Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Sweet Triumph Of A Perfect Choreographer

On April 01, 2009
, in
Leadership R2-Premiere by Neculai Fantanaru

Open the door to people’s hearts, strengthening those important qualities to be revealed in your leadership.

- Would you like to learn how to dance tango, Donna? Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade asked the young lady sitting at the table, whom he had just met. What do you say?

Just as motion picture cameras record every move, Frank felt that he was watching every expression on the girl’s face. She seemed restless.

- I think I’d be a little afraid… afraid to make mistakes ! She said with a sweet, but trembling voice.

Frank realized that the girl has relaxed, that she approved him. To encourage her, he said:

- Unlike in real life, there are no mistakes in tango. This makes tango so great. If you make a mistake and confuse steps, keep on dancing.

Leadership: Is your behavior better understood if it is viewed in terms of the perception that others have about the objective context than in terms of the sensations they receive from your stimuli?

The detail that changed everything. If you saw the movie “ Scent of a woman (1992) ”, perhaps you remember that splendid dance that Frank and Donna made on the dance floor, among the people in that select restaurant. This scene emphasizes very well the manner to approach between two parties – one that leads, the other that follows it.

Frank led the dance gracefully, with unsurpassed mastery. Here is how a blind man, thought he reached old age, was able to take the decisions which has led not only his steps, but those of a beautiful lady. This desire sprung from the need to stand out and use his influence did not die with his youth. It accompanied him his entire life. He could surprise a lot of people by his simple manners, but also by his sharp mind, his greatness or his qualities, his refinement or good taste.

Donna was not impressed by the context in which Frank’s formidable qualities as a dancer were exercised, because the context is only an act of ascertaining a diverse fact that can take place anywhere, so she had to be objective only in terms of her way of presenting herself, manifesting herself, making herself liked and appreciated. I would rather say that the sensations of flattery and good mood she received from the balanced stimuli of Frank, who knew how to touch a flower so that it blossomed gracefully, made her want to continue.

Watching them and admiring them both as they suited their pace, as they carefully chose their steps, I can say that I actually witnessed the development of a wide range of emotions and positive states. Frank’s words, thoughts and attitude wove like a spell with those of the girl. She felt his inner vibration, his friendly intentions, his softness and warmth – precious qualities that every woman greatly appreciates in a man. Those were the important qualities which have created that unity between the boundaries that unequivocally delimited their selves.

Leadership: Can you adapt to the inner coordinates of others so that the result of your emotions and thoughts causes a feeling of the type “It was like in a dream”, but not just any dream, a dream whose content goes in the opposite direction of your current position?

The perception of the girl’s real thoughts and values had a great importance for Frank’s success, subsequently leading to orienting her emotions towards a positive action. As if some unseen forces pushed him to a state of open mind, to a flowering of his own being, to an unexplored world and, of course, to one conclusion: that he can easily adapt to her own aspirations, her own inner coordinates and, at the same time, he was able to set his own pace and his own way to put himself in a positive light.

It was interesting that old Frank’s forces were so strong, that they had a tremendous effect on the girl, ensuring him a dominant position on the “territory”.

You can easily emphasize your personality, but the way you connect to others is correlated with the emotion that you convey during an action. You can bring more harmony in relationships with others if you play well the role of a partner, channeling your actions and feelings positively and constructively towards a direction that makes sense in the eyes of others. If your feelings orientation is diametrically opposed to their feelings, if there is no inner similarity between the way to approach the same “dance”, if you don’t bring them to the stage to relate to you and act at your pace, then it means that the role you play in their lives is “uncomfortable”.

A dream whose content goes in the opposite direction of your current position is a concept for measuring “perfection” according to society or the standards of others, which turns any attitude of “alert” (caution) into an attitude of pride and respect to one’s own person.

The Sweet Triumph Of A Perfect Choreographer is a testimony to the extent that Frank was able to fit the pattern after which Donna modeled her own expectations. To reach people’s hearts, you need to build an image to emphasize your qualities, and to assume your role beyond the strict limits of your status.

Conclusion: A leader must be able to know people and their feelings, as well as their expectations and hopes. He must adapt to them, but also determine them to adapt and follow his pace, ways and methods. This “dance” of the leader and others must turn them into a harmonious “couple”, in which each partner must know his role, adapting to the other and complementing each other.

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