Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Prestige Of The Art 'In Memoriam'

On October 13, 2010
, in
Leadership Quantum-XX by Neculai Fantanaru

Identify a common ground with others, by managing all your leadership qualities so that it can work in your favor.

One of the paintings, in which the famous painter Gustave Coubert has rendered scenes from the life of his fellow citizens from Ornanse, is "L'Enterrement a Ornans (Funeral at Ornans)," on a large-size canvas, in which he groups about 50 people in their natural size.

When the painting first appeared before the Commission that had to decide which works should be received at the annual Paris Salon, all have been scandalized. They had the impression that they were in front of an ironic man, devoid of any feelings, by any trace of respect for people's pain in front of death. Consequently, the painting was rejected.

In our days, the same picture is considered as one of the great achievements of the French art from the first half of the nineteenth century, which excels through a deep and expressive study of human figures, which reflects strong feelings and emotions.

Leadership: Can you translate your ideas into an original creation that never expires, because everything you express in terms of the feelings you share is part of the plan of an image that will never leave the memory of the world?

Coubert was criticized by his "immoral" subjects. The fact that he represented people as they are in front of death, it was considered as a provocative and irreverent attitude in front of "the eternal art". Few were those who immediately realized the rare quality and the essence of his paintings.

The businessman Sorin Neagu stated: "In any business you have costs and benefits. Important is to manage them in such a way that at the end when you draw line to get in addition. "

Coubert did not manage in such a way his artistic resources that at the end, when he had to drag line, to get “in addition". Although, his art was both visionary and so naturally in its expression, superior by its simplicity and good taste, even if it was perfect by the way that it was close to reality, it was not deeply communicative, did not reach people's hearts, did not create that effect of gratitude in order to contribute by itself in achieving a substantially higher share of significance and importance. As a result, his art, categorized as insensitive, has been questioned, and not acclaimed by almost anyone.

As a leader, if you want to be successful, you must identify a common ground with others, by managing all your leadership qualities so that it can work in your favor. People need to know your "work", all its attributes, but for this, it should not appear as a protest against their principles and concepts regarding leadership, especially in the eyes of the so-called connoisseurs. In other words, you must give life to a leadership designed to gather all the common points between you and them: vision, values and beliefs.

Grant to your work a percentage of increased acceptability to the public. On this should be based your great effectiveness. Do not submit your work as an enemy of the beliefs of others, only to see everything in the light of your own principles. Even if your style is more complex and differs from of the others, present it in a manner that would represent you and would attract attention, and to allow them to recognize its importance.

Leadership is the self-image transposed into a suggestive image that will never leave the memory of the world, as you yourself have to go through those feelings that derive their strength from the description of desired or unwanted events.

The Prestige Of The Art "In Memoriam" means only the stability of your leadership over time, depending on the way it was understood and accepted by others.

Just as testing and evaluation of a new medicine are made by applying it to hundreds of thousands of volunteers, so your leadership evaluation is made by the mutual agreement of the others, according to the share of your ideals and aspirations in relation to the one of them. If your leadership is against the manner in which they perceive it, then you risk losing your credibility.

Conclusion: For a leader, to uplift his "work" to the rank of art means in fact, that it should be accepted and recognized by all, and its "benefits" should be obvious and indisputable.

Innovative ideas are not always widely accepted, their promotion should be done with caution, and only if you have the "accept" of the others. Visionaries are few, and they must be enlightened about the benefits that would come. And once achieved, they will strengthen the position and the prestige of a leader, and his art will persist "in memoriam".

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