Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

The White Page In The Book Of Appointments

On March 20, 2013
, in
Leadership S4-Quartz by Neculai Fantanaru

Discover the opportunity of moving to a different status, assigning a maximum quota to your own nature.

Once more, the ruthless assassin, at the forefront of his knight of darkness movement, unleashes his instinctive fury. This time, against an important mobster, who had the audacity to disturb his inner peace.

But beside Anton Chigurh and his victim hit by the fatality laser, sits resigned, like a white page, a frail and fearful suspect, who is not in the "book of appointments". A nobody, a poor accountant who does not find the courage to act in any way, to come forward with any comments. However, he does not run, but decently answers the questions he is being asked. He chose the right tool, found the means to determine the assassin to go through a special experience, which brought his enlivening redemption.

It is enough for Anton to breathe, that immediately the nerves of this poor little fellow become tense, the upper limit of his normal tension is reached. A covalent bond is preferentially established between close personal and spiritual elements. Trust, faith and hope break into more and more isolated molecules.

Something happens, something unusual. The assassin stands bewildered in front of the only witness of his horrible crime, while the witness stands dumbfounded before the assassin’s mild and unprecedented attitude. It is a mutual transformation between two types of energy, releasing some heat producing a partial ice melting in Anton’s personality.

Leadership: Does the experience of a feeling of the type “I’m tired of responding to challenges” experienced following a revelation of feeling and high thinking make you seek your identity in a world of finding the Self connected to the dying conditions of life?

Can we doubt of it? The innocent releases une lumière nouvelle as defense, a superlative mood, something more mysterious than human reason can create and for which there is no explanation. As a miraculous medicine against death and disease, not yet invented worldwide, kept hidden in the small laboratory of his being.

And what medicine ! Instead of the classical method of removing any witnesses, Anton gives signs of personality recovery, he represses his addiction to kill. He seems to have found comfort from his neighbor, a sweet reason to part with any vain and sinful initiative. Is it an idealization intention?

Anton becomes prone to inertia, risking losing his originality, becoming feeble and clumsy, petrifying too early in a profession that demands "No Mercy" .

He is no longer penetrated by that normal credo of his conscience, "Safety first" , but for the first time, his brutal momentum is canceled altogether. He seems to raise the human being to a higher level. By his own reaction force, he eliminates the barriers of nonconformity in the paroxysm. Murphy’s Law: "If something bad can happen, it will happen for sure" fails this time, radically changing its meaning.

Anton sees for the very first time the necessity and opportunity of transferring to another status, from a noble reason, carefully and unhurried giving a maximum quotation to human dimension. It is some kind of conductivity, an amount of positive energy immediately crosses the sensitive section of his personality on an unusual length.

Thus, the volcano suspends its activity and becomes passive. At least for a while. *

Leadership: Can fighting with your own variants of “being” serve as a pretext for experiencing a certain shade of moralism that loses its consistency through a combination of weaknesses and unfortunate circumstances?

Have you found the means to stimulate the most audacious experience of those around you? Are you instinct with that normal credo of consciousness, "Safety first" ? Can you remove the barriers of nonconformity by your own reaction force? Can you stabilize your terrible addiction of following an improper way to your personality?

In the transition to the haven of becoming, the first half that individualizes you – the one that stimulates the most audacious experiences does not always lead to real heights of progress, but often to a right-down battle with your own variants of "being". The first variant considers the cause of a certain emotional disturbance or poor lifestyle, and the other variant (in an isolated way) has the meaning of conscious experimentation of the sense of being an initiative center regarding the sustainability of “costs” necessary for life, to be a recipient of outside saturations of restlessness.

Thus is born a definite battle inside you, a permanent oscillation between opposites: good or bad, great or tragic. Before raising the curtain of change, the ravishing questions of your existence start to struggle in a captive manner: "Who am I really? Am I a direct symptom of my own weakness? Or a solid cornerstone in other people’s lives?"

A terrible idea appears: Is leadership an ornament? Maybe it is. Because it is the most valuable asset of rare beings, of those gifted with the ability to distinguish between the two sides of personality that defines them, those who have "the genius" or at least "the talent" to change that unsustainable and unstable state of "being".

To experience a certain shade of moralism means to assume responsibility for a change, a renewal or discretion, in relation to the values of its own survival in a context such as “What have I gained from the tragedy of this happening?”

Values such as: free will, freedom of expression and choice, tolerance for disappointments and stressful events, truth, justice, equality, compassion, must be part of the arsenal of power to choose whether or not to let circumstances dictate how you perceive yourself. Unfortunately, these two projections of excellence, possessed by very few of those who have the happiness to devote themselves to leadership, become only freight trains that carry raw metals somewhere, to processing – whose brakes and steering I seriously doubt.

The leader is the result of sincere search started from the desire to make performance, to make things always come out right în urma unei conjuncturi nefavorabile. It represents the depiction carefully crafted by the two partner entities: "genius" and "talent". The leader’s priority status must be that of a man who knows how to become better, in the courage to acknowledge that he has made mistakes at certain times in his life.

He who went through life, gaining an amount of experiences, understood that the keynote of his own character, the only means of defense against futility and absurdity, but also falsity is the positivism of it, seasoned with a blend of nutritive characteristics: adaptability, integrity, personality recovery, stabilization of the addiction to be a servant of vain and sinful initiatives.

Leadership is the power to change yourself in the conditions of a range of possibilities to choose between what makes you suffer and what makes you feel gratified that you don’t get caught in the trap of biases and limiting beliefs.

The White Page In The Book Of Appointments highlights the (often human) factor involved decisively in your transformation, giving a positive meaning to your existence.

Do you accept the need to focus your mind and will power over your own transformation? Do you have the courage to confront your deepest obsessions? Do you need that quality often missing from the "industry leaders’" baggage of qualities?

Discover the opportunity of moving to a different status, giving the highest quota to your own nature.

* Note: "No Country for Old Men (2007)"

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