Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Laureate Of The Medal Of Honor

On October 20, 2010
, in
Leadership Impact by Neculai Fantanaru

Highlight the strong consistency of your character, adopting the natural attitude of the "Man" that meets the standards of excellence imposed by others.

The movie " Uncommon Valor (1983) " tells the story of a group of Vietnam veterans who come together to save a former fellow who was taken prisoner, and he was also the son of retired colonel, Cal Thodes, who supported the entire operation. Before starting the mission, they are installed in a base where training begins. Daily trainings, which were very hard and complex, were supervised by Kevin Scott, former officer of the American Navy, who knew the latest training techniques and was a really passionate and a connoisseur of weapons.

Day after day, the will, determination and hope of the small group were weakened. Kevin Scott was asking way too much of them. The situation became very tense, and he had no idea that, sooner or later, his men's energy would vanish.

Leadership: Is the "denial" with which you try to fill the gap between what you are already capable of doing and what you are not yet ready to do alone tolerated?

What happens when you do not create a sense of unity within the team?

At one point, while carrying some heavy logs, one of them, Major Johnson, gave up. It wasn't supposed to happen like that. Not this way. Not when they were only a few days until the start of the operation. His desolation was expressed in his whole attitude. He could not face more training. His intense look, directed at Kevin, was filled with a terrible hatred.

To set a good example to others, Kevin grabbed the log and tried to take it further. But then, the unexpected happened. The most imposing and massive of his fellows, Sailor, also filled with a boundless hatred, eager to shed all his bitterness, suddenly rushed upon Kevin and beat him to a mummy.

Sailor did not feel any pain, no regret or shame, no feeling of guilt for the lesson he taught Kevin. An inner voice seemed to say, while watching his "leader" fell to the ground: "I feel nothing for him, in some way or another, except I want nothing to do with him anymore" .

The denial implied by a management function can be explained by the refusal to admit something that is inconsistent with your views, maximizing the amount of errors that result from rewarding the lack of discipline or by inappropriately conditioning the rules that must be observed.

Leadership: Can you express your personality to the extent that your actions and decisions coincide with the exploitation of the line of action on a compromised debt?

Change or you will be changed. Nothing inspires more confidence and security to people than a leader who knows how to change his attitude.

After that violent conflict, after that sever lesson received with intense cold, Kevin changed his entire concept of leadership. He became a different person, a man who understood twice: he understood from people's attitude and behavior their intentions, thoughts and opinions, their limits and principles and how much he can push it. He understood which are the resources and the most effective ways to motivate people and how to maintain a balance between his own interest and that of them.

People see your involvement in ordinary activities as being very important. As a leader, you are their safe pipeline to an inexhaustible, fresh and lively resource of energy. Use all your resources, find an effective way to get people do what you want, but without forcing them to push their limits.

What limits? I would say that depends on every individual. If you're that kind of leader who, very self-reliant, always says to himself, without guessing people's mood: "I'll make them seriously work and make them creak in their shoes" , and if you'll take reckless, drastic decisions, then your motivation will be pretty weak. A cold, resulting from doubt and an inability combined with fear will gradually begin to penetrate in the core of people's feelings, and eventually, you will be left with a perfect indifference.

A compromised debt is a recognition that you do not fully deserve, mainly due to the wrong effects to get an agreement of understanding through a lack of control over the way you treat people. Their actions have no impact on what is happening to them, for which they feel helpless, depressed and apathetic – or, worse, they begin to enact deeds of hatred and revenge.

Leadership: Sometimes, you are obliged to behave not as you are, but as others force you to?

If you have a fierce nature, ready to catch fire at any moment, whose behavior is lacking any sense, you will never be able to feel people's emotion, which is expressed through their language and behavior and exhibit: understanding, respect, cooperation, tolerance, solidarity.

If you're that kind of man, you're obliged to behave not as you are, not as you think is best, but as others force you to. As such, it is necessary for you to adopt the natural attitude of a leader who greatly respects his subordinates, to do everything with much kindness and not to behave with them like they were the meanest people, but to keep untouched your sense of honor, always show people respect and love, but without abandoning your task.

One is for people to obey orders and another is for them to follow your example. Don't forget that the leader is like a diamond in the mines from people's heart.

Leadership: Can you bring people to the threshold of getting closer to what singles you, without modifying their pattern of thinking?

Your power to change will induce change in others' behavior and mentality, beneficial for both sides for an effective leadership and a fruitful collaboration. If you adopt a rigid attitude, if you develop some performances that exceed the team's ability, you will arouse hate, weakness and feelings of worthlessness and even revenge.

When you feel these feelings arousing, when you understand that the team's ability is overwhelmed by the demands imposed on them, you have to immediately "change your tune", otherwise you will only lose. The most effective way to motivate people to follow you is to change your attitude towards them.

Do not forget a single moment that you are a man among other men. A person who guides people in a certain direction, but who, in his turn is guided by them. Therefore, you must be a man of quality, not a nobody. You are "validated" as a leader according to pluses or minuses provided by others, only if you manage to achieve the standards of excellence imposed by them.

To bring people to the threshold of getting closer to what singles you, without modifying their pattern of thinking, requires you to continually reconsider, to constantly reveal your attitudes of any kind, inner or outer, to evaluate your limits, perceptions, values and find out who you really are through the experience of not being able to make a decision by yourself without their consent.

You will never be able to mark your presence in people’s lives, without walking the roads walked by them.

The Medal of Honor is a symbol of people's respect to you. It's a symbol of their appreciation, which has practical consequences in your future activities. It is, perhaps, the highest proof of their gratitude for your efficiency, for your qualities as a leader – a leader who has the power to change his thoughts and attitude whenever he goes astray.

The laureate of the Medal of Honor can be even you.

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