Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Labyrinth Of Darkness

On December 01, 2011
, in
Leadership Impact by Neculai Fantanaru

Bring your contribution to the development of the people's character, by stimulating the exteriorization of their inner being.

Do you remember that emotional scene from the movie "Meet Joe Black (1998)"? Susan takes Joe to her father's library. She tells him, pointing with her hand to an older clock:

- When I was little, my mother used to say that you could set your heart by this clock.

- Could you? He asks.

- Never tried... 'til now. 

Joe smiled at her with sympathy. He had the impression that understands what was in her soul, but literally, he did not suspect not half as much. He felt that his emotions are increasing. Around a few seconds, he examined her in silence. He had not ever been until then so isolated from what he knows, had not ever confronted with such an impact of unknown feelings. In his mind dwelt an impenetrable darkness.

At her turn, Susan did not have any reference point, nothing that would help her distinguish reality from illusion, which would help her perceive the feelings of the Joe’s soul. It was strange, enigmatic, scary, but in a way that aroused emotion, not in one that would make her feel threatened in some way. The effect of darkness on her sense of "orientation" became of secondary importance.

She does not need to understand everything about his essence. The sole impact of this fundamental step - closeness to him, the desire to give herself to him, despite the fact that she could not penetrate the unknown of him – it was enough to arouse his interest. She looked at him with that hope, joy, faith, spiritual contentment that only a pure heart knows it.

Susan seemed to read Joe's thoughts: "I don’t know life; I don’t know that feeling that gives you amazing thrills, which is called love." However, she seemed to say: "Don’t worry about this. One day you'll understand. "

Leadership: Your destiny is predetermined by the expression of the soul's gratitude which must be given the greatest freedom of interpretation?

If we say that leadership involves some modeling of interpersonal relationship experience, then we allude to a multiplication of direct and subjective means of transmission of appreciation, recognition, approach, attachment, satisfaction and confidence. These small power systems with positive energy, but also with a certain amount of appeal, which cancels any possibility of compromising credibility, can be diversely multiplied.

We can think, for instance, not only about the personal value transfer impulses, generated by life and spirituality pattern, but also about initiating spiritual experiences where destiny is predetermined by the contentment of mind. A considerable baggage of such experiences becomes available to individual choice of a new state of life, lived in joy and gratitude.

He who wants to contribute to a sustainable leadership does not take refuge in a closed universe, where there is no possibility to engage in interpersonal relationships, based on loyalty and understanding, but something more than that. He becomes a combination of attitudes and states of expressing human need and solidarity, feeling and intelligence giving him power to convey, understand and assimilate emotions – all dosed accurately, depending on life experience, after a random scenario.

Before you give yourself a freedom to interpret your soul’s satisfaction, at least comfortable, you have to find a direct connection between what happens to you and the causes that caused the events that marked you.

Or we can think, for example, about the modeled stimulation of human factor, probing in vast deposits, still unexplored by those directly participating in the identity formation and development process, which takes place in a permanent dynamic throughout life.

Leaders are very close to this kind of experiences. They always move towards this horizon of understanding and spiritual fulfillment, full of interest and momentum to combat any form of "opposition". They do not change direction and move towards a direction where people without emotional baggage abandon, wanting to end up with an entire attempt to form a convenient reality, supported by finesse, sincerity and affection.

Leadership: Do you run away from something you do not know in the hope of freeing yourself from the old monsters who have consecrated you to a vocation which is achieved by pushing the self beyond the accepted limits of consciousness?

Those who run away from something they do not know will never be able to rise to the standards of motivation and spiritual contentment imposed by a momentary state that passes with great haste.

The soul of a human is made from small pieces of feelings, of thoughts, desires, emotions and values. And your duty as a leader with a great power of understanding is to unite all these fragments in order to reveal the pure pattern of everyone. Nevertheless, for this you must seek the principle after which you can connect these fragments. This is at your fingertips.

Just as vitamin D it is produced in the body through the action of sunlight on the skin, so you will be able to increase the effect of resonance of your leadership according to your ability of connecting states of mind, by plugging them to that switch that lights up in people the light of change and becoming, of revitalizing their lives.

You could instill more easily the people’s confidence people in you, if you put emphasis on their spiritual content, if you help them discern what they really are. For this you need to capture the best aspects that would excite their interest, to look deep within their being, especially from the angle of your contribution to their "recovery".

The motivation of an unpredictable transformation is what surprises you in a short moment of doubt and lures you to tread on roads you do not understand, but that fundamentally change you because you experience them through the way you share them.

On what you lay emphasis in leadership? Are you running away of something you do not know in people? Do you lack that desire of penetrating their entire spiritual labyrinth in search of their true identity? Can you set your heart by the clock of their emotions and, implicitly by their entire way of being? Is there a very important aspect of your relationship with people that you overlook?

The labyrinth of darkness is your chance to connect to other people, to integrate yourself into their world.

The true human nature is like a dark labyrinth, shaded by many feelings and emotions – you must penetrate into it, to banish all doubts, then to choose and direct the positive feelings toward a source of light. The more you know about his essence, the more you understand his true spiritual content, the faster you will find the best path.

Conclusion: In leadership, you are working with people and for people. They are different in education, culture, character and behavior, at the same time they are different by the ways of externalizing their feelings.

In order to make them your allies, you need to know including the hidden ones "inside an impenetrable shell." Starting from their careful observation and up to knowing their true nature, you have to get over a dark labyrinth. However, armed with patience, perseverance, appropriate means of communication you will get to know their feelings and ideals, you will succeed in mobilizing them in order to achieve the common goal, which is light at the end of the labyrinth.

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