Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Matter And Truth

On July 07, 2013
, in
Leadership FX-Intensive by Neculai Fantanaru

Comply with the duties to your science, even if the others aren’t willing to accept the unknown truths it uncovers.

While I was trying to understand the basic priorities of the matter which made up the Secret, appropriately distilling a small quantity of the endless elixir of the energy which contributed to creating and maintaining a certain vision, I felt as if a cold draft went through my mind and took hold of it. If any fiction writer had tried to describe me in such a moment, through a horizontal line of free associations, hypnotically expanded in a world-empire, I would probably have been seen as some kind of inventory of symbols, pedantry or presumptuous, close to an unknown ontological stage of the world.

Defensive impulses followed one after the other at very short intervals in my mind, as if induced and triggered by an unseen signal that warned me about repeating certain mistakes. These tension states occur frequently amongst scientists that try to prove, in their laboratories, certain unknown and unexplainable phenomena, twisting every truth and untruth in order to find an explanation where none is known. It was as if I a restrictive thinking was taking hold of me more and more.

As a man in want of sensations, I thought only about the apparently stable combination where its constitutive elements could determine a new configuration of the Secret. In the homogenous catalysis, the catalyst and reagents resulted in different purification phases. Thus, I could extract from the content of the Secret I barely had access to, new properties only if I managed to retain 55% of the pure particles of meanings and senses that it emanated at every step, before they got scattered until elimination. The processing technique for the precious content was amongst the most advanced at that time.

Leadership: What role are you willing to take in a vision that can be experienced based on truths that cannot be unanimously accepted, knowing that what you think is just your interpretation of things around you?

But nonetheless, what was causing the destabilizing of the energy triggering particle system? Why couldn’t I stabilize them? I had to start all over again, like that chemist in the movie "Darkman". Constantly. Patiently. Objectively. I didn’t care how long it took, I knew that the formula for accomplishing the mystery was there, waiting for me to uncover it. Ah, I could feel it, I could smell it ! Unfortunately I had only one piece of the puzzle. And there were so many great question marks.

In the middle of so many unsuccessful experiences, I remained pretty lucid. I knew that I was on the right way; the others’ opinions were indifferent for me. Because I was sure that I would be right eventually, not the people who refuted or laughed at my research. Basically, I was playing the role of an enigma seeker, this time as a being compatible only with the need to control one’s purpose and destiny, without taking into account the directions imposed by other people’s point of view.

Even if the chilliness with which they had received my ideas, would have presented reasons to be worried, even if the other scientists, while making certain comparisons with their knowledge would have had at least one objection or would have challenged me to a dispute, or would have ridiculed me, I knew nothing could make me bitter.

Because that is the faith of the unknown truth, to be rejected at first, exactly by those visionary spirits that should have accepted it. Moreover because only I came to experience truth, to fully know it and to turn it into other truths, without turning the fundamental principle they’re based on into something relative.

Leadership: Does the way in which you understand and manipulate science develop many patterns of a new wave of depreciation or overestimation of personal value, in a context of “deviation from the realism of objectives accepted as sine qua non of the sensitive world”?

Does a restrictive thinking take hold of you more and more? Amidst unsuccessful experiences do you keep your lucidity as much as possible? Ar you sure of the fruit of your science, even if others refute or ridicule your work and ideas?

You will never be able to keep your distance from science as long as your professionalism, knowledge and skills in a field occupy an important place in your daily "diet". Your real leader qualities, most visible through your way of thinking and through the way in which you understand an manipulate science, develop more patterns of a new wave of depreciations or overestimations of your personal value, which can lower or rise your success rate.

The Secret or essence which consists in the substantiality of new knowledge brings a whole variety of "active safety functions" to a common denominator. These and only these grant you the strength to be centered, stable in the relationship with yourself in the process of becoming. In my case, the objectives accepted as sine qua non of the sensitive world, that is, of a world that is not entirely open to the new, were delimited by the effects of a thought that, not recognizing its own limits, takes its operational effectiveness as an absolute rule (from which I was not going to make any deviation).

"The active safety functions" are a group of instructions that you follow in order to fulfill those tasks that lead you to a superior understanding of how leadership works and to a wider access to that science available exclusively to the most eminent, cultivated and talented minds. Instructions such as: “I will do everything I can to support the development of science” or “I cannot move away from the ideal model of the perfect man I aspire to be” , leave room for an exaggerated belief in one’s own abilities, that is, a vivid digging into what regards one’s own person.

These functions also grant you more trust and safety when using your own science with the purpose of developing efficient capacities and identifying alternative sources for obtaining some new truths and exploiting them into practice.

Just like in any game, a player can pick his strategies based on the opponent’s actions, you can do the same so that your leadership can be updated into a new stable configuration which separates pure knowledge from empirical knowledge, you must compose and understand well enough the "matter" that you incorporate in your science. So that it contributes to creating and maintaining a certain vision.

Leadership: Are you wasting the chance to take ownership of your science by taking the initiative to manifest your personal power and control over discoveries that can extend the coordinates of a vision, but cannot translate it into something feasible?

If you manage to make yourself truly guilty of "a priori conceptualizations", of abstract generalizations, it is a sign that the basic priorities of the matter that makes up your science are consecutively manifested upon a continuously rising request for too fanciful visualizations and representations. Once you’ve reached this evolutionary stage, inevitably the other people in the field after making certain comparisons with their knowledge will ridicule you and refute your knowledge.

In this case, your leadership must have at hand all warfare methods that define its three sides: attack, defense and maneuver. In order to see the light and develop itself, science must be installed, must leave the possibility for an exception to the rules, revised when necessary, but never hindering its effective manifestation.

If you want your leadership to reach its highest purposes, comply with the duties to your science, even if the others aren’t willing to accept the unknown truths it uncovers.

To transpose a vision into something feasible means to call upon the elements of science to suggest an eloquent and constructive truth that can be understood and accepted by all people, even if it cannot influence too much, even if it cannot be considered THE MAIN CAUSE of evolution.

The Matter and Truth highlights the assembly of analysis and synthesis processes that will dictate the strategy adopted in order to recognize and accept that modus operandi chosen by the leader. To convince means to obtain acknowledgement and to win trustworthy allies in order to reach the common goal.

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