Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Mystery Behind The Lines

On January 31, 2018
, in
Leadership Know How by Neculai Fantanaru

Start collecting the fruits of your life's endeavors, as you manage to draw lessons from the truncated information set in front of you.

- I have slurped revenge thoroughly, in the darkness of the cell and in the despair of captivity, said Abbot Faria. But now, when I have forgiven the world due to my love for you, now when I see you young and with your future ahead of you, now when I think of the happiness such a revelation can bring you, I am terrified by the delay and I tremble at the thought of not giving a master as worthy as you, the riches hidden within the earth.

Edmond Dantes turned his head, sighing.

- I see well that you still do not believe me, Edmond, continued the Abbot. Did my voice not convince you at all? I see that I must offer you proof. Behold, read this paper, which I have never shown to anyone.

And taking the paper, of which half was missing, unmistakably destroyed in an accident, Edmond read the following lines:

"This treasure that can be worth up to two thousand Roman thalers, and that
find by lifting the twentieth stone
the eastern cove in a straight line. Two are stuck in these caves: the treasure is in the most corner
which treasure I leave it in…
my heir.
April 23rd, 149…"

Leadership: Do you allow the neglect of a certain part of the source information, in order to obtain a more compact representation of reality that you cannot discard?

- Now, what do you have to say? Asked Faria as the young man finished reading.

- But I see only truncated lines and words without end. The writing is interrupted due to some fire and remains unclear.

- To you, my friend, who are reading it for the first time, it might appear that way. But to me, who I’ve kept looking over it for nights on end, to me who I’ve reconstructed each phrase and filled every idea, I was given to find the missing meaning. Especially as I know the story of this paper.

As a conclusion. The one who has a curiosity about the unknown, taking into account that characteristic of knowledge centered on the dictum "I am the thing through which I know how to listen to my reason" , aims to interpret everything from the point of view of the certainties he can discover through his inclusion in a wider context of reality.

Leadership: Are you ready to experience an intense story that comes packaged with the actions of a discovery that defends its certainties?

The destination you are aiming for, bearing in mind the memory full of particularities of information models detached from the fragments of different writings, from real events, from fragments of a certain but forgotten reality, has a certain force related to the limitlessness of a personal transcendence that reveals an entire story.

This story is overlooked when you forget to dig at the root of things and take away the crust of ignorance that covers their importance, when you are sensitive to external stimuli or when you let yourself get carried away by the wave of momentary needs.

The story invites us inside a closed but diverse space, a cutout from a continuum that extends to the level of understanding of each person, much deeper than the infinite totality expressed by the symbolic path of a pathless journey that highlights the flexibility to visit places where you find out more when you are in their immediate vicinity than when you are at a great distance from them.

It is the story of a forgotten history from which we cut out past bits and bits that are fixated through the personal filter of subjective understanding, modeled by its own values and a constant meditation on the self and relationships with others. The story of some heard or read happenings, from which both the experiences and the individual differences transcend, with the multiple possibilities of approaching two mentalities that are excluded by the peculiarities of the reproduction of reality.

Before you go through such a story, you need some certainty regarding the unknown territory that you want to penetrate, from where certain landmarks will somehow guarantee you that there is a great chance that you will have a breakthrough at the end of the journey.

The lack of curiosity to find new and interesting things is like a piece of paper that marks the place of discovering a reality you are absent from because you have forgotten that you can be part of its plan.

The Mystery Behind The Lines is a truth that you do not manage to see due to a lack of desire to go through the interstices that allow you to find out what you do not know about yourself.

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