Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Thoughts Rarely Confessed Around Art

On February 02, 2019
, in
Leadership Know How by Neculai Fantanaru

In art you must feel the indirect presence of the painter in full creative process, but at the same time you must see yourself as the survivor of a deserted world.

I was trying to see everything from the point of view of a shadow over a part of my life, specific to a writer’s solitude in relation to the act of creation, before proceeding to the successful crowning of an innovative way of thinking. Before attempting to recreate a foreign reality of everything I had experienced before, loaded with the mystery of a suspenseful narrative, it was the very experience of an art anchored in the tumult of life.

The shadow symbolizes the hidden aspects of the self, referring to those parts of my personality that have been rejected by the clarity of a visual artistic image, a support material for the poetry of a painting that the viewer had to judge after the cause of formal inertia, the glory of some special moment, emblematic and full of emotional load.

I had never been absorbed in the implications of such a strange chiaroscuro of the ambiguity of the state of mind, in the face of a moment that seemed to bring together many different dimensions and realities in one place. Any attempt to get closer to art was a simple experience of deduction, a search for another being in its own memory, black and deceptive, with a certainty that puts a new instance in the circuit of the fictional world: “The Perfect Metaphor”.

The theory of artistic knowledge is naturally based on light, as most of the arts are visual. But in this case, it seemed to capture a corner from the inferno of a resurrected empire, a subject that can only be handled by the Science-Fiction Project of a writer who uses the word in the sense of the essence of a physical and moral entity beyond the boundaries of a conventional creation.

To this phenomenon of assuming a twilight ambiance I tried to give a shade of mystery, a complex intrigue, intelligently dozed suspense, for my art to get thriller accents with many themes to think. The fastest way to develop an area with the potential to attract viewers was to capture myself in a perfect black and white that places the picture in a wider framework of thought and reflection.

Leadership: Can you imprint a new meaning of the visual image that harnesses the suggestions of a structuring metaphor so that you adorn your art with the quality of fulfilling exigencies demanded by emotions?

Art loads you with meaning, but also with tension. When everything is seen as a wave of fog, as if drowning your whole existence in a field of significance impregnated by the introspections brought to the area of a sinister phenomenon, you are entitled to admit yourself into the skin of an artist who attributes new properties to things they do not depend on the external illumination, but only on an innovative way of looking at them in an isolation context.

Certainly, the perfect metaphor that fit my small incursion into a poetic self given to an abysmal introspection could be expressed as: “the deaf and deep pain of a lost mind”.

The visual image created here points to the negative of a life that accumulates the greatest mystery: the purity of facing reality, ego, pain, fear, destiny, whatever it is. It does not portray the face of an anxious man, but that area of emotions within its being through a thickening of the coat, through the predominance of cold and wiped colors (gray, blue).

One of the requirements imposed by powerful emotions and revealing a comparison on what defines you as an artist is the ability to see within your model a different side to your nature and a different side of the same suffering that binds both of you.

It was quite difficult to define the projection of my presence in a sort of a “place out of nowhere” from the utopia of thoughts, dreams or memories experienced as experiences of access to a new state of self-consciousness, one of a “monthly” type. But not impossible, because in art matters more the plan of sensible perceptual expression from the context of the concrete experience than the context of the revelation of the role of a personality forgotten by the world.

In my case, I think that abstract expressionism could have gone as an initiative to build a transition area into another realm, described with the sobriety of the erudite historian as a photographic retrospective approach that includes the nostalgia called to embody the image of a reality absent from daily life.

Art centered on applying a form of captivity to the states and opposing thoughts between which the individual pendulates, actually marks the shift from a dramatic effect, without illumination, to the cursive narrative course that allows for the knowledge of a new human hypostasis and a new reality.

Leadership: Can you see the world beyond the character that represents you, by manifesting a state of consciousness that fully assumes the created reality?

In the “Soft Light” episode of the famous X-Files series, the key character (Chester Ray Banton) is always illustrated in a dimly lit area, in a semi-darkness that, along with the anxiety of his own consciousness begins to press him harder and harder. He is a scientist who studies black matter and its interactions, and his shadow has somehow developed the ability to disintegrate the people who encounter it.

All the mysterious disappearances of the people who came into his shadow were recorded after an incident in his laboratory with an active particle accelerator, in which he was trapped, being exposed to a large dose of subatomic particles.

A possibility of relieving guilt tries to find a place in his mind: “the only way to escape my shadow is to hide in the darkness.” We’re not dealing with the broadening of a frame of disseminating artistic information here, but with deepening into a gray world, the spontaneous form of grim content of life, thoughts and emotions, having the effect of accepting moral constraints and adopting the fantastic as the only justification for the most serious facts.

The inner logic of the individual touched by the command of a fissured destiny, the tendency to move away from others, dictates the growing interpenetration of actions shaped by a process of sensitizing the spectator to capture the subtleties of a world that is not experienced in the raw reality. Basically, everything happens in the spirit of a humanism that needs to characterize the less accessible people, entitled to benefit from a special understanding and tolerance.

This episode helped me see the world beyond the character that represented me in real life, by manifesting a state of consciousness that fully assumes the reality created due to an excessive torment and a confrontation with the dark side of what was taking place in my brain.

Art must first be judged based on the attachment to the character you play in accordance with your feelings so that you can benefit from a full understanding of the impact strongly felt by the evolution of your consciousness.

Thoughts Rarely Confessed Around Art refer to means of expression that can change the content of a grim picture through a predominant color.

When it comes to art, you must feel the indirect presence of the painter in full creative process, but at the same time you must see yourself in the survival of a deserted world that no one loves. This is the paradox of a life carried on two parallel planes and at the same time the reason why an artist suggests an interesting idea, but does not fully reveal the primary meaning.

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