Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The King In Check

On May 12, 2016
, in
Leadership Know How by Neculai Fantanaru

Consider the possibility of moving in any direction a single square, but one that will have meaning in a lesson of self-assessment and self-appreciation.

What immense power of suggestion lay dormant, ever since, inside my brain, in that conductor of energy put in contact with all that defined me on the basis of an understanding of cooperation between certainty and expectation? What kind of unchaining of the mind could introduce essentiality, the idea of total cohabitation of two entities so similar and yet so different, between me and the projection of an absolute superiority?

What property of the matter of transfiguration, through the form and change of a constant potential of reference, could be measured by association with a field of knowledge that varied periodically in time? In what multitude of values of real variable could develop a new clarity, a new projection of the future, towards my benefit, without influencing the final outcome of a few years of life full of intuitive, not just real experiences?

The power to talk to myself, always curious, in an excellent exercitium mentale , without the mediation of any vision with a constant potential of determination, always finding myself as being that of before, some incognus before knowing, was the result of an absurd game against me. It was the confirmation of the availability of accommodating myself in the face of great or small challenges that my ability of placing myself in the unlimited space of the psyche involved.

Leadership: Are you affected by the reception of a reality with clear metaphysical features in which you can find possible points of congruence with an obsession that leads you to reflection in composing a game that infinitely explores its possibilities of expression?

And this complexity of immersion within myself, of which was capable of surpassing only a master of chess, like Kasparov, like Karpov, it offered me the chance to meet myself in a memorable match with a homo obscurissimus. Thus, it was justified my placing along an imitation of the dimension of reality, in the virtue that everywhere operated a sort of causal chaining that diluted my essence in a composition of new forces, making it easier to understand.

I was manifesting the same mindset of Dr. B from Stefan Zweig’s work, violently jerked from the accepted normal, having nothing other than this absurd game, called chess. Something inside of me wanted to prove its justice and I only had to combat the other one within me.

The only game to infinitely explores its possibilities of expression, through a forced interpretation of the real winning situation, had as a main stake the double attack: first I would find a good reason to reproach a certain guilt, then I would look for an excuse because the best way to evaluate my true value escaped me.

It was a sort of bewildering obsession that not only attacked my brain, not only the psyche necessary for the perfection of a winning status, in a phase of confusion preceded by lucidity, seemed to be rather an effort of the spirit in the likes of an experience at the limit of the paranormal, but rather maintained me within the narrow limits of an invariable square.

Ah, Check ! Sorry, but there was no such thing, I was defended by a bishop.

Leadership: Are you at the point where it begins and ends that unique action of putting all contrasts into motion, whose sole representative is the stalemate?

Leadership, in the phase of oversupply of revealing information, over which only individual beings focus their attention, those who experience the cold thrill of the unbearable "Who The Hell Am I?" , has as a first coverage area that power of incursion in a game with a double profile: a profile that use a "King" piece, and a profile that use a "Bishop" piece. Two contrasts that attract and repel each other at the same time.

The King symbolizes the battle of man with existence, his positive version, wanting to conquer his inner cries of passions far away from the world, dominated by the exponential tendency of escaping from the real, but at the same time, attached to a continuous and sufficient challenge to battle against himself.

The Bishop, proving to be often the only obvious solution, is man’s slip into dementia. It is the mental condition that the inacceptable deviations of personal experiences create in every moment of life, pushing him to not think clearly. At the same time, the Bishop can represent the determinant of that state of vigil that allows you to focus on the reference points of your own being that are not developed enough to ensure a moral and emotional balance, optimum and safe.

Leadership in terms of "pawn against the king" has the meaning of an initiatory path to that self-knowledge revealed by the consciousness of the choice of eliminating the ego that demands its right to be the best, and only to preserve the state of inner peace, whether you are experiencing success or failure.

A stalemate is also considered when the King is not in check, but any move he’d make would put him in check. The man who intends to dominate his character and win ground in the process of self-discovery, which he will be forced to face anyway, to connect to a new area of manifestation, will always try to find that defining constant that cancels the ability of the Bishop to check.

The meaning of a discovery close to that height of wisdom that conditions an improving of the state of mind, tirelessly requests that "something" of yours in a meta-world, on the black and white squares of creative anticipations, from where that unique action of setting in motion all contrasts begins or ends, whose sole representative is reconciliation, stalemate, as a term of a deeper meaning.

To keep leadership’s own state of mind that calls to an attitude of superiority, means to make peace with who you could’ve been when you thought and acted as if you were someone else.

The mathematical and strategic brain of the great game, the most powerful catalyst of the psychic power sphere, is responsible, in this regard, for the spectacle of a key combination of moves, being the subject of accepting the validation of a logic of the type "move in any direction only one square, but one that will have meaning in a lesson of assessment and self-appreciation."

The King In Check occurs when you try to combat your alter-ego in an excellent exercitium mentale , without the mediation of any vision with a constant potential for determination, finding yourself to be the same as before, some incognus before knowing. It is the result of an absurd game against your own being. It is the confirmation of the availability of accommodating yourself in the face of great or small challenges implied by the ability of placing yourself in the unlimited space of the psyche.

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