Neculai Fântânaru

Everything Depends on Who Leads

The Science of One Man (VS) The Science of the Whole World

On March 10, 2012
, in
Performance eX-Flash by Neculai Fantanaru

Train your mind to think in terms of vision, by the fact that everything about yourself can be accepted as valuable only after you have changed “divinely” by the strength of maintaining the path you have taken in life.

It is said that in a city where all the sciences were taught, lived a handsome and diligent young man. And, at least nothing was missing from the happiness of his life, he was imagined by the desire to know as much as possible. Or, it was revealed to him one day, from the story of a traveling merchant, that in a very distant land lived a scholar who was the holiest man in all of Islam and who alone had so much book science, so much wisdom, and as much grace as all the scholars of the age put together. And he learns that this teacher, with all his fame, was only a blacksmith, a job that his father and grandfather had had before him.

Hearing these words, the young man took his bag and his stick and left his city at once. And he walked for 40 days and 40 nights, and after many dangers and toils he appeared before the blacksmith.

Finding out that the young man wanted to acquire the great science, the blacksmith put the rope from bellows of the smithy in his hand and told him to pull. And the student listens. One day, one month, one year, without saying a word, the young man stretched the rope of the bellows again and again. But one day, the young man opened his mouth and asked the master to tell him how the Great Science could be obtained.

The blacksmith just said, “Shut up and keep pulling the rope.” And so, another 5 years passed. Then, on a far too grueling day, the pupil dropped the blacksmith’s rope and begged the master to tell him the secret of the Great Science.

- My son ! you can return to your country and your home, with all the knowledge of the world and life in your heart. For you have acquired it all, acquiring the virtue of patience ! *

Leadership: Can you develop an attitude worthy of a superior man, without performing several repetitions of your previous states and experiences?

Every day you discover a little secret that intervenes in the formation and development of thought, which added to other little secrets contributes to the manufacture of the Philosopher’s Stone. But to reach such a skill you need at least ten years of practice, 16 hours full of trials and limits that you have to overcome, day by day.

And you must be lucky enough to meet at the right time an alchemist, a brilliant scientist who knows how to do – like no one else – experiments in chemistry and biochemistry in the laboratory. And if this alchemist is above all a painter full of vision and message, you can say that you are really lucky.

The science of one man is more useful to you than the science of the whole world ! In fact, the use of a man in the middle of this world depends on the science with which he continues to put his dreams on paper, making these dreams a lever for achieving performance in a field of activity. And such a lever that enriches your soul, learning a certain maturity in thinking, a certain attitude towards the important tasks of life, is that virtue called “patience” by which you observe all your things and deeds according to a certain rule, according to a certain measure, then you manage to give them a social connotation.

There would be something else. To understand that saying: “As in heaven, so on earth”, you must first explore the mysteries of the universe, and then operate yourself on the pattern of infinity that wants to suggest one thing, namely, that there is a resemblance between what you are and what you should be, or between what you are as a human being and what drives you to evolve spiritually and scientifically.

Science, according to the individual’s will to understand the impenetrable, is updated according to the model of the artist who set out to interpret optical sensations through chromatic equivalences – they are not the literal imitation of a natural thing, but its symbol. And the artist is only the one who, through the sensations of knowledge received from the self, not necessarily from the external world, manages to release the visual information from clichés and to twist it in the flow of a personal utterance. Because the world around you is just a picture you can’t polish if the warmest colors aren’t always present in your life.

The spiritual aspect of a coherent view of life is that which you must make a priority, so that you do not have to waste years to reach it.

The Science Of One Man (VS) The Science Of The Whole World provides an opportunity for a comparison between what you are able to learn only from yourself and what you are able to learn about yourself by interacting with the rest of the world. If you have time, try to list 5 things you could turn into priorities so that you don’t have to lose 10 years to reach them. And if you can’t list 5 things, then think of at least one thing you can change about yourself so that it becomes the foundation for the rest of your life.

* Note: One Thousand and One Nights (The Parable of the True Science of Life) , Hyperion Publishing House, 1993.

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