Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The Vision Raises Your Expectations

On January 03, 2013
, in
Leadership XXL-Pack by Neculai Fantanaru

Be able to perceive change before it occurs so that your vision becomes a “historic monument”.

The hero of the Battle of Verdun, Marshal Foch, said: "There are no hopeless situations, but there are only men who have grown hopeless about them."

This leads to the conclusion that those elements that people have included in their vision, combining them in various ways depending on their mental structure and their conceptions, were not handled properly. Therefore, shape-well your vision so that the way that you follow towards performance to have the particularity of being excellent.

Are able to perceive the change before it occurs? Do you have the ability to project into the future and see what it prepares for you? Do you shape your vision so that the way that you follow towards performance to have the particularity of being excellent? Does your vision raise your expectations, or pull you down? Do you add significance to your life acting in virtue of your vision? Do you feel that due to your vision, you make something useful, something that really matters?

Vision can only acquire the status of a historical monument if it is valued due to the layers of significance accumulated over time, if it is not abandoned and does not degrade with rapid steps. Your vision is making people to partake in a useful activity? What do you follow by imposing your vision? Are you arming yourself with that spirit of fair and objective self-evaluation before clarifying and developing your vision?

Putting a vision into practice is not always an easy task. Just as in football, the central defender keeps his eye on the adverse offensive player when he retires, but only up to the center line – in the same way, a leader through shaping a positive self-image, through the enhancement of his own identity, must seek to fill those free spaces from his conscience, which do not denote any exceptional quality, until the moment when his horizons are changing and widening.

To decipher the meaning of high-impact leadership evolution, express your vision, so that to induce people acting into its spirit.

Leadership: Can your vision adopt a status that meets the conditions for predicting the worst possible outcome of a situation without reliable data on that situation?

Is your vision based on solid evidence? The vision should be based on solid evidence, and therefore, to be realistic, or you will be labeled as a madman, or at least one that "catches butterflies."

To act in virtue of the vision, without making assessments about its chances to materialize, it is like being a notorious writer, who does not appear into the writers’ directory, which does not give interviews, does not come out in the public to any book presentation, and does not give autographs. Nevertheless, I do not know through what circumstances, I do not know through what miracle, gets daily letters from his fans. How do you explain this? A notorious writer, that no one sees that no one knows, but nevertheless receives thousands of letters from his fans. Is or is not an aberration?

The vision is that quality that appears and develops alongside with your relationship with people. The vision sets closeness between you and others, even if your presence among people is less common. Paulo Coelho is the most beloved writer of the time, Paulo Coelho. The message of his famous book "The Alchemist" that every person must fulfill his mission on earth, the Personal Legend, reached the heart and mind of many people, without them having read the book, without seeing the writer, without even knowing who he is.

Leadership: Do you realize the importance of your vision in dealing with a highly vulnerable situation, without considering the impact it will have if it is adopted in the form proposed by an accusing conscience?

The vision is a message that has meaning and is accepted by the public. You can add significance to your leadership, if through your vision you manage to influence people, leading them to think, act, behave, to treat things into its spirit. You can collect the fruits of your vision when the others around you are living a great satisfaction that is the materialization of this vision.

1. Are you able to inspire a vision or a revolutionary idea in the evolution of the others’ people thinking?

2. Can you customize your vision according to the significance, which people give to their lives?

For only the vision can make them see their expectations fulfilled, to enrich their lives and to change their attitude towards it. In other words, the vision constitutes an impulse that is transmitted from person to person. It is enough for your vision to change one person, for this in his turn to transmit it further.

For illustrating the leadership imposed by the vision, the leader is not called to apply long ago-known and used networks. He must integrate into the content of his own vision that dominant message whose propagation rate to awaken, to stir up some strong emotions based on the unique and complex process of intuition that he coordinates, communicating his feelings in an own way - that is to be able to summarize it in a creative way the impressions transmitted by his own reality and the voice of his conscience.

Starting from this process of spontaneous change, but also induced, due to the leader's vision - of that clear vision, ambitious, remarkable, perhaps complex, perhaps simple, on short or long-term, which do not distort the reality, people will start to slowly feel the need of an outflow from the authority of traditionalism, of the way of seeing things, and acting. They will move into another stage of development and maturation, at the beginning of observing the change process and awareness of the new situations, in which they are set, of the positive effects or at the risk, to which they are exposed, leaning carefully and freely towards the surrounding reality.

Vision in leadership refers to the attitude you adopt in those extreme situations in which people react according to your instructions, with the hope that they are accompanied by a holy and lofty call to proclaim the power of “the One” who wants to be feared, and fragility of “the One” who asks to be loved.

Vision Raises Your Expectations if you begin to perceive it as a blessing because you yourself are a part of its reward, because thanks to it you can reach the level of a prudent man who knows that life can always take an unexpected turn. As a leader, you need to develop the ability to keep your vision steady in complex situations, and to believe strongly in your heart that nothing can stop you from reaching your goal.

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