The Isolation Of The Researcher In The Leadership Marathon

Ensure your science a basic place in aiding leadership, so that it could be included in the ample thinking reconstruction context of other people.
I couldn’t run from my obligation to find new answering options to some questions that apparently had no answer. I was scanning the crowd of known or unknown variables, making it possible to find answers in a gently divided shape, by means of a systematic approach. This brought for me more than anything else a certain peace, a special feeling, that wonderful sensation, Eureka, when you discover something new, exclusive, with a major impact.
The interpretation I gave to the unknowns that gravitated around a single point of view was extremely profound, like an incomprehensible mystery in the guise of a metaphor that encapsulated an incontestable truth. I had to be always careful about the apparition of significance games that admitted an in depth deciphering, combining and grouping them in a certain creation, in a multiple language, full of subtleties that had to be reshaped, interpreted, and then transmitted in a conventional style.
A transformation of the original in a new creation, placed in a different context. I didn’t want to miss the occasion to enrich the structure of language with new symbols, added to the initial reaction mix, filtered by small concentrations at the level of abstract concepts.
The most stimulating experience you are experiencing with science is based on the positive nuance of a world understood by the subtlety of its interpretations.
Leadership, the attempt to exteriorize what was truly in the midst of a knowledge that is essentially accomplished by creation, was to be the source of a cause-and-effect relationship between the use of words as anchors for learning experience and the use of benchmarks of comparison and classification of different interpretations of mathematical notions for discovering properties or rules of multiplicity of the meanings of my writings.
In the first general answer pattern, pointing out the closeness between two estranged meanings, an instable intermediate combination between the X catalyst and one of the reagents was formed. Through the reaction of the intermediary combination with the other reagent the reaction product was formed and the catalyst was regenerating. And in certain conditions, this catalyst created a new layer of deep meanings that we lose sight of many times.
Leadership: When your Creation acquires the possibility of becoming the Creator, do you risk becoming a distinct being separate from Him?
Just as a story makes sense based on the personal interpretation of its basic elements, so is the knowledge we obtain following inductive methods given special connotation when we take into consideration the ambiguities and contradictions that we can’t explain.
My whole creation focused on the answers I could get following the launch of the question: “How close am I to the kingdom of God?” Momentarily, I understood that I was closer to things than I was to God, to building than to the Builder, to knowledge than to wisdom (which is more a form of manifestation of God on an emotional, behavioral, intellectual level).
With the help of science I set the boundaries between real and surreal, in a space without coordinates. Basically I was rethinking the world and setting it in a system specially designed, so that to maximally optimize the construction process of some high knowledge ideals. The meanings degenerated in a chorus of arbitrary symbols that estranged laymen from the truth that dwelled inside language, conceived and transmitted as a philosophy.
I was still far from God, for even though I had gained much knowledge and much desire for creativity, I still could not communicate with Him, with the universe, I could not turn matter into vital energy (like that physicist who managed to turn the sun’s rays into electrical energy). Behind creation there is a whole philosophy, as behind the knowledge there must be the attempt of the intellect to lay the foundation of the world.
As far as I’m concerned, there is a certain "shame" connected to the developed language, which impedes me from building and multiplying meanings in new contexts. Because I was afraid that these could trigger envy among experts and controversies among mystics. To be generally accepted, the composition of language had to be uniform, and to connect in a whole, guaranteeing the shaping up of a of a more complex and well-understood perspective about the unknown reality.
Leadership: Does your control over creative elements lead to the accumulation of experiences that give you a certain degree of wisdom in relation to what makes you feel that you are living from the height of a self-proclaimed all-knower?
I seemed to be taken over by an overwhelming feeling. Because in order to demonstrate the arguments and proper theories, extracting the resemblances and differences from all points of view, regarding everything connected to understanding the "ambiguous", it needed the meanings with the same importance, but apparently in contradiction with the known reality to embody in turn a vision of language present in my creation.
Famous writer Umberto Eco begins his novel “Foucault’s Pendulum” with some words extracted from “De oculta philosophia”, which seem to test the authority of science and techniques based on the support of the highest knowledge:
“Only for you, sons of doctrine and teaching, I wrote this work. Peruse this book carefully, concentrate on that intention that I have sprinkled and slipped into several places. What I left to remain hidden in a place I showed in another, so that it could be understood by your wisdom.”
I, myself, occupied a central place in my creation, and my vision had to exteriorize itself through an adequate language, fully understood. My wisdom could be defined in agreement with the strengthening of the belief that everything I manage to assimilate through the processes of knowledge can lead to a high degree of acceptance and tolerance of the need to be pragmatic about the cost of failure, to be honest with myself the moment when creation no longer submits to the creator and takes possession of it.
Science is the material of thought, it is the way you can understand God who made heaven and earth (with all the laws that support it), it is ammunition to fight against any threat to his ideals. Science is the fruit of a creation hidden from curious eyes, but it occasionally enters the soul of people who are prepared to understand its significance and miracle.
Leadership is the work that is so costly which you use to interpret a world that is distinguished by a rare scientific discovery and unites with God through the learning from the philosophy of the experience you give to other people.
The isolation of the researcher in the leadership marathon appears when there is a discrepancy between the advanced thinking of a leader and the capacity to understand crowds that either have a scarce education level, or the language communication is scarce.
In both situations, failure will appear on the horizon and the leader will be isolated in his own "ivory tower" where nobody dares to enter.