Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Mental Creation Of An Infinite Spirit

On December 04, 2020
, in
Leadership Pro by Neculai Fantanaru

Try to cultivate your artistic virtues in the simplicity of the soul of great purity and lyricism, referring to the form of exteriorization of a deep spiritual content.

I had time to assimilate the most chosen knowledge, accepting on the fly the surplus of almost unreal intensity of the feeling of spatiality of the dialogue with God, a universe of light, pastel colors, absolute geometries. And I sensed that this knowledge was determined not to feel indebted to me for learning the art of transforming any creation into unique and exclusive works of art.

Once again, I felt caught between the ultra-sensitive soul structure of the empirical self and the truth that dominates the intellect of another level of reality, affiliated with another origin of time. Maybe I was the prisoner of a world too small to fulfill all my ideals, the prisoner of a world upside down. For the whole world, I began to believe that it existed only as a kind of overlooking what was happening every day, about what was to come, and about what was happening in the inner mystery of each creature.

Great knowledge abundantly claims the merit of the artist to perpetuate, in a sui generis way, what is ephemeral.

With wonder, with a kind of hidden pride, with a kind of respect for the noble curiosity of the artist who raises matter to the height of the spirit, I felt that I experienced through excellence in another time the same inexplicable iconic story, the same image defect “repaired” again and again, as if someone had allowed me to add a drop of dew under the clear sky of a memory of another world. I am still looking for an explanation for this phenomenon.

Leadership: Can you find a powerful way to express your feelings for everything you experience in the field of Creation, longing for a simultaneity of experiencing the world by accumulating other hypostases?

I think that the most expressive art is a possibility to recognize myself in the images on the canvas, and the knowledge that follows is the mixture of colors that come to life in a Google Color Picker experiment, hence the exposure of a form of expression in a sure point of perception of external reality. Or the rose to my right, which I have so often felt as a divine presence, and having no better term to symbolize a deep mystery , is a witness to me that I have tried to change the shade of colors that the narrator sprays over words, to feel that what I experience is a normality, and nothing more.

Predominant here is the idea that the living soul of the rose transmits its lyrical virtues to the painter’s dreamy moments, to contemplate his works, and transmits them with the help of the brush in every interpretation of the relationship between science and religion, of course with the possibility of transcending the sensitive world and in the habit of abstract thinking. Without caring about composition, touch, light, as in classical painting, without using in any way the unity of the ego as a possibility to decipher the unity of the world, I resorted to the act of creation as an illusion of the natural superimposed on any manifestation of mystical order.

Therefore, I feel compelled to return spectacularly to a reality in which there is no boundary between figurative and symbolic. In this regard, two hypostases lead me to believe in the need to evaluate the impact of knowledge in the field of art: the hypostasis of creator and muse, at the same time, in a surreal universe. I myself am a meditation on the creative vocation, on fulfillment through painting and literature, but at the same time I am a divine breath of art in the diversity of a lyric with wide openings to the new.

Leadership: Can you intervene on the content of a work of art, finding its sensitive equivalent in the stage of developing the idea of ​​“Totality of the Self”?

He who knows how to use the virtue of the rose, to create and recreate the universe through imagination, enchanting the movement of the brush on a picture created by the divine logos, making possible the expression of a life mirrored in other lives, and if the same man utters an invocation of higher planes using the mysterious word “Adherteress” (the unity of the creative self), then he will facilitate the understanding between two distinct worlds.

From this point of view, as a symbol of a smooth transition from one stage of creation to another, I managed to understand that what is “seen” is just a drop in an infinity of the universe.

Another virtue of the rose, that of always being in tune with the reality of the present, must protect the moral right of the artist to disclose any details of his work with images beyond the soul, with images beyond images, with images beyond words, so that the process of reproducing a message of great metaphysical depth to prove as sensitive as possible, as of perspective as possible and to expand in other contexts of culture.

The idea of ​​the totality of the self is attributed to the artist who knows how to create and recreate the universe through imagination, so that the part of consciousness that allows him to meet the Creator reaches the infinite dimension of his being.

And here comes the “Renaissance”, or the form of externalization of a deep spiritual content, which can be achieved through an exponent of the sensitive world (the rose) meant to connect with the Creator through a work of art destined to serve as a model of perfection, or as a basis for human renewal.

The Mental Creation Of An Infinite Spirit conforms to the renewal of the connection between man and nature, between emotions, imagination and genius. Only through an exemplary work of art, conceived with power and made with great talent, does the Creator express his emotions, feelings, experiences, knowing himself in all that is good or bad, beautiful, ugly, valuable or non-valuable.

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