Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Popularization Of Leadership

On March 14, 2012
, in
Performance eX-Flash by Neculai Fantanaru

Be prepared to triumph in the midst of large-scale events, giving way to an act of living and organic participation at a high level of spirituality.

The novel “Aztec” written by Colin Falconer ends with a special example of leadership approach. The famous Spanish conquistador, Hernan Cortés, being at a distance of about 1 km from the Mexican armies, addresses his soldiers:

- We are overwhelmed again. But think about how many times we’ve been in the same situation in the past months. Did we not fight an equally frightening force on the Tabasco River? And did we not triumph? Remember the Tlaxcaltecs and the cannons and the cavalry Narvaez was waiting for us with at Cempoallan !

He paused for a moment.

- We have always triumphed because we are not ordinary people or soldiers. Now you can all proudly say that you are Cortes’ soldiers. In the years to come, ballads will be composed that will sing of our bravery. Because not only your courage, but also your skill in handling weapons, sets you apart from ordinary mortals. Remember that you have been chosen by God Himself to march under His banner.

To strengthen his words, he raised the blue-and-white banner, which had once fluttered on the mast of his ship.

- The cross will help us triumph ! And now I would like to tell you one more thing: remember that you are at an advantage as long as you have the strength to fight. These Mexicans do not want to kill you, but to take you prisoners for their pagan rituals and that is why they are more vulnerable. As you know very well, they will not fight as a united army, but individually. Today you will not be dealing with a battle, but with a series of duels. I think God will give you the strength to resist. Stick the swords directly at the target, do not turn them blindly over your head, so as not to expose yourself to their sticks and knives.

Leadership: How do you use the synthesis of all the “believe in something more powerful than yourself” experiences that have intersected around large-scale events based on a single constant?

The evaluation of the finality of one’s own efforts to obtain an advantageous leadership position, has as a premise of appreciation the uncertainty that eclipses the course of events. That is, the eventuality of the finality of a large-scale approach, very advantageous in terms of the benefits obtained as a resource of the power of affirmation, is important for understanding the context and order of events that make up the world.

Cortés triumphed gloriously not because the events were about the one who was right, not because he knew how to persuade the world to follow him, but because he noticed the mood of the opposing army, not considering it dangerous. Recognizing your opponent’s mood is more important than the influence you have over your subordinates. If Cortés had known that he was dealing with the army of a categorical leader, willing to sacrifice himself for a lofty ideal, he probably would not have been in danger in a battle with heavy losses.

Cortés’ leadership experience was probably “believe in something more powerful than yourself”, meaning it’s not enough to trust your abilities, but you need to better assess the position of your opponents’ faith in order to succeed. It all has to do with the events you need to focus on in a strong mood, and these large-scale events need to be based on one constant: the presence of God. That decision of God by which He chooses a number of individuals for salvation and glory.

I summarize by noting that a winning behavior is constituted by the interference of numerous psychological circumstances that often complicate or even make it impossible to predict the evolution of events. The winning behavior, as a whole, and that of people marked by the psychology of struggle, by belonging to a great goal, involves different levels of resistance and spiritual vibration, different levels of direction and encouragement.

The leader who is around the great events understood the true meaning of the divine words: “That is why the Master has set you above your companions / So that through you we may reach the will of God.”

The Popularization Of Leadership is addressed to that type of hero who knows how to use events and people in favor of a deterministic God, for all that is honorable to a hero is the glory with which he surrounds himself as a dedicated servant of God.

It was not Hernán Cortés who conquered Mexico with a small army of soldiers, it was the man who put God’s will first who triumphed in the midst of events.

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