Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Life Cycle Of Leadership

On January 24, 2013
, in
Leadership XXL-Pack by Neculai Fantanaru

Try to capture the deeper essence of what you represent in a particular character structure so that you can reveal the pieces that make up the puzzle of your exceptionality.

Please read the following story carefully, as if it were your life story from which you draw the story of your becoming a man of great character. To get rid of any misinterpretation (or decoding) that the meaning of this story can provide, the protagonist of which is between art and utility, we must take into account the isolation of the “vicious” or “mild” factors that we are often tempted to associate with failure.

"In the middle of a beautiful city, there was a museum laid with beautiful marble tiles and with a huge marble statue as a part of the display. Many people from all over the world visited the museum every day and admired the beautifully crafted statue. One night, the marble tiles started talking to the marble statue.

Marble Tiles: Hey statue, Don't you think that it is just not fair that everybody from all over the world come all the way here to admire you while ignoring and stepping on me.

Marble Statue: My dear brother, marble tile, Don't you remember we are actually from the same cave.

Marble Tile: Yes ! I do, that is why i feel it is even more unfair. Both of us were born from the same cave and yet the world treats us so differently now. This is so unfair !

Marble Statue: Yes you are right my brother. But, do you still remember the day when the sculptor tried to work on you but you resisted his tools.

Marble Tiles: Yes, I despise that guy. How could he use those nasty tools on me.

Marble Statue: Well, Since you resisted his tools he couldn't work on you. When he decided to give up on you, he started working on me instead. I knew at once that i would be something different and unique after his efforts. I bore all the painful tools he used on me and allowed him craft me as he wanted !

Marble Tiles: But those tools were so painful.

Marble Statue: My brother, there is a price for everything in life. Since, you decided to resist and gave up half way, you can't blame anybody who steps on you now."

Leadership: Can you develop your tendency to be different from other people so that the experience that sets you apart as a “celebrity” can cope with the shaping and modeling of a valuable work of art?

The task of determining the right size for a certain virtue and placing a new work of art at the center of a well-meaning philosophy of life can sometimes seem daunting in the case of a man who does not know himself to be a creator or artist. By virtue of understanding those fundamentals of character that determine, to a large extent, the formation of a balanced personality, we will be able to more easily bring to light the human inclination towards success and celebrity.

We cannot refer to any man as we refer to an artist, looking for certain exceptional traits, unless we turn that man into a servant of God (or a tool of providence) meant to extend his freedom of manifestation in a restricted framework of receiving divine grace, more precisely following a harsh, but educational life experience.

When we think of man as an artist, we have to consider how he is willing to relate to God, because what makes a man a microcosm, the measure of all things and the image of God, depends on how the wisdom of facts crystallizes in the mind and soul, without putting their beliefs into theories.

To know God is to know yourself when you are subject to the test of character, without defending a state of fact that expresses a great degree of deviation from the ordinary.

Thus, the need to fully understand the message of the “Statue of marble” has as a consideration the need to believe in God and to spread his grandiose wisdom, which is based on the proof of character. It’s not the pain that man must endure to some extent, taking contact with the will of a divine intervention, not about strength or perseverance, but it is about how you perceive that: “to where should I evolve so that I can build my strong and noble character?”

Someone wrote this well someone on a webpage: “Character content is expressed in a multitude of character traits: discipline, self-control or character orientation (the person’s ability to select external, natural or socio-cultural influences, and to respond to them through behavioral attitudinal reactions.”

The tendency to be different from other people depends on how you build your character in what regard’s God’s intention to turn you into a work of art, or at least make you realize how you can rise above the whole world with honor, dignity and pride.

Basically, nobility makes common cause with the “living water” of God, with that cleansing of the character through perseverance and consistency led to a level of perfection that will receive the praise of “Well done, my subject”. The desire to fully understand God comes from the series of your efforts to live above defeat.

Leadership aims at fulfilling the ideal of “Serving Above Yourself” by adopting a formula of profound lucidity that is used by man of great character to equate his qualities with those of the Creator: “Always look to the power of God and you will forget about your weaknesses.”

The Life Cycle Of Leadership takes place from the moment you realize that you cannot rise above yourself, at the level of “Artwork”, and your only chance is to test yourself the faith that believes that God exists and that He is the One who rewards.

* Note: The Marble Statue

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