Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Path Lost In A Hard-To-Find Verticality

On March 09, 2020
, in
Leadership Know How by Neculai Fantanaru

Nothing is more preferable than what you could have preferred, and you did not prefer.

I met a man who ran quite well, dominated by the objectivity of a personality untouched by the feeling of futility. But he did not run best, as well as a champion, and in the end, he chose to run only for himself, as well as he could, without comparing himself to the other runners. He continued to run at all times, free, more understanding, more in harmony with the feelings of life, only to run in the fullness of bodily powers, in his soul dispositions (often contradictory, but still in relation to mutual conditioning).

The years have passed, and they do not return. But something remained imprinted in his soul. The longed-for desire to be a champion, because any soul process affects the outside and causes intense feelings, different sensations, emanates power, character, personality, positivism, gives a certain charm to the destiny made by those who live their lives for a dream in the service of performance.

And whenever he has adapted his attitude to the different feelings of his exalted spirit to the holy ones, deep in dedication and outstanding results on the line of progress, so often a whisper from the ether, a call from the heart of a hint of foreboding, a prayer brought from the divine, foretold to him a part of the later work of the Enlightenment. As if he had managed to capture the most impressive images of a world detached from a cinematic matrix in the form of a feature film, in the dynamics of the expression of a reinvented life, of an original reality crystallized in harmony with the evolution of the universe.

Knowing how to bear what is off the runway is less worrying than feeling something great that, filling you with self-respect (but also caution), awaits you beyond the safe world you were used to. You step into a lost world and find yourself elsewhere. You start from a realistic dream, and you find yourself in the secret room of the spiritual book, decorated with a portrait of the hero with a thousand faces and his symbolism that simultaneously denotes death and life, wisdom and infinite knowledge. Go from one extreme to the other without wondering how the change came about.

After all, what really matters is the attitude that your ego takes towards the different feelings that feed the substance of the novel called: “The path lost in a hard-to-find verticality.”

Leadership: Is the objectivity of your own idea of ​​yourself revealed in an expression of maximum artistic sublimation, insofar as it is considered an essential coordinate of human action placed in the service of an external immaterial cause?

Regarding the personal experience I posted here, so well imbued in coloring the feeling of the inevitability of change, I think it is as relevant as describing a painting workshop for conducting a study of the spiritual life that any artist experiences, both spiritually and materially. It takes you some time to move from a side path to a middle one, to go from a simple idea to a huge achievement, from a single-epic theme to one that can reinvent anything using mixed work techniques. Therefore, patience…

True. I admit that I have the perseverance of the long-distance runner, but at the same time I am close to that state of grace of the painter when he intertwines with Nature and works in its rhythm, without being emotionally and unconsciously guided by any complicated philosophical discourse. After all, I may belong to that painter’s preference for the “Other”, paying attention to the divine call – to seek a path that all can take, but few take to.

Perhaps it would be better to be blinded by the brightness of a star beyond the limits of the conventional, to embrace the “perfect perfection of perfection” that exegetes have fought for decades to trace and impose as a golden rule of the Enlightenment. And what is the Enlightenment other than the association of an ordinary man with the status of a being animated by the divine (creative) impulse, descended as if from a heavenly body, not having the prejudices of a tradition unsupported by Revelation.

Let me put it differently. A small individual claimed his right to property over the holiest of sciences, leaving the memory of an unknown hero in Romanian sport to dominate, and this if I am to give a new color to the feeling of the sublime. So, I think that beyond every configuration of the connection with the great act of universal creation lies a fighting spirit specific to athletics. In fact, the long-distance runner trained, imposed himself, and finally distinguished himself as a modern, innovative painter, able to revolutionize the arts themselves with three-dimensional manifestation, which can rotate any perspective and any perception in a variety of directions.

Leadership: Can you consider the moments of maximum spiritual enlightenment as an experience of God’s word that is revealed by the revelation of a transition from one existential stage to another, from one hypostasis to another, from one self-image to another?

So well-grounded within me were the foundations, values, and discipline of athletics that the coloration of the feeling of the inevitability of change did not suffer a sudden “turn” to the petals of a flame rose, or to the green of a meadow on the hull of a ship stopped ashore.

There was, indeed, a rapprochement between athletics and painting. In the middle was the same tendency to test the limits of my nature, the primary urge to overcome them, the challenge, the madness, the chance to self-assess my skills in a way that wasn’t too striking, an act of blurring prejudices, a free way of releasing my strong emotions from the burden of a more or less obvious captivity.

Visionary people, rare examples of personalities in which the rare moments of spiritual enlightenment are intertwined, are characterized by the curiosity to see what comes out of a “command” given to the spirit of finesse that reconciles the professional cut with pure emotion. If athletics turned me into a visionary of the unique, it was because I had reached that stage of adoration of heroes and great deeds, that stage of serving the ideal of “new and immortal man”, considering the moments of enlightenment as an inner experience, even if for the ancients they came from outside.

I approached very seriously this subject of the transition from one state to another, from one shade to another, from one stage to another, from one world to another, so that in the end I found that everything that explains the true meaning of beauty has its roots in a well-known, well-mastered phenomenon, in a content of thrills, unsuspected expectations, vibrations, frequencies, waves, energies, mysteries, legends, all these being confirmed by a closer examination of the problem of the Self. Perhaps some spirits were pre-chosen for the accomplishment of the “Great Work” at the prime time of God’s expansion on earth.

Once again, the attempt of the ordinary man to be part of an invisible, transcendent and infinitely abundant source is confirmed, feeding on a higher creed that gives exceptional destinies a sacred influence. Yes, I am probably more than an ordinary person, I am a performance athlete who has performed in the field of visual arts, honored with the attention received from an external and superior immaterial cause.

The Enlightenment is what is revealed to us through divine revelation and is confirmed by our own experience as the transition from one situation to another, from one status to another, through a broadening of self-consciousness to the dimension of an avant-garde consciousness.

Or, as someone said on a website: “Beyond the physical and vital envelope of the world, we need a conscious connection of our soul with that of a being from whom we can feel only a disposition of intimacy or presence full of seriousness and dignity, without prejudice to a previous situation.”

The Path Lost In A Hard-To-Find Verticality is an unforeseen way of embracing reality differently that makes the purpose of our lives (and all the events that stand in our way) extend beyond the limits of the knowledge we have at a given time. At the same time, it designates that elevation of thought towards a complex of tendencies of emotions, of sensations, which taken separately or all together, passing through multiple changes, form the permanence of a metaphysical Ego, of infinite dimensions.

I also add here the words of Ioana Sarah, a good educator of spirit who always followed my becoming. She said: “Spirituality is sometimes like a rocky hill, sometimes it’s like an egg, it’s like a project from which ideas are born and flow every day, it’s like a flowing river: the same water never passes over the same stones. The world is like an infinite column, it impresses with destiny… And the resonance with the divine is like a temple to which we have to add another brick every day, otherwise it collapses and falls…”

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