of accelerating the development of those around him is invited to gaze upon a stage in which souls, completely different from one another, evolve in the complexity of a world recreated as a unified whole. The whole of a mindset that resides in the vivid tones of a part of the need of sharing, communicating and expressing their feelings: "I fight for my life ! For our lives ! "

There have always been profound communications and creative collaborations between consciousness and reality, between senses and reason, between functionality and harmony, between the two constants "to struggle" and "to stop the pain" – and the duty of the leader is to sprinkle them with plenty of enthusiasm and living conviction.

Leadership: Does your spiritual wealth rise to the justification created by the projection of a feeling of “being under pressure”, under the constraint of a self-image that others regard as the test of an unusual sensibility?

How many efforts, how much enthusiasm must man show in the understanding of the most hidden of things about the self, before evaluating others and putting himself in their place? This is the question on which depends the intersecting of leadership with the reality lived by the individual, often perceived in an intangible way.

He who wants to assess leadership, through the perspective of an analysis of man’s personalization tendencies, must pursue the acknowledged existence of real proportions of transmission of peculiarities from his functional structure. Just as the capacity of opening up to an ulterior truth that will be able to explain the meaning of life, or the capacity of trusting a different consciousness and obeying it.

The self-image is the reflection of what you convey to others by your way of being, through words and gestures, when they see you as a better version of themselves.

To singlehandedly decipher the map of man, entering the world full of meanings and emotions that establish his rule of functioning, is the first step towards discovering that reality of a surprising complexity, comparable to an ergonomic light bulb that flashes until it reaches the optimum temperature, after which it stabilizes and works under normal operating parameters.

Capturing those intensities, feelings lived with sincerity and expressed casually by man throughout your whole incursion into the psychology of his personality (hard to describe because it constantly changes) you will be able to move the double inner resource that gives color to his life and at the same time leads him to a professional triumph.

This resource, on the one hand offers man confirmation of the direction of development. On the other hand it enables man to bring to fulfilment, through all that he lives and feels, as natural as flowers and trees bloom in spring, that ideal harmony that can guide him on the winding paths of the ever challenging existence.

The sensitivity of a leader is measured by the self-sacrifice made in the name of other important life requirements, namely the experience of experiencing the suffering of others as a stage necessary to become a stronger person.

The Imperceptible Cry of The Heart Possessed by The Spirits of A Desolate World signifies that imperious desire, doubled by a strong will to induce benefic changes in the way of thinking and acting of mankind, in pursuit of common ideals.

He was right, the one who said: "Self-identity is reduced to a story that you always feel the need to say in your mind: Me and my story – in moments of lucidity."

To perceive the cry for help of man subjected to the effect of loss of self-identity, put into play all your feelings and try to generate an emotional reaction to invigorate his mood.

* Note: The Bourne Identity (1988)

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