Neculai Fântânaru

Everything Depends on Who Leads

The Principle Of Evolution Towards Absoluteness

On December 18, 2012
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Leadership Principles by Neculai Fantanaru
The Principle Of Evolution Towards Absoluteness

Give a sense and continuity to your own transformation, without leaping your knowledge at a height that could jeopardize your meant to be a Man.

It states that everything is possible, that what is unreal may become real. And vice versa. What is real can actually be unreal.

Sometimes, waking up in the morning, I was seized by an insane fear and I could not open my eyes. A hard blow, of punishment, given to my insistences of understanding what seemed incomprehensible. As a repercussion of my curiosity to all that was around me, to everything that was in a new form, towards the laws in a continuous state of change governing the time, the Man and life.

I was overwhelmed by the memory of that night when I had been awakened suddenly, like hearing a terrible thunder; by a flash of lucidity... again I had no other desire than the one to decipher the complexity of the phenomenon. As if I had been in the middle of a phantasmagoria, and what I felt was simply the effect of the nightmare from the heavy sleep that is life.

As if someone descended from a world more advanced than mine, ours, of the mortals, someone alike the beings superior to us, having the knowledge of good and evil, of time and life, the sole possessor of acquirements in all fields of knowledge, committer of all the world mysteries and of the universe, with all the elements related to their formation – it would have made my summary of all the truths, which until now have not been discovered and revealed.

Leadership: Can you capitalize on your ability of constructing a favorable self-image by guiding yourself according to the law: "If you know everything, then you are only halfway along your journey"?

In that state between sleep and reality, I thought I understood everything. It seemed, suddenly, that I became an Atlas of the deepest mysteries, the keeper of all things visible and invisible, being able to explain, to give a harmony and a sense to all laws in all.

But something persisted within me; something was troubling me, discouraging me in all this array of revelations which defied me intellectually. Alexandre Dumas' words, these words loaded with such a cognizance were beating with insistence at the door of my thoughts, limiting my horizon of understanding:

"On the day when the man will know these laws and will follow them, will get free of his duty. And as this duty is the death, the man will become immortal. To create and not die, is not it the ideal side of the science? For the science is God's rival.

If the man would know the mystery of all things that are in the world, he could support the irrefutable theories before the divinity by itself. God will answer:

- If you know everything, you're only on the half of your way; now create a worm or a star and you will be my equal."

It was better not to know everything, to accept my limitations and to move on with myself, in the present which was the most important. To become the man who I was supposed to be, the simple man, not a sophisticated one, so difficult to understand. To remain the same, the man who loves life and its little miracles. And lives it with dignity and joy. Just that, to be a Man. No more and no less.

Leadership: Have you taken it upon yourself to establish the sources of authentic knowledge and determine the value of your knowledge by relating to a self-experience that gives you a new type of experience?

To have access to the entire science, to start looking for it, and fully assimilating it, like a treasure locked with seals, is a very profitable occupation. And very popular especially among the most erudite people. But the number of these seekers towards absoluteness, of these sobresaliente that never stop growing, rising more and more as the sea waves on a deserted beach. Because it rarely happens in humanity, for a man to be more than he was given to be, no matter how enthusiastic he would be in his searches.

The mechanism that strongly facilitates the relationship man-leadership works based on two components: science and knowledge. The science of becoming who you want to be, and the knowledge to manage your new status, the newly formed personality. However, these two components are lacking, definitely the third one: balance. And the balance is given by the "message in the bottle" brought by the waves of life.

When you go too far with the researching of the unknown, when mixing too much science and knowledge in your practices, you have all chances to shipwreck on a deserted island at one time. Your only help, your only chance of returning to normal is the message from the bottle: "Come back to you. Come back to life."- A respite of your renewal, a break between the two rounds: of search and doubt, of the total knowledge and of trying to retrieve the most valuable asset: the state of satisfaction.

Leadership: Do you dare compose a work of unquestionable quality and coherence, in which the most important moments of your life are noted, in an interpretation that highlights the revelations of the science that motivates you?

Leadership, I defined it at one of my webinars as a set of processes, well-defined and transferable means, designed to lead, under conditions of proper approach, to optimal results. Also leadership is composed of a set of transformations of situations and decisions, of phases, and relations, meant to ensure a sustainable development to the society. Therefore, it represents a lever in achieving an agreement between the two sides: the human dimension and the social-economic one.

Until today, the term of leadership was felt as a result of its usability in the field of a moral and cognitive appreciation, sometimes wrong, of the personality of those arriving in high positions, and regarding their level of training. For many people, leadership means to perform with ability certain tasks, missions, according to a widely accepted set of rules.

For me, very concisely, leadership means transformation.

And the transformation begins with you, starting from the present point, and reaching the highest point of evolution. And this maximum point of evolution, like a river flowing into the sea, flows forward along with the fluxion of science and knowledge that you accumulate, once with the continuous fluxion between receiving and giving forth, between accepting that you are in the same boat with the rest of the world and rejecting at all means that you are different.

A bridge between evolution and crash, the perfect balance between "to be" and "to become" crossing multiple areas of life, it is decisive for the "Man" within you.

Being a man, just as nature fashioned you, not a robot, not a "lateral" human being, superior by the skill with which wields the science and the advanced knowledge from any area or another, is an art that some people, although they are human beings, could not master it. Being a "Man" is the first requirement of leadership toward the best way.

The only quality work you can make out of the revelations of the science called upon in key moments of life is a consequence of giving up on what is absolutely necessary to do with what you know and focus on what you feel about what you know in the present moment.

The principle of evolution towards absoluteness highlights that minimization of the human value, of the one that fails to give une signification merveilleuse to his life. But which, driven by the deepest impulses, inspired by the most powerful ideals, tries to reach the Glory, crowning himself with the laurels of superiority.

Do you insist to understand what seems incomprehensible? Is the"Man within You" a consequence of your curiosity to everything that surrounds you, to the laws in a continuous state of change that rules the world?

Do you accept your limits and move on with yourself, in the present which is the most important? Or, you tend to be alike a superior being, whose whole and only wealth is the science?

That which gives value to life is the habit of always withdrawing from the empire of appearances kept between the imperatives of science and the preventive feeling of the limitations of abstract thinking, trying to rise to essences.

Are you a man who is heading towards his own conviction, trying to understand absolutely everything, ignoring the riches of life? Or, you are the man who loves life and its little miracles, and lives it with dignity and joy?

Stop halfway. Do not continue to climb up where you were not given to reach. Give a sense and continuity to your own transformation, without leaping your knowledge at a height that could jeopardize your meant to be a "Man".

P.S. Only when we will know how to really use life, only when life will open its heavy doors of its immense reasons, only when we will learn to assimilate the splendid mechanic of time, with all its dimensions, with all its forms which are spinning, rolling and rotating by imposing new boundaries and new horizons - only then will decrease the distance that separates us from the unknown truths, only then we can fully understand, or at least we can glimpse the answer to the great mysteries of the man and universe.

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