Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Inspiring Effluvia Of A Free Mind

On March 12, 2014
, in
Leadership On/Off by Neculai Fantanaru

Prove to yourself that you are a valuable person by focusing on the way others appreciate you.

I was reading these lines on the internet about a protester from Kiev. Volodymyr Parasiuk, aged 26, gave a powerful speech Friday night before the Euromaidan and the Ukrainians now believe that the words of that young man convinced Viktor Yanukovych to flee the city.

With Vitali Klitschko, the boxing heavyweight world champion looking over his shoulder, the 26-year-old native of Lviv climbed on a stage in Independence Square in Kiev and denounced the agreement reached by foreign ministers of Poland, France and Germany with Viktor Yanukovych, warning them that "they are shaking hands with a murderer."

In a strong and emotional speech, the young man announced that no one would be waiting for the expected elections set for December 2014. Yanukovych should leave town before morning or face the consequences, warned the young man Friday evening. Yanukovych left Kiev shortly thereafter. *

Leadership: Are you your own reference to what it means to get out of an scenario lived with emotion, at the crossroads of options for arranging events that transpire regardless of your will?

The way in which you exercise your qualities, especially your power of influence established by the relationship with the only honest supervisor – the public, reflects that part of you, that negative or positive impulse that you impose upon yourself when you want to obtain the change of others. The power of influence is based on that agreement that dwells upon your personality renovation by the force of presence and the live testimony related to those deeds, facts, circumstances, of which you learned of directly. But you can find yourself excluded from the circle of trust, no matter the majority of votes you have.

Sharing the opinion of other people vis-à-vis the current realities and future prospects, sensing the assumptions on which they build budget ideals in the much larger circle of their possibilities of materialization, with progress of aspirations and sometimes with depths of regret, you do nothing more than help both parties. For them, you determine them to believe that life can be changed, and for you, you manage to have a powerful impact on them.

Thus, you are your own reference to what it means to get out of an scenario lived with great struggle and emotion. A scenario in which you are not the one who chooses the setting of the world, but you can interpret it based on your own horizons of expectation, based on the judgement and conscience you possess and want to transmit.

Leadership: Do you catch yourself in the struggle with making a decision based exclusively on the processing of facts of reality, setting a deadline for what you can do through the human side of the hero who represents you?

Think about what you would do if you would get to argue with people on the "upwards-downwards" approach – you are able to determine the urgent needs of their area of interest, but you are not able to determine the only reason for why you chose to be at their side. But the worst is to not know in which category you fit in.

Are you one of those contributors to change that pay taxes to leadership by exercising certain pressures of affective and moral order over others? Are you maybe one of those people that only craves Likes?

Or are you one of those leaders that focus on the way in which others appreciate them, showing a serious and confident attitude over the reparation of that construction malfunction of a "high traffic road" cause by an ineffective and obtuse leadership?

A prisoner in the struggle to make a decision based exclusively on the processing of the facts of reality is a hero who has learned to overcome the risks and pains, enduring the consequences of reality, finding a soul balm in the face of truth that does not allow it to be silent. And an obtuse leadership only takes into account the stakes of the exposed truths, but not their revelation that can produce the inner revival.

The human side of the hero who represents you may have as an essence the purpose-based thinking when he projects what should be tomorrow in a setting of values ​​that are imposed only on the basis of the truth approached in a consensus of public opinion.

The Inspiring Effluvia Of A Free Mind highlights that ability of the leader to emit an enormous amount of "vibration" of motivational, moral, spiritual and rational order, designed to directly stimulate the active participation of people in a comprehensive process of change.

* Note:

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